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In a service provider and tenant deployment, the service provider hosts and manages the TrueSight systems that enable subscribers (tenants) to effectively manage their IT services through application and infrastructure monitoring and to ensure they are meeting Service Level Agreements (SLAs). Deploy the various agents and other monitors on key systems in the tenant environment. The data collected is managed and analyzed by the hosted TrueSight environment. The following illustration shows the location where a service provider deploys the BMC TrueSight Operations Management and data providers components and where the tenant deploys the agents for collecting data.

Operations Management service provider and tenant deployment

The following table describes the location of each component in the delivery of Operations Management.

Installed locationComponentDeployment guidelines for service providers
Service provider environmentBMC Atrium Single Sign-On and the BMC Atrium SSO Admin Console

BMC Atrium Single Sign-On is required to register a tenant with a Presentation Server, identify the data providers for that tenant, administer authentication to the BMC TrueSight Operations Management Console, and administer permissions for the BMC TrueSight Operations Management console functions and data. A single BMC Atrium SSO can support one or more Presentation Servers. 

Service provider environmentPresentation Server, including the BMC TrueSight Operations Management Console

Integrations to the Presentation Server will be associated with the tenant registered to that Presentation Server.

Service provider environmentBMC TrueSight Infrastructure Management Server, including the Infrastructure Management consoles

Each Infrastructure Management server can support a single tenant only. A tenant is associated with the Infrastructure Management Server when the component is registered with the Presentation Server.

In a multiple Infrastructure Management server deployment (such as separate development, test, and production servers), service providers can designate to which environments the tenants will have access by registering a tenant for the Presentation Server supporting that environment. For information about multiple-server environments, see Infrastructure Management multiple-server deployment architecture Open link .

Integrations to the Infrastructure Management server should be dedicated to the tenant associated with that server.

Service provider environmentBMC TrueSight App Visibility Manager

Each App Visibility portal can support a single tenant or BmcRealm only, and all App Visibility server components (collectors and proxies) must be dedicated to that tenant. A tenant is associated with the App Visibility proxy when the component is registered with the Presentation Server.

Tenant environmentIntegration Service hostsDeploy the Integration Service hosts associated to the Infrastructure Management server in the tenant's environment. Service providers or tenants can configure Integration Service hosts by launching Central Monitoring Administration from the BMC TrueSight Operations Management console.
Tenant environment

PATROL Agents and monitoring solutions

Transaction response time and third party transaction monitors

Deploy monitoring solutions and agents on the systems to be monitored in the tenant's environment. Service Providers or tenants can deploy PATROL Agents and monitoring policies from Central Monitoring Administration, and send agent configuration information to the PATROL Agent through the Infrastructure Management Server and the Integration Service.

Tenant environmentApp Visibility agent

Deploy the App Visibility agent on the application servers in the tenant's environment. Service providers or tenants can configure App Visibility agents from the BMC TrueSight Operations Management console.

Tenant environment

Borland Silk Performer Synthetic Transaction Monitoring for BMC Software and the BMC Synthetic Transaction Execution Adapter (TEA) Agent

Deploy SilkPerformer and the TEA Agent on the application servers in the tenant's environment. Service providers or tenants can configure TEA agents from the BMC TrueSight Operations Management console.

For additional deployment details about the components described in this table, see BMC TrueSight Operations Management basic deployment.

The service provider (Solution Administrator for the BmcRealm) defines tenants and the tenant users who can manage their environment and data collection, depending upon the level of support offered by the service provider (full or partial management). Similarly, the service provider can monitor application health and IT infrastructure on behalf of the tenant or provide tenant users access to consoles for monitoring. Tenant access to data and to consoles is controlled by adding tenants and defining their access in Authorization Profiles. For information about defining tenants and tenant permissions, see Adding realms to BMC Atrium Single Sign-On.

Related topics

Access control for administrators of service providers

Deployment use cases

Planning worksheets

System requirements