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BMC recommends that you perform custom changes to already defined properties in the custom/pronet.conf file to retain the changes for upgrades.

This topic lists security considerations and recommendations that ensure maximum security while using Infrastructure Management.

BMC TrueSight Infrastructure Management Server security considerations

Running Infrastructure Management over HTTPS interface

To disable HTTP interface and run Infrastructure Management over HTTPS, configure the Apache configuration file httpd.conf and remove entries for port 80. httpd.conf is located in the following directories, depending on your operating system:

  • (Solaris or Linux): InstallationDirectory/pw/apache/conf
  • (Microsoft Windows): InstallationDirectory\pw\ApacheGroup\Apache

Location of the HTTPS/SSL private key on BMC TrueSight Infrastructure Management Server

  • (Solaris or Linux): InstallationDirectory/pw/apache/conf/
    Read only by the root user (Infrastructure Management Install User)
  • (Windows): InstallationDirectory\pw\ApacheGroup\Apache which can be read only by the root (Infrastructure Management install User) user.

Setting automatic log out of users after a certain period of inactivity

By default, inactive users are logged out of the Operations Console after 24 hours. However, you can customize Infrastructure Management globally for all users:

  1. Set the pronet.html.globalsession.timeout property in the pronet.conf file located in the InstallationDirectory/pw/custom/conf directory.
  2. If you change this property, make sure to set the same log out period in the Tomcat configuration file InstallationDirectory/pw/tomcat/conf/web.xml (line 321).

  3. Restart the TrueSight Infrastructure Management server process by running the command:
    pw system start


    When the TrueSight Infrastructure Management server is restarted, all users will be logged out.

Configuring Apache server to accept only SSL v3 requests

Add the entry SSLProtocol +SSLv3 just above the directive SSLEngine on, in the Apache httpd-ssl.conf configuration file. httpd-ssl.conf is located in the following directories, depending on your operating system:

  • (Solaris or Linux): InstallationDirectory/pw/apache/conf
  • (Microsoft Windows): InstallationDirectory\pw\ApacheGroup\Apache

Integration Service security

Restricting the Integration Service to receive connections from a specific IPAddress

Use the following property in pronet.conf:

Configuring agent controller to present a specific IP Address to an Integration Service if server has more than one NIC

Set the following property in the custom/pronet.conf file:
If the server's computer has more than one IP (more than one NIC), set this property to the IP address that the agent controller will present while connecting to the agent.