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By using the custom field configuration API, you create and modify custom fields.

The system has a flexible data model that enables you to create your own data fields, called custom fields, based on what is most relevant to your business. For example, if your web application uses a custom HTTP header, such as "XInfo" that contains relevant information, such as customer ID, you can configure the system to capture this data and include it in its data model.

You can create custom fields from the following data sources found in user traffic:

  • URI query parameters
  • POST command parameters
  • Cookie parameters
  • HTTP headers
  • Request and response content

After you select a custom data source, you can also apply a wide variety of transformations, such as a substring extraction.

Before the system begins to extract data from the custom field, the Security role must approve each custom field, because some of the data extracted from it might be sensitive customer data.

Related topic

Using custom fields to filter traffic, export data, or monitor error conditions