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Some application servers do not support TLS and therefore require SSL 3.0 communication, which is disabled by default for App Visibility Manager internal communication, to protect against the POODLE vulnerability.


If your system requires SSL 3.0 communication and the POODLE vulnerability is not a concern for your environment, use the following procedure to enable SSL 3.0.
  1. Open the properties file for each component in a text editor:

    • Portal: portal_installationDirectory\portal\properties\
    • Each collector: collector_installationDirectory\collector\properties\
  2. Comment out (add a # character to the beginning of the line) the tomcat.ciphers property.
  3. Add SSLv3 to the list of tomcat.ssl.enabled.protocols property and save the file.
  4. Open the file on each computer, located in the installationDirectory/ADOP_JRE/lib/security directory.
  5. Remove SSLv3 from the list of the jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms property and save the file.
  6. Restart the service.

After a few minutes, the agents can connect to the portal and collector.

Related topics

Enabling communication between App Visibility agents and server components

Changing App Visibility portal settings

Starting and stopping the App Visibility server services

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