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Automatic application discovery is driven by the way end users access and request services from your business applications. End users access the web application through a URL, and App Visibility provides a way to name applications by identifying common URL construction and patterns.

You, as an application specialist, can configure application discovery so that you can group requests with a common purpose under one application name, and separate requests with different purposes accordingly.

For example, suppose users access your application through one of the following URLs:


Depending on your requirements, you can group all of these requests under one application name, My Company, or separate them under different application names: My Company news, My Company blog, and My Company photos.

You can also identify and discard requests that are not relevant to your application monitoring environment, for example, requests that originate from the application servers and not from end users.

This topic describes the following topics:

Parts of a URL

The name of an automatically discovered application is determined by the application URL. You can configure the application discovery based on pattern matching in the domain, path, or both. The parts of the URL are displayed in the following diagram.

Parts of a URL

The domain part of the URL includes the host name (www), subdomain (if applicable), domain (example), and the top-level domain (com).

The path part of the URL is the full path to the resource. For example, the path can include the directory (weather) and file (today.jsp) names.

For configuring App Visibility application discovery, the protocol or query parts of the URL are not used.

Before you begin

Configuring application discovery

You can tune the application discovery, grouping some applications together, separating some, and discarding those that are not useful for your evaluation. Define patterns in the application URL to configure the application discovery.

  1. From the Operations Management console navigation pane, select Configuration > Application Discovery.
  2. From the Application Discovery Rules action menu, select Edit.
  3. Add a discovery rule using one of the following methods:
    • To add a rule to the top of the list, from the Edit Application Discovery Rules action menu, select Add Rule.
    • To add a rule under an existing rule, click the Add Rule icon.
  4. Select Path or Domain and enter the required pattern.
    • Rules can include only alphanumeric Latin characters, spaces, and the following characters:
      ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . : ; < = > ? @ [ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~
    • Path names are case sensitive, although they might be treated as case insensitive by some servers.
    • You can use a wildcard (*) to represent a part of the domain or a part of the path, but not both.

    Examples of wildcard use in the Domain or Path fields

    • Match part of the domain name

      Domain: *

    • Match part of the path for a specific domain

      Path: /app/*

      Only if domain is:

    For more examples, see Examples of application discovery rules, below.

  5. Select Map to name, and enter a name or name pattern, or select Discard to remove the application.
    If you used a wildcard (*) in the Domain or Path fields, you can enter the wildcard as part of the application name. In the application name, the wildcard represents the same string that it represents in the domain or path.

    Example of wildcard use in the application name

    If you use a wildcard in the Domain field, such as, *, you can use a wildcard in the Map to name field, such as, My Company *.

    For more examples, see Examples of application discovery rules, below.


    Ensure that the resulting application name is no longer than 255 characters. Application names greater than 255 characters are not displayed in the Operations Management console.

  6. Click the Enter icon to confirm the addition of the rule.


    After you enter or edit a rule, it is not saved in the system until you click the Save button.

  7. Click the Move Up or Move Down arrows to adjust the order of the rules.
    Rules are implemented in the order of the list: after a rule applies to a request, the following rules are ignored for that request.
  8. Click Save.

Examples of application discovery rules

The following examples show how to define rules to show descriptive application names:

Match part of the domain name, wildcard in name

Domain: *

Map to name: My Company *

Examples maps to the My Company news application maps to the My Company blog application maps to the My Company photos application

Match part of the domain name, fixed name

Domain: *

Map to name: My Company

Examples maps to the My Company application maps to the My Company application maps to the My Company application

Match part of the path for a specific domain

Path: /app/*

Only if domain is:

Map to name: *

Examples maps to the jobs application maps to the news application maps to the community application

Discard specific requests

Path: /support-console


Examples is not part of the system



Preconfigured application discovery rules


1Domain: www.*.comMap to name: *If a domain starts with www. and ends with .com, use the subdomain and domain part of the URL as the application name.For, the application name is mycompany.
2Domain: *.comMap to name: *If a URL domain ends with .com, use everything before this top-level domain part of the URL as the application name.For, the application name is blog.mycompany.
3Domain: localhostDiscardDiscard requests that originate from the application servers.The http://localhost/test request is not part of the system.

Discard requests that originate from the application servers.

The request is not part of the system.
5Domain: [::1]DiscardDiscard requests that originate from the application servers.The http://[::1]/test request is not part of the system.
6Domain: *Map to name: *Use the domain part of the URL as the application name.For, the application name is

Where to go from here

Perform one or more of the following procedures:

Related topics

Setting up applications for monitoring

Setting up and managing synthetic transaction monitoring

Application models



