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To uninstall PATROL for Windows Servers, you can use the Windows Add/Remove Programs functionality or the installation utility that you used to install the product.


If you use a different version of the installation program to uninstall the product than the version that you used to install the product, you might remove files that are needed to perform uninstallation of other BMC Software products.

The following procedures describe how to uninstall products from a Windows environment and all related log files.

To uninstall individual products

  1. From the Uninstall directory in your BMC Software product installation directory, double-click uninstall.exeto launch the installation utility in uninstall mode.


    As an option, you can launch the installation utility in uninstall mode by choosing Start > Settings > Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs and double-clicking BMC Software Tools in the Add/Remove Programs Properties dialog box.

    When installing on a Windows Server in application mode or with Citrix Metaframe installed, perform the following steps to launch the installation utility in uninstall mode:

    1. From a command line, change to the directory where the installation utility is located and enter the following command to change to installation mode:

      change user/install
    2. Change to the Uninstall directory and enter the following command to start the installation Web server:

      uninstall.exe -serveronly

      A message box is displayed that shows the URL to use to connect to the installation Web server.
    3. On another computer with a browser, start the browser.
    4. Connect to the installation Web server from the browser to start the installation utility by using the URL that is displayed in the message box.
      The Welcome window is displayed. Click Next.
  2. Select the installation directory from which you want to remove a product, and click Next.
  3. Select the product or products that you want to uninstall, and click Next.
  4. Review your selections and click Uninstall.
    After the uninstallation is complete, a window is displayed that tells you whether the uninstallation was successful.

To retain log files and configuration files

This task describes how to uninstall the PATROL product but retain log files, which contain history for future analysis, and configuration files for redeployment.

  1. Uninstall all products as described in To uninstall individual products.
  2. Locate the uninstall.ctl file in the following directory.
  3. Open the uninstall.ctl file in a text editor, and edit the /BMC/Base variable to specify the name of the directory from which you removed the products in step 1.
  4. Open a command line prompt.
  5. Change to the following directory.
    %PATROL_HOME%\Uninstall\Install\ instbin
  6. Enter the following command.
    thorinst.exe -uninstall path to control file -log path to log file -output path to output log file

    Use the following table to help determine the log file and output log file locations:





    Sends the log information to a standard log file. This file contains all installation status information.

    Any valid path and file name (with a .txt extension) If a space exists in the path, the entire path must be enclosed in quotation marks.


    Sends the log information to an output log file. This file contains all messages about the progress of the installation that are normally sent to standard output.

    Any valid path and file name (with a .txt extension) If a space exists in the path, the entire path must be enclosed in quotation marks.

    Example: If C:\Program Files\BMC Software is your product installation directory, you would change to the C:\Program Files\BMC Software\Uninstall\ Install\instbin directory and enter the following command:

    thorinst.exe -uninstall "C:\Program Files\BMC Software\Uninstall\Install\instdata\uninstall.ctl" -log Z:\NetworkLogs\MyLogs.txt -output Z:\NetworkLogs\MyLogs.out

    This action would remove all the installation files and directories except those that are used by the utility at the time the uninstallation was performed. Log files, configuration files, and user-modified files would also be retained.

To uninstall all log files and configuration files

This task describes how to remove all PATROL products and related log files and configuration files from your Windows computer. After these files have been removed, you cannot recover them unless you have made a back-up copy of the installation.

  1. Uninstall all products as described in To uninstall individual products.
  2. Locate the uninstall-all.ctl file in the following directory.
  3. Open the uninstall-all.ctl file in a text editor, and edit the /BMC/Base variable to specify the name of the directory from which you removed the products in step 1.
  4. Open a command line prompt.
  5. Change to the following directory.
  6. Enter the following command.
    thorinst.exe -uninstall path to control file -log path to log file -output path to output log file
    Use the following table to help determine the log file and output log file locations:





    Sends the log information to a standard log file. This file contains all installation status information.

    Any valid path and file name (with a .txt extension) If a space exists in the path, the entire path must be enclosed in quotation marks.


    Sends the log information to an output log file. This file contains all messages about the progress of the installation that are normally sent to standard output.

    Any valid path and file name (with a .txt extension) If a space exists in the path, the entire path must be enclosed in quotation marks.


    Example: If C:\Program Files\BMC Software is your product installation directory, you would change to the C:\Program Files\BMC Software\Uninstall\Install\instbin directory and enter the following command:

    thorinst.exe -uninstall "C:\Program Files\BMC Software\Uninstall\Install\instdata\uninstall-all.ctl" -log Z:\NetworkLogs\MyLogs.txt -output Z:\NetworkLogs\MyLogs.out

    This action would remove all installation files and directories. The files that were used to perform the uninstallation will be marked for deletion and will be removed when the computer on which the products were uninstalled is rebooted.

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