Page tree

Web pages are made up of multiple objects. To properly construct pages, you must establish rules to differentiate types of objects:

  • Redirects represent objects that refer to another location.Typically, the server identifies a redirect with an HTTP status code in the 300s.
  • Containers normally cause the browser to load additional content to satisfy the container's (that is, the web page's) needs, such as HTML, JSP, ASP, and PHP.
  • Components always support containers, such as GIF, JPG, CSS, JavaScript, applets, and ActiveX. All Component objects must have a Container parent page record. When a hit (HTTP request and response pair) is classified as a Component and no associated parent Container is detected, it is determined to be orphaned. The object is displayed as a Document in the Session Browser; however, the record type remains a Component. (In a filter expression, the is_promoted_document expression can be used to identify orphan Components.)
  • Documents are stand-alone resources that do not require any support, such as PDF files and spreadsheets.

The object-type detection policy is a prioritized list of object-type detection rules. Each rule defines a set of objects and associates it with one of the four object types. Also see Configuring page detection.

By default, BMC Real End User Experience Monitoring Software Edition comes with object-type detection rules that define how the file types or HTTP statuses should be treated by the system.

Default object-type detection policies






http_status in (300, 301, 302, 303, 307)



url.extension in ("pdf","doc","xml")



mime_type startswith "image" || mime_type contains "javascript"



url.extension in ("asp", "jsp", "do", "exe", "htm", "dll", "html", "shtml", "php", "ph3", "ph4", "php3", "php4", "php5", "phtml")



url.extension in ("js","css","gif","jpg","jpeg","png", "GIF", "swf")



mime_type = "text/html" or mime_type = "text/plain"


Default catch-all

If a file does not match to any rule, it is considered as a container.

To view the object-type detection policies, go to a Real User Analyzer, point to Administration > Data flow settings, and click Object type detection.

To create an object-type detection policy

The Default catch-all object-type detection policy covers the most typical use cases, but you might find situations in which you need to either alter its default rules or create a new policy. For example:

  • Your web application processes a specific file type that is not yet detected.
  • You need the system to treat XML files as documents only when they are downloaded from your web application by unregistered users.

Because these exceptional issues are not handled by the default rules, you must either alter the existing rules or create a new object-type detection policy.

Object-type detection policy is a prioritized list of object-type detection rules that apply to an object when a certain condition is true.

To perform this procedure, you must have Operator-level access, or higher.

  1. On the Administration page of a Real User Analyzer, click Object type detection.

  2. On the Action menu, click Add.
  3. Provide a descriptive policy name.
  4. In the Expression field, define a condition that must be satisfied for the policy to execute.
    Use the Expression Builder to help you provide the most precise query.
  5. Click Save.
    You have provided the condition, and now you must fill this policy with rules for object-type detection.
  6. In the object-type detection policy that you have created, click Add object type detection rule.
  7. Select an object type .
  8. In the Expression box, specify a filter expression to identify which objects are comprised by this object type.
  9. Click Save.
  10. Repeat from step 6 to define all the types.

    Objects that are not defined by this policy are processed by the Default catch-all policy.

Related topics

Configuring page detection

Configuring session detection and viewing sessionization status