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The PATROL for PostgreSQL KM must have access to the PostgreSQL database to retrieve the data that is reported in the Patrol console, TrueSight console, or BMC Helix Operations Management.

If you receive the following error, the connection between the KM and the database failed because Agent host cannot reach the PostgreSQL database host.

connect to PostgreSQL server: FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "xX.XXX.XX.XXX", user "XXX", database "XXX"

To configure the database so it recognizes the user name, you need to add the following first line of the pg_hba.conf file that is located at .../PostgreSQL/%version%/data. Before you make this change, you must stop the database's service.

host  all   all md5
host  all   all  md5
host all   all  ::1/128  md5

After you have made the change, you must restart the PostgreSQL service.

This change allows all of the users from all of the hosts to access the database host.

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