Page tree

The system distinguishes user sessions in your web traffic, or sessionizes it. Typically, systems track a session using a single session tag and marks the end of a session by using a timeout. Your web application, however, might be more complex. For example, session tags might change during a session, or the session termination criteria might be more definitive than a timeout.

The Session Detection (or sessionization) feature enables you to configure the system to do the following:

  • Regroup hits that normally would not be recognized as a part of the same session by Creating sessionization rules
  • Use specific criteria to terminate the session by Creating session termination rules 
  • Scope session tracking rules with filters (conditional tracking)
  • Track sessions that are transferred to other servers (multi-token sessionization)
  • Track sessions with mutating groups (for example, a morphing IIS ViewState cookie)

By default, BMC Real End User Experience Monitoring Software Edition sessionizes web traffic by client IP addresses (both IPv4 and IPv6). Alternatively, you can configure different sessionization rules to apply to portions of your web traffic. To see which part of the traffic is sessionized by which rules, in a Real User Analyzer, point to Administration > Data flow settings and click Session detection. You will see graphical representation of the sessionization process.

Related topics

Configuring page detection

Configuring object-type detection