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The /AgentSetup/sessionsInitMayFail variable determines if the PATROL Agent will start if the port specified in the startup command for the PATROL Agent is not available (which means that the PATROL Agent is unable to bind to any port). The default is no, which means that the PATROL Agent cannot start when the specified port for PATROL Agent is not available. If the variable is set to yes, the PATROL Agent starts, even if the specified port for the PATROL Agent is not available.

If the PATROL Agent cannot bind to the port, it can still run the preloaded KM, but it cannot accept any connection.

Format and type of data

Boolean, yes or no

Default value


Minimum and maximum

Not applicable




In most circumstances, you do not need to change this variable.

Set this variable to yes on remote agents. This enables the agent to monitor an application and collect information from the application's inception. It ensures that the history is complete. The agent cannot communicate with anyone over the network.


This variable does not apply for PATROL Central Operator – Microsoft Windows Edition or PATROL Central Operator — Web Edition.

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