Page tree

The following table provides information about the configuration variables for configuring Sybase environment such as Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE), Replication Server, Adaptive Server IQ (IQ Server), and SQL AnyWhere. You can use PATROL Configuration Manager to add values to the configuration variable for configuring Sybase environment. For more information about how to add values, see Configuring using PATROL Configuration Manager.



  • The value, Manual in the value column of the table indicates that there is no predefined value for the configuration variable and you must manually enter a value for those variable.
  • Each variable within "<input> </input>" should be replaced by the user's variable.

    For exapmle, for the ruleset, "/SYBASE/EnvList" = { REPLACE = "<input>INSTANCE_NAME</input>" }, the variable, <input>INSTANCE_NAME</input>" should be replaced with the Sybase environment name you want to configure.
Configuring Sybase instance  

"/SYBASE/EnvList" = { REPLACE = "<input>INSTANCE_NAME</input>" }

Display name for the Sybase environment you want to configure.

You should not provide any special characters such as "\ */?":<>" in the environment name field.





= { REPLACE = "<input>JAVA_HOME</input>" },

Java Home directoryReplaceManual



= { REPLACE = "<input>JAVA_ARGUMENTS</input>" },

JAVA ArgumentsReplaceManual


/debugFlag" = { REPLACE = "<input>DEBUG_FLAG</input>" },

Enables debuggingReplace
  • 1: Enables the debug at PSL level and sets maximum debug level (Finest) for Java.
  • 0: Disables the debug at PSL level and sets minimum debug level (Info) for Java.


/CollectionDetails" = { REPLACE = "<input>COLLECTION_DETAILS</input>" }

Set environment collection categories detail.

  • 1: Availability—Select this option to check the availability of instances, connections and databases.
  • 2: Full data—Select this option to collect all the monitored groups.
  • 3: Custom data—Select this option to collect only the monitored groups selected from the custom data module types.


/CustomAppList" = { REPLACE = "<input>CUSTOM_DETAILS</input>" },

If you have select custom data as collection details, then select the option to customize data depending the type of Sybase environment you want to configureReplace


  • 1: Databases
  • 2: Capacity
  • 3:Performance
  • 4: Disk
  • 5: Network
  • 6: Application Queue
  • 7: Data Cache
  • 8: Index
  • 9: Kernel
  • 10: Locks
  • 11: Memory
  • 12: Metadata
  • 13: Parallel
  • 14: Procedure Cache
  • 15: Recovery
  • 16: Tasks
  • 17: Transaction Manager
  • 18: Transaction
  • 19: Worker Process
  • 20: Users


  • 1: Replication Agent
  • 2: Partition
  • 3: Queue


  • 1: Databases
  • 2: Capacity
  • 3: Performance

SQL AnyWhere:

  • 1: Databases
  • 2: Capacity
  • 3: Performance


/ServerName" = { REPLACE =

"<input>SYBASE_SERVER_NAME</input>" },

The host name of the system where the Sybase instance is running.ReplaceManual

"/SYBASE/<input>INSTANCE_NAME</input>/Port" =


"<input>SYBASE_PORT_NUM</input>" },

The port number of the Sybase  instance.ReplaceManual


/UserName" = { REPLACE = "<input>SYBASE_USER_NAME</input>" },

The user name that is used to connect to Sybase environment. ReplaceManual


</input>/Password" = 







</input>" },

The password for the user name.ReplaceManual

"/SYBASE/<input>INSTANCE_NAME</input>/Type" =

{ REPLACE = "<input>SYBASE_TYPE</input>" },

The Sybase DB instance typeReplace
  • ASE: Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise
  • Replication: Sybase Replication Servers
  • IQ:Sybase IQ Server
  • SQL AnyWhere: Sybase SQL AnyWhere
Configuring SQL custom query
"/SYBASE/SQL/CMASQLList" = { REPLACE = "<input>QUERY_ID</input>" }Query IDs separated by comma.ReplaceManual


/<input>QUERY_ID</input>/cycle" = { REPLACE = "<input>CYCLE_MIN</input>" }

Collection cycle time in minutes (within the range 1-60) for the Sybase SQL query.ReplaceManual



= { REPLACE = "<input>DB_NAME</input>" },

Database names, separated by comma, on which the above mentioned SQL will run.ReplaceManual



= { REPLACE = "<input>QUERY_ID</input>" },

Query IDReplaceManual



= { REPLACE = "<input>QUERY</input>" }

SQL queryReplaceManual
KM administration


input>/LRT_interval" = { REPLACE = "<input>number (in sec)</input>"}

Sets the value (in seconds) for Long running Trans parameter.ReplaceManual
  • No labels