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This topic provides information about configuring OS command line execution (local scripts) in the Central Monitoring Administration and TrueSight console. To configure the scripts, set the following preferences on the Add Monitoring Configuration dialog.

Monitoring SolutionVersionMonitor ProfileMonitor Type
Script1.0.00ScriptOS command line execution

Click  button to configure the Scripts

Script details


Enter a display name for the script. A container will be created with the script display name.

This container will hold the attributes for this script instance. Input must match ^[0-9a-zA-Z._%:-]+$ regular expression pattern.

For example, the display name can be,, and so on.


Enter the absolute path to the script file located on the local device or a shell command.

Execution command example:

echo 12345;echo Test;ls -la; ps -ef | grep Ag

Script path example:

The script path for a local script on your computer can be /root/xyz_foldername/apps/myAppsCPU.bash

The path for built in scripts provided with the KM must be $PATROL_HOME\TRO\Conf\Scripts\Samples\<script_name>


Enter the arguments that will be passed during the script execution. The arguments must be separated by a space character.


A script file that measures the log file size must have the argument of the log file name.

Content match

Beyond monitoring for numeric values the KM is capable of monitoring a specific text pattern returned by the script during execution. This is useful, when you need to enable a certain value where the actual numeric value is the same.

The KM scans for a value defined in this field. It returns an annotation text along with the value and the that text defined in this field. A single or a semicolon separated list of regular expressions is supported.

User Name

(Optional) Enter the user name. Enter credentials only when you want to execute a script that requires special permissions.

Note: If this filed is left blank the PATROL Agent user account is used.


If the PATROL Agent user does not have the permission to run a script located in the root directory, you need to provide these credentials to ensure smooth execution of the script.

Password(Optional) Enter the password corresponding to the user name. 
Confirm Password(Optional) Re-enter the password for confirmation.
OKClick to save the configuration.
CancelClick to close the configuration dialog.

1 Comment

  1. QM002223059 - Support Multiple Instances in Script Output when running on local machine.