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This topic provides information about configuring an OpenStack remote host for the monitoring policy.


For better monitoring results, add different environments for admin and project entities.

On the Add Monitoring Configuration dialog box, select Openstack from the Monitoring Solution and Monitoring Profile lists, and the Monitor Type value is set to Keystone API v3. Now, in the Environment Configurations section, click Add and enter the following values.

Environment name

Enter a unique environment name for monitoring the OpenStack policy. A container is created with the environment name. This environment holds all the OpenStack instances. BMC recommends you to provide only alphanumeric characters in the environment name.

OpenStack Connection
Identity EndPoint

Enter the OpenStack identity endpoint. To get the identity endpoint, perform any of the following actions:

  • On the OpenStack Server computer, run the following command - openstack endpoint list | grep keystone | grep public.
  • On the OpenStack Server dashboard, click API Access and copy the identity endpoint.
Scope Domain

Enter the OpenStack domain name for monitoring.

The default domain name is default.

Scope Project

Enter the OpenStack scope project name for the valid token.

The default project name is admin.

Monitor Projects

Enter the OpenStack project names for monitoring.

If this field is blank, all OpenStack projects are monitored to which you have access. Default value is * that monitors all projects.

User Name

Enter the user name used to connect to the OpenStack server.

To monitor parameters in the following classes related to admin entities, ensure that the user name that you enter has Admin role assigned in OpenStack:


To monitor admin entities, you can also assign the following permissions to a user with any non-admin role:

  • Nova
    • os_compute_api:os-hypervisors
    • os_compute_api:os-services
  • Keystone
    • identity:list_projects
    • identity:get_project
PasswordEnter the user password to connect to the OpenStack server.
Confirm PasswordConfirm the user password.

Java collector settings

Java Path

Specify the path to the local Java home directory.

By default, BMC PATROL for OpenStack uses the JAVA Runtime Environment (JRE) that is installed with the PATROL Agent.

To use your own JRE that is installed in a different location, enter the path for the JAVA home directory. The JRE must be v1.8 or above. For example, if your JAVA executable exists in the /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_20/jre/bin/java path, enter /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_20/jre as the value of this field.

Note: If Java home is not specified, by default, the Java home for the PATROL Agent is used.

JVM arguments

Enter the optional Java Virtual Machine (JVM) arguments for the Java collector.

Monitor Data
Collection level

Select the metric collection level for the OpenStack instance.

  • Availability – Only collects data for the available OpenStack metrics
  • Full data monitoring – Collects data for all of the OpenStack metrics
  • Custom data monitoring – You select the OpenStack metrics for data collection
Monitoring categories

For the Custom data monitoring collection level, select the relevant metrics in the Admin Metrics and Project Metrics fields.

Filters configuration by monitor types list

In the Filters configuration by monitor types list section, click Add.

OpenStack project name

Enter the OpenStack projects that you want to monitor.

In the Filters by monitor types list section, click Add.

Filtering monitor typesSelect the monitor types that you want to monitor for the selected project.
Filtering OptionsSelect if you want to include or exclude the selected monitor type.
Filtering instances from the selected monitor typeEnter the regular expression to filter instances of the selected monitor type.


LoggingSelect this option to enable logging for PSL and Java.
Availability collection interval (min)Select the availability collection time in minutes. The minimum collection time is one minute.
Data collection interval (min)Select the data collection time in minutes. The minimum collection time is 5 minutes.
Device mapping

To not convert monitored instances to devices, clear the check box. By default, it is enabled.

1 Comment

  1. Please check if we have new template for TrueSight Infrastructure Policies.