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This topic describes the key features in version 10.0.00 of the BMC TrueSight Operations Management product.

BMC TrueSight Operations Management console

The BMC TrueSight Operations Management console provides the interface for monitoring and diagnosing failures and for configuring the Presentation Server that consumes information from the following data providers:

For more information, see BMC TrueSight Operations Management overview.

BMC TrueSight Presentation Server

The Presentation Server hosts the web-based Operations Management console functions and consumes events and performance data from the data providers to provide a consolidated set of views for monitoring the infrastructure from an application context. In addition to data presentation, the Presentation Server performs functions such as role-based access control and data management functions such as storage and persistence. The Presentation Server supports integrations to other products, high availability, and disaster recovery. User management and multitenancy support is enabled through integrated system authentication with BMC Atrium Single Sign-On.

The Presentation Server also supports IPv6 communication and is supported on localized operating system platforms and browsers.

For more information, see BMC TrueSight Operations Management architecture.


The new TrueSight Operations Management console provides the following benefits:

  • Enhanced UI to view the devices and events originating from the Infrastructure Management and App Visibility components
  • Reduced number of consoles and simplified deployment that promotes consistent user experience

For more information, see Getting started with devices and events.



Application visibility for IT Operations

App Visibility is an application performance management tool. No matter where your applications are hosted, you, the IT Operations operator, can see real-time, end-to-end visibility from an end-user transaction to a single line of code. Application monitoring and management provides you with a visual representation of the business applications in your environment, and the ability to identify and diagnose issues. Together, App Visibility and Infrastructure Management provide the ability to monitor your network in the context of an application:

  • Real-time topological application model for IT Operations
  • Graphical views of the status and high-level information of all applications that you can filter and sort to easily identify the root cause of an issue and resolve it
  • Enhanced application tiers view with network and user impact information as well as auto detecting the web, business and database tiers
  • Ability to count the number of users and point where latency issues occur
  • Dashlets that monitor the health of applications that are most important to you, and to see the impact that application health has on your users

See also, App Visibility changes in architecture and views.

Application View and diagnostics

The Application View acquires data from App Visibility to present a holistic end-to-end view of the application that displays the performance and availability of real users and synthetic executions, network, and back-end tiers. From the Application View, you delve into issues that could affect your end users. You can investigate the root cause and reduce the time it takes to find the source of application problems.


Application models

An application model is a topological representation of a business or IT application, and the relationship of the infrastructure components (that is, devices and monitor instances) that are required to support or provide functionality to the application. For information about application models with application monitoring, see Getting started with application monitoring.

Application models are not dependent upon configuration items (CIs) from the BMC Atrium Configuration Management Database (CMDB). They can be created automatically by Operations Management for web-based applications with BMC TrueSight App Visibility or created manually for applications that are not web-based.


Service models are still supported by BMC TrueSight Infrastructure Management. A service model can be created from BMC Atrium CMDB or defined in the BMC TrueSight Infrastructure Management administration console. For more information, see  Defining service models Open link .


Business service state from service models defined in Infrastructure Management

If you have defined service models in BMC TrueSight Infrastructure Management, the configuration item (CI) for top-level business service will be imported into the Applications page as a service application after you connect a BMC TrueSight Infrastructure Management Server to BMC TrueSight Operations Management. For information about how to configure this option, see Configuring business services and other CIs to appear in the Applications page 


Customized and consolidated views with dashboards

The dashboards feature enables you to create consolidated and customized graphical views of your environment. You construct a dashboard by selecting a dashlet template and configuring it to access data about your monitored systems or applications. When the configured dashlet highlights a problem, you can also use it as an entry point to investigate and troubleshoot the root cause. The ability to share dashboards enables members of work groups to create and maintain a single dashboard that they can all use. If you find a shared dashboard that you like, you can copy it and use it as is or modify it as necessary.

For more information about creating and using dashboards, see the following topics:


Synthetic transaction monitoring

Synthetic transaction monitoring includes the following improvements:

  • Setup is streamlined, with all of the configurations performed from a single page. This feature includes SLAs defined globally at the application level and at the more specific Execution Plan level, one-time or recurring blackout settings, and more. See Editing an application's synthetic settings for more details.
  • Synthetic monitoring is available at multiple levels (application, Execution Plan, location, execution, etc.) so you can drill down to the level that you need. See Monitoring synthetic transactions to predict application health for more details.
  • Migration of scripts and configurations from BMC Transaction Management Application Response Time (TM ART) is included. See Migrating from BMC TM ART for more details.


Common administration

The BMC TrueSight Operations Management console provides Solution Administrators with a consolidated interface for performing the following activities:

  • Connecting the Presentation Server to its data providers and integrating with other products
  • Setting up data collection and monitoring for IT Operations
  • Administering role-based access control to the data and monitoring features

For authentication of users and tenant management, Operations Management integrates out of the box with BMC Atrium Single Sign-on.

To get started with Solution Administration, see Getting started with solution administration in the Operations Management console.

Common monitoring functions

The Presentation Server and Operations Management console provide the following common features for setting up monitoring views:

  • Dashboards
  • Application models
  • Groups


BMC Atrium Single Sign-On authentication and multitenancy support

BMC Atrium Single Sign-On provides user account and tenant management to BMC TrueSight Operations Management. Solution Administrators create accounts and tenants in BMC Atrium Single Sign-On and can view accounts in the Operations Management console. For more information, see 

Managing users Open link  in the BMC Atrium Single Sign-On documentation.


Role-based access control

The Presentation Server provides role-based access control to data, system features, and features enabled by the data providers. In the Operations Management console, Solution Administrators define authorization profiles that control data access and the users' ability to perform functions. For more information, see Role-based access and Managing users and access control.



App Visibility changes in architecture and views

While the architecture between the App Visibility server components and agents is the same as BMC Application Diagnostics 2.6, registration of the App Visibility portal on the Presentation Server through the Operations Management console greatly simplifies integration with Infrastructure Management.

The Operations Management console has the following changes:

  • Service-level agreement (SLA) thresholds can be set for the entire application, not just the entry-point level.
  • Limited monitoring is available for application server metrics.
  • Application server data (as from the previous Applications Servers view) is available through integration with Infrastructure Management.
  • App Visibility server components connect only through HTTPS and provide increased security.

The following configuration options are available with the help of Customer Support:

  • Collector Policies
  • Recording Configuration
  • Entry Point Configuration
  • Integration Configuration
  • Technology Configuration

Upgrade from BMC TrueSight App Visibility Manager 2.6 or BMC ProactiveNet 9.6

You can upgrade the App Visibility components using the upgrade wizard, or with the silent upgrade procedure, and deploy the silent upgrade to several computers. All connection and configuration information is saved when upgrading from App Visibility Manager 2.6.

Component name changes in Operations Management

The following table lists BMC ProactiveNet and BMC Application Diagnostics component names that have changed in Operations Management.

Previous component

Component in Operations Management


Infrastructure Management

Application Diagnostics

App Visibility

Central Server

Presentation Server

Child Server

Infrastructure Management Server


Online and offline Help options

The BMC TrueSight Operations Management product provides online documentation from a website hosted by BMC that the product accesses when you click a Help link. To access Help when running the product from a computer that does not have internet access, you must change your user preferences to use the offline version.