Page tree

BMC PATROL for Oracle WebLogic supports configuration of the KM without the usage of PATROL Console. this can be performed using PCM. 

The KM installation contains a rule set file for PCM. The rule set file path file is: <<patrol installation home>>\pconfmgr\rulesets\Shipped\srp\3_1_00\srp_ruleSet.cfg.

This file is installed either during custom install of the KM or when it is installed on a host where PCM already exists. The rule set file contains configuration rules required to configure a Oracle WebLogic environment and to enable options for debug reporting.


Some of the values used within PCM are encrypted values and not plain text. For more information on Agent configuration, please refer to the PCM user guide. PATROL Agent can be configured using PATROL tools or BPPM CMA but not both in parallel.

You can add environments using PCM pconfig, using the following template: 

"/SRP/Default/logLevel" = {

"/SRP/Default/WebLogicEnvList" = {
REPLACE = "<<each weblogic environment name you add should be on this list, \n is the seperator>>"

"/SRP/WebLogic/<<environment name>>/healthMonitoring" = {
REPLACE = "<<Type of monitoring: Server & Application availability only=1, General Health=2, WebLogic system controlled=3, Customer collection data Selection=4>>"

"/SRP/WebLogic/<<environment name>>/hostName" = {
REPLACE = "<<hostname or IP of the system on which WebLogic is running. Managed server, or Domain>>"

"/SRP/WebLogic/<<environment name>>/isStandaloneConnection" = {
REPLACE = "<<Connect to admin server as stand alone = 1 , Connect to Full Domain = 0>>"

"/SRP/WebLogic/<<environment name>>/localUser" = {
REPLACE = "<<Local OS account with read and execute permissions on the directory of $WL_HOME>>"

"/SRP/WebLogic/<<environment name>>/runtimeList" = {
REPLACE = "1,10,11,12,13,14,15,2,3,4,4.1,4.1.1,4.1.2,4.1.3,4.1.4,4.1.5,4.2,4.3,5,6,7,8,9"

"/SRP/WebLogic/<<environment name>>/port" = {
REPLACE = "<<Monitored WebLogic port to connect with>>"

"/SRP/WebLogic/<<environment name>>/secure" = {
	REPLACE = "<<WebLogic connection protocol: T3=1, T3S one way ssl=2, T3S two way ssl=3>>"

"/SRP/WebLogic/<<environment name>>/setupCmd" = {
REPLACE = "<<Full path of a setWLSEnv.cmd or e.g. %WL_HOME%\\server\\bin\\setWLSEnv.cmd $WL_HOME/server/bin/>>"

"/SRP/WebLogic/<<environment name>>/userName" = {
REPLACE = "<<WebLogic Global Security account>>"

"/SRP/WebLogic/<<environment name>>/isWL12" = {
REPLACE = "<<is the monitor weblogic server is WL12 and newer>>"

"/SRP/WebLogic/<<environment name>>/serverKeystorePath" = {
REPLACE = "<<when using t3s one way and two way ssl, the Server Trust file should be supply>>"

"/SRP/WebLogic/<<environment name>>/clientIdentifyPEMFile" = {	
REPLACE = "<<when using two way ssl and WL12, the Client Identify PEM file should be supply>>"

"/SRP/WebLogic/<<environment name>>/clientKeyPEMFile" = {
REPLACE = "<<when using two way ssl and WL12, the Client Key PEM file should be supply>>"

"/SRP/WebLogic/<<environment name>>/keystoreFileName" = {
REPLACE = "<<when using two way ssl and older WL, the Client KeyStore JKS file should be supply>>"

"/SRP/WebLogic/<<environment name>>/certificateKeyAlias" = {
REPLACE = "<<when using two way ssl and older WL, the Client Key Alias name should be supply>>"

"/SRP/WebLogic/<<environment name>>/jvmArgs" = {
REPLACE = "<<optinal- JVM args for the java collector>>"

"/SRP/WebLogic/<<environment name>>/disableInstance" = {
REPLACE = "<<optinal -  this will disable the creation of the instance on the patrol tree view>>"

"/SRP/WebLogic/<<environment name>>/BPPMI2D" = {
REPLACE = "<<optinal -  when set to false this will disable the creation of the instance on the patrol tree view>>"

"/SRP/WebLogic/<<environment name>>/diagReport" = {
REPLACE = "<<optinal -  this will generate diagnostic report for support>>"

"/SRP/WebLogic/<<environment name>>/javaDebugLevel" = {
REPLACE = "<<3 = Info (default), 4 = Fine , 5 = Finest>>"

"/SecureStore/BEAWLS_MAIN/<<environment name>>_Pass" = {
REPLACE = "SRP_MAIN;SRP_ENVIRONMENT/<<WebLogic Global Security password>>"

"/SRP/WebLogic/<<environment name>>/isPasswordChange" = {

"/SecureStore/BEAWLS_MAIN/<<environment name>>_localPassword_Pass" = {
REPLACE = "BEAWLS_MAIN;BEAWLS_ENVIRONMENT/<<Password of local OS account>>"

"/SRP/WebLogic/<<environment name>>/isLocalPasswordChange" = {

"/SecureStore/BEAWLS_MAIN/<<environment name>>_clientKeyPEMPassword_Pass" = {

"/SRP/WebLogic/<<environment name>>/isClientKeyPEMPasswordChange" = {
REPLACE = "<<when using two way ssl and WL12, if the client key PEM password change set this value to 1>>"

"/SecureStore/BEAWLS_MAIN/<<environment name>>_keystorePassword_Pass" = {
REPLACE = "BEAWLS_MAIN;BEAWLS_ENVIRONMENT/<<Password of Client keystore file>>"

"/SRP/WebLogic/<<environment name>>/isKeystorePasswordChange" = {
REPLACE = "<<when using two way ssl and older WL, if the client keystore password change set this value to 1>>"

"/SecureStore/BEAWLS_MAIN/<<environment name>>_certificateKeyPassword_Pass" = {
REPLACE = "BEAWLS_MAIN;BEAWLS_ENVIRONMENT/<<Password of alias keystore>>"

"/SRP/WebLogic/<<environment name>>/isCertificateKeyPasswordChange" = {
REPLACE = "<<when using two way ssl and older WL, if the client alias password was change set this value to 1>>"

"/SRP/WebLogic/<<environment name>>/filter/<<path of node in tree you want to filter its childs separated by />>/type" = {
REPLACE = "<<Optional - the value of this pconfig variable can be one of the list  NONE,INCLUDE,EXCLUDE, if you don't insert this pconfig variable the default value will be INCLUDE>>"

"/SRP/WebLogic/<<environment name>>/filter/<<path of node in tree you want to filter its childs separated by />>/value" = {
REPLACE = "<<the value is reqular expressions (correspond to java docs) that match the names of the nodes you want to include/exclude, multiple values should be separated by comma

The following pconfig variable will "include"(as mentioned above if you don't insert type pconfig variable then the default will be "incldue") for node "DataRetirementWorkManager"
All the childs that start with "Min" or equal to "DExample", all the other childs will be filtered
/SRP/WebLogic/myWLEnv/filter/myWLDomain/Managed Servers/myManagedServer/Work Managers/DataRetirementWorkManager/value = "Min.*,DExample"

If a specific node have this filter and also the filter by app classes (see next rulsets defined for this filter type), then this filter will win and the km will filter node by this one and not by the app classes one >>"	

"/SRP/WebLogic/<<environment name>>/filter/<<server name - this is optional>>/<<application class name>>/type" = {
REPLACE = "<<the value of this pconfig variable can be one of the list  NONE,INCLUDE,EXCLUDE, if you don't insert this pconfig variable the default value will be INCLUDE>>"

"/SRP/WebLogic/<<environment name>>/filter/<<server name - this is optional>>/<<application class name>>/value" = {
REPLACE = "<<the value is reqular expressions (correspond to java docs) that matches the names of a specific application class that you want to include/exclude, multiple values should be separated by comma.

1 - the following pconfig variables will "exclude" for server "myManagedServer" all nodes of type "BEAWLS_JDBC" that their names start with "jd" or equal to "xName"
	/SRP/WebLogic/myWLEnv/filter/myManagedServer/BEAWLS_JDBC/type = "exclude"
	/SRP/WebLogic/myWLEnv/filter/myManagedServer/BEAWLS_JDBC/value = "jd.*,xName"
2 - the following pconfig variables will "include" for weblogic domain (for all servers) all nodes of type "BEAWLS_JDBC" that their names start with "jd" or equal to "xName"
	/SRP/WebLogic/myWLEnv/filter/BEAWLS_JDBC/type = "include"
	/SRP/WebLogic/myWLEnv/filter/BEAWLS_JDBC/value = "jd.*,xName">>"


When Patrol Agent is reporting data in BPPM, the WebLogic nodes are shown as devices on the BPPM UI. This is called "instance to device mapping". In some cases, you might want to disable this feature to display all instances and parameters of the KM under the device in the Configured Patrol Agent. To disable "instance to device mapping" for a given installation of Patrol Agent and KM, you must apply the following PCM rule: /BEAWLS/Default/BPPMI2D " = { REPLACE = "false" },

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