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The following table lists the PATROL KM for Microsoft Windows OS (the KM) component variable settings.

All PATROL KM for Microsoft Windows OS variables are located in the following pconfig directory:

In the following table, if the default value is shown as NA, the configuration variable has no applicable default value because the variable is created only when the product is configured.

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PATROL KM for Microsoft Windows OS variables

Directory path and variableDescriptionValuesDefault

Specifies whether the KM inactivates itself when a Microsoft performance object is disabled.

This configuration variable can also be associated with any other KM.

0, 1Empty (0)
Migrate37Specifies whether the KM migrates the configurations from the registry at every discovery cycle.0, 10

Specifies whether a cache is created for pconfig variables in PATROL Agent namespace.

BMC does not recommend to enable this option for PATROL Agent 9.0.20 or later.

0, 1Empty
AlarmThreshold  The alarm threshold used when automatic monitoring is enabledGreater than 0NA
AutoDiscoveryTimeLimitThe length of time that a process can exceed the AlarmThreshold before the KM automatically monitors the process.
  • integer > = 0
  • -1 turns off this feature
CollectionCountThe number of processes that the KM collects performance data for at one time.Integer greater than 0NA

Specifies whether the KM automatically creates instances for the PATROL group

Note: You must also remove the instances from the list of monitored instances using the Configure Manual Process Monitoring > Remove Processes menu command.

  • 0 = instances are created
  • 1 = instances are not created
DisablePatrolRestartSpecifies whether the PATROL agent restarts if it exceeds the processor% threshold.0, 1Empty
StatusNumberofProcessesToDisplaySpecifies how many processes the KM displays in the View Process Status dialog box.
  • Integer > = 0
  • All
StatusSortKeyThe column that is used for sorting the View Process Status dialog box.An existing columnPid
StatusSelectedColumns/listComma-separated list of columns the KM displays in the View Process Status dialog box.User%,Memory Usage,VM size,Page Faults/sec,Handles,Threads,ArgumentsNA
/ProcessMonitoring/ProcessConfigurationList/ instance
EnableAlarmIfProcessDown  Specifies whether the KM generates an alarm when a process terminates.Yes, NoYes
EnableAlarmIfProcessStarts  Specifies whether the KM generates an alarm when the process starts.Yes, NoNo
ProcessNameThe name of the monitored process.Process nameProcess name
StartupCommandPath to an executable command, including any appropriate command-line arguments that the KM uses to start the process when the process goes down.Directory pathEmpty

Length of time (in minutes) that the process can remain in a run-away state before the KM terminates the process.

A run-away process is defined as a process that exceeds the PROCProcessorTimePercent parameter alarm threshold for the length of time specified by this variable.

Integer > = 0; a number of minutesEmpty
GroupList/listList of the groups to which the process belongs.Group namesNA
ArgumentList/listList of arguments for the configured process.ArgumentsNA
UserDefinedProcessSpecifies whether the process is a user-defined process.Yes, NoYes
DisplayNameContains the display name of the process instance.  
ProcessOwnerContains the user name or regular expression for the acceptable owners.  
ProcessSettingsContains the comma-separated values of minimum and maximum threshold count for a process instance.  
UseOwnerFilterContains a list of two comma-separated properties The first property indicates whether the process owner filtering is on or off.  
The second property indicates whether to display the annotation for the PROCOwnerCheck parameter.

Valid values are:

  • 0: annotation on
  • 1: annotation off
AutoResetServiceConfigEnables and disables the automatic resetting of specific service monitoring flags.

Valid values are:

  • 0 = disabled
  • 1 = enabled
DisableAnnotationSpecifies whether annotations are enabled or disabled for the NT_SERVICES application parameters.

Valid values are:

  • 0 or blank = enabled
  • 1 = disabled

Global setting that specifies restart properties for all services.

For more information about using this variable, see Ensuring that services are restarted as desired.

Valid values are:

  • 0 = yes, automatic restart
  • 1 = no automatic restart
DisableServiceMonitoringGlobal setting that specifies whether services are monitored.

Valid values are:

  • 0 = by default all services are monitored
  • 1 = disables service monitoring
MonitorManualServicesSpecifies whether manual services are monitored.

Valid values are:

  • 0 = disabled, manual services are not monitored
  • 1 = enabled, manual services are monitored
removedServiceListContains a list of services that have been removed by the PATROL user Note: The default value 'NULL' indicates that no services are removed. NULL

Enables you to remove the SERVICES prefix from NT_SERVICES instance names

Note: You must enter this variable manually; the KM does not create it.

In version 3.9.00 of PATROL KM for Microsoft Windows OS, the NT_SERVICES instance names were changed; they were prefixed with SERVICES. This naming convention is not fully backward compatible.

Valid values are:

  • 0 or blank = prefix
  • 1 = no prefix
PausedServiceDisableAlertEnables you to remove alerts for paused services.0, 1Empty
/ServiceMonitoring/ServiceList/ ServiceName

Specifies whether the service is trigger start or non-trigger start.

This configuration variable is unavailable for remote monitoring.

Valid values are:

  • Y = Trigger start
  • N = Non trigger start
NotRespondCmdThe path to an executable that the KM runs if the variable MonitorNotRespond has a value of 1.Path to an executableNA

Comprises of the following variables:

  • OverrideGlobalServiceMonitoring
  • IgnoreAutoResetConfig
  • Alarm
  • WarningAlarm
  • AutoRestart
  • Monitor
  • MonitorProcess
  • MonitorNotRespond
  • OverrideGlobalServiceRestart
  • OverrideMonitorManualServices (Note: This variable is available since version 4.8.00 of the KM.)

To activate a particular service, set the value of the corresponding bit to 1 in /PSX_P4WinSrvs/PWKPKMforMSWinOS_config/ServiceMonitoring/ServiceList/Service Name/SvcConfigVars" = {REPLACE = "0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0"}

The comma separated values correspond to the variables in the order as mentioned above.

Service Startup Type configuration variable has to be applied along with "SvcConfigVars" variable to override default monitoring.
Value = "Automatic" / "Manual" / "Disabled" (startup type Service)

Depends on the type of service whether manual, automatic or disabled 
Alarm  Specifies whether to alarm when the service goes down.

Valid values are:

  • 0 = no alarm
  • 1 = yes, alarm
AutoRestart  Specifies whether to restart the monitored service.

Valid values are:

  • 0 = no restart
  • 1 = yes, restart
IgnoreAutoResetConfigSpecifies whether the global auto reset feature applies to this service This variable can be set only through PATROL Configuration Manager.

Valid values are:

  • 0 = yes, automatic reset
  • 1 = no automatic reset
MonitorSpecifies whether to monitor the service By default, only automatic and running manual services are monitored.

Valid values are:

  • 0 = no monitoring
  • 1 = yes, monitor
MonitorProcessSpecifies whether the process associated with the service is monitored.

Valid values are:

  • 0 = no
  • 1 = yes
MonitorNotRespond Specifies whether the KM runs the command specified by the NotRespondCmd variable.
  • 0 = no
  • 1 = yes

Specifies whether the AutoRestart variable for the monitored service overrides the global DisableServiceRestart variable.

You can set this variable only by using PATROL Configuration Manager.

Valid values are:

  • 0 = do not override
  • 1 = override

Specifies whether the MonitorProcess variable for the monitored service overrides the global DisableServiceMonitoring variable

You can set this variable only by using PATROL Configuration Manager.

Valid values are:

  • 0 = do not override
  • 1 = override
WarningAlarm Specifies whether the service triggers a warning instead of an alarm.

Valid values are:

  • 0 = alarm
  • 1 = warning

Specifies the location of the backup directory for the event log.

Note: If the directory entered for the backup directory does not exist, the Backup and Clear Eventlog recovery action fails.

Directory path*Example:* D:\tempNA
IncludeAllSpecifies whether all event logs are discovered or only those configured to be monitored.

Valid values are:

  • 0 = only configured
  • 1 = all

Specifies whether to automatically activate and automatically inactivate event log parameters based on the current configuration.

You can also use this variable to inactivate or activate other parameters.

For example, you could use the following variable to inactivate the NT_HEALTH parameters: .../HealthMonitoring/OverrideParameterAutoActivate

Valid values are:

  • 0 = use auto configure
  • 1 = do not use auto configure
OverrideParameterFileFreeSpacePct AutoActivate

Specifies whether the parameter ELMEvFileFreeSpacePercent automatically activates and inactivates based on the current configuration.

This variables applies to all event logs. You can also apply this variable to specific event logs.

Valid values are:

  • 0 = use auto configure
  • 1 = do not use auto configure

Specifies whether the event log uses a checkpoint value to guarantee that no events are missed if the PATROL Agent is not running or the KM is not loaded for a period of time.

This is a global setting that can be overridden by individual event log configurations.

Valid values are:

  • 0 = do not use
  • 1 = use
MaxResourceIdleRetainPeriodThe maximum amount of time, since last accessed, that an event description resource DLL is held in cache.Greater than 0300 seconds
InclusionList/listList of event logs that are monitored.List of event logsNA
ExclusionList/listList of event logs that are not monitored.List of event logsNA
DisablePEMInfoEventsSpecifies whether to disable information events generated by XPC (psx_server.xpc).

Valid values are:

  • 0 = do not disable information events
  • 1 = disable information events
TogglePEMOriginDataDetermines whether the event is displayed in the event log name format or the detailed format in PEM (PATROL Event Manager).

Valid values are:

  • 0 = event log name format
  • 1 = detailed format
/EventLogMonitoring/ event log /
ForwardAllNTEventstoPEMSpecifies whether all occurring events are sent to PEM (PATROL Event Manager).

Valid values are:

  • 0 = do not send
  • 1 = send
ForwardFilteredNTEventstoPEMSpecifies whether all events that match the configured event filters for the event log are sent to PEM (PATROL Event Manager).

Valid values are:

  • 0 = do not send
  • 1 = send
OverrideSummaryAutoCreateSpecifies whether the default behavior to automatically create the Summary instance is overridden.

Valid values are:

  • 0 = do not override (create)
  • 1 = yes, override (do not create)
OverrideParameterFileFreeSpacePct AutoActivate

Specifies whether the parameter ELMEvFileFreeSpacePercent automatically activates and inactivates based on the current configuration.

This variable applies to a specific event log. You can also apply this variable globally to all event logs.

Valid values are:

  • 0 = use auto configure
  • 1 = do not use auto configure
UseCheckPointSpecifies whether the event log uses a checkpoint value to guarantee that no events are missed if the PATROL Agent is not running or the KM is not loaded for a period of time

Valid values are:

  • 0 = do not use
  • 1 = use
CheckPointThe last event log record that was successfully recorded.Greater than 00
EventFilters/child_listA list that details the defined event filters.List of event filtersSummary
/EventLogMonitoring/ eventlog /EventFilters/ filter
FilterEnabled Specifies whether the event filter is enabled Disabled event filters are not discovered and do not collect events.

Valid values are:

  • 0 = not enabled
  • 1 = enabled

Specifies whether an application instance is created for the event filter.

An application instance is not required to collect data.

However, if an instance is not created, the only way to retrieve the data collected by the event filter is too subscribe to the event filter data.

Valid values are:

  • 0 = not created
  • 1 = created

Allows the parent application instance of an event filter to be changed.

If this value is set, the event filter instance is created with the specified parent instance.

Path to valid PATROL application instanceNA
AcknowledgeBy Specifies how the event filter is acknowledged If the value of this variable is the name of another event filter, the event filter is automatically acknowledged when the referenced event filter criteria is satisfied.Manual, automatic, or filternameauto-matic
Annotation Specifies whether the parameter data point is annotated with event text.

Valid values are:

  • 0 = do not annotate
  • 1 = annotate
ConsolidateEventTypes  Specifies whether event types are consolidated.

Valid values are:

  • 0 = do not consolidate
  • 1 = consolidate
ConsolidationNumberNumber of events that occur within a specified time and are reported as one event.Integer less than 357913941
ConsolidationTime The time period in which events must occur to satisfy the consolidation criteria.Integer less than 357913940
EventReport Specifies whether event descriptions are reported by means of a text parameter.

Valid values are:

  • 0 = do not report
  • 1 = report
EventType Specifies the type of events that are filtered:
  • 1 = Error
  • 2 = Warning
  • 4 = Information
  • 8 = AuditSuccess
  • 16 = AuditFailure
  • 32 = OtherType
  • 64 = Critical
  • 128 = Verbose

A valid value is any summation of these types. For example, to monitor both Warning and AuditFailure events, use a value of 18 (2 +16).

1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, and the sums of any or all of these numbers
For security event log: 25 All other event logs: 1
FilterDescriptionText that describes the event filter.No restrictionsNA

Specifies whether all event categories are monitored.

If all categories are monitored (1), then the CategoryList variable represents an exclusion list. Otherwise, it represents an inclusion list.

CategoryList/list A list of event categories that are included or excluded from monitoring, depending on the value of the variable IncludeAllCategories.List of event categoriesNA

Specifies whether all event IDs are monitored If all event IDs are monitored (1), then the EventIdList variable represents an exclusion list.

Otherwise, it represents an inclusion list.

Valid values are:

  • 0 = not monitored
  • 1 = monitored
EventIdList/list A list of event categories that are included or excluded from monitoring, depending on the value of the variable, IncludeAllEventIds.List of event IDsNA

Specifies whether all sources are monitored If all sources are monitored (1), then the SourceList variable represents an exclusion list.

Otherwise, it represents an inclusion list.

Valid values are:

  • 0 = not monitored
  • 1 = monitored
SourceList/list A list of sources that are included or excluded from monitoring, depending on the value of the variable, IncludeAllSources.List of event sourcesNA

Specifies whether all text strings are monitored If all text strings are monitored (1), then the StringList variable represents an exclusion list.

Otherwise, it represents an inclusion list.

Valid values are:

  • 0 = not monitored
  • 1 = monitored
StringList/list A list of text strings that are included or excluded from monitoring, depending on the value of the variable, IncludeAllStrings.List of text stringsNA

Specifies whether all users are monitored If all users are monitored (1), then the UserList variable represents an exclusion list.

Otherwise, it represents an inclusion list.

Valid values are:

  • 0 = not monitored
  • 1 = monitored
UserList/listA list of users that are included or excluded from monitoring, depending on the value of the variable, IncludeAllUsers.List of text stringsNA
RetainEventDescriptions Specifies whether event descriptions are stored in the PATROL Agent namespace for retrieval.

Valid values are:

  • 0 = do not retain
  • 1= retain
SchedulingThe type of collection used for collecting event data.

Valid values are:

  • 0 = Notification
  • 1 = Polling
  • 2 = Both
MaxRecordsThe maximum number of records that are held in psx_server.xpc memory for the filter.Greater than 03010
SubscriberList/listLists the subscriptions that exist for the parent event log and filter.SubscribersEmpty

Specifies the label that the KM places under the filter instance

Note: You must manually enter this variable; the KM does not create it.

Setting this variable does not change the instance name/namespace. This variable is read only at initial filter creation or parent instance change.

Label for filterNA

Specifies whether the filter comparisons are made in a case-independent manner.

This variable has five bit values, depending upon case sensitivity, one bit corresponding to each of Source, User, Category, String, and Computer name, respectively.

If any bit value is 1, a case-independent filter comparison is made for the corresponding field.

Valid values are:

  • 00000 = none checked (default)
  • 11111 = all 5 categories checked
  • a combination of 0s and 1s, depending on which of the 5 categories were checked
/EventLogMonitoring/ event log /EventFilters/filterName
Computer NamesList/listLists the computers that are included for monitoring or the computers that are excluded from monitoring, depending on the value of the IncludeAllCompList variable.List of computersEmpty
Include AllCompListIndicates whether all computers are monitored.

Valid values are:

  • 0 = none of the computers are monitored by default, and the ComputerNamesList variable is an inclusion list
  • 1 = all of the computers are monitored, and the ComputerNamesList variable is an exclusion list
/EventLogMonitoring/ eventlog /Subscribers/ subscriber
EnabledSpecifies whether the subscriber (subscription) is enabled.0, 11
FilterSpecifies the name of the filter that notifies the subscriber when monitored events are detected.Filter nameEmpty
FunctionSpecifies the function that the Subscriber calls when notified of events.Function nameEmpty
LibrarySpecifies the location of the library that contains the function that the Subscriber calls.Library nameEmpty

Specifies the location of the

Added a new PCONFIG variable for filtering Windows events while subscribing it from Windows Event System. The value of this variable will be XML query.

EventForwardingHeartbeatSpecifies the heartbeat configuration that is passed to the PEM API.Number that is calculated using valid values: 5000 <= x <= 180000030000
EventForwardingRetriesSpecifies the number of times the KM attempts to send an event.Number that is calculated using valid values: 2 <= x <= 104
EventForwardingTimeoutSpecifies the timeout configuration that is passed to the PEM API.Number that is calculated using valid values: 5000 <= x <= 180000030000
MaxFilterRecordsSpecifies the maximum number of records that the KM holds in XPC (psx_server.xpc ) memory for any filter.Number > 03010
ReportAccountNameSpecifies whether the KM obtains account names from the SID.0, 10
OverrideParameterAutoActivateSpecifies whether job object parameters are automatically activated or inactivated based on the current configuration.

Valid values are:

  • 0 = auto configure
  • 1 = do not auto configure
ManualAcknowledgeSpecifies whether the PROCStatus parameter is manually acknowledged.

Valid values are:

  • 0 = auto acknowledge
  • 1 = manually acknowledge
MonitorProcessSpecifies whether job object assigned processes are monitored.

Valid values are:

  • 0 = do not monitor
  • 1 = monitor
IncludeAllSpecifies whether all job objects are discovered or only the job objects specifically configured to be monitored.

Valid values are:

  • 0 = only configured objects
  • 1 = all
InclusionList/listThe job objects that are monitored.List of job objectsNA
ExclusionList/listThe job objects that are excluded from monitoring.List of job objectsNA
CollectionCountNumber of processes for which performance data is collected at one time.Greater than 0NA
AnnotateProcStatusSpecifies whether the PROCStatus parameter is annotated.

Valid values are:

  • 0 = no
  • 1 = yes
DestroyAcknowledgeProcessSpecifies whether to destroy acknowledged process instances.

Valid values are:

  • 0 = no
  • 1 = yes
AnnotateTopProcsSpecifies whether the parameter NT_CPU/CPUprcrProcessorTimePercent for the _Total instance is annotated with the top N CPU-consuming processes.

Valid values are:

  • 0 = no
  • 1 = yes
AnnotateProcCountNumber of top processes to include when annotating the NT_CPU/CPUprcrProcessorTimePercent parameter.Integer greater than 010
DisableAnnotationSpecifies whether annotations are enabled or disabled for the NT_CPU (icon labled Processor) application parameters.

Valid values are:

  • 0 or blank = enabled
  • 1 = disabled
ExclusionList/listThe processors that are excluded from monitoring.List of processorsNA
IncludeAllSpecifies whether all processors are monitored (except for the ones specifically excluded).

Valid values are:

  • 0 = no
  • 1 = yes
InclusionList/listthe processors that are monitored This variable is ignored unless the /ProcessorMonitoring/IncludeAll variable is set to 0.List of processorsNA
CPUprcrStatusthe last count of the processors that are monitoredInteger0
IncludeAllSpecifies whether all network interfaces (less those excluded) are monitored.

Valid values are:

  • 0 = no
  • 1 = yes

The pagefiles that are monitored.

This variable is ignored unless the /PagefileMonitoring/IncludeAll variable is set to 0.

List of pagefilesNA
ExclusionList/listThe pagefiles that are excluded from monitoringList of pagefilesNA
IncludeAllSpecifies whether all network interfaces (less those excluded) are monitored.

Valid values are:

  • 0 = no
  • 1 = yes
InclusionList/listThe network interfaces that are monitored This variable is ignored unless the /NetworkInterfaceMonitoring/IncludeAll variable is set to 0.List of network interfacesNA
ExclusionList/listThe network interfaces that are excluded from monitoringList of network interfacesNA
InclusionList/listThe physical disks that are monitored.List of device numbersNA
ExclusionList/listThe physical disks that are excluded from monitoring.List of device numbersNA
IncludeAllSpecifies whether all physical disks are discovered.

Valid values are:

  • 0 = no
  • 1 = yes
MaxReloadCountersSpecifies the maximum number of times that the KM can issue the %RELOAD_COUNTERS command.Integer > 0Empty (no limit)
RemovedPDListStores the physical disk instances that have been removed under the NT_PHYSICAL_DISKS_CONTAINER application class.List of deleted instancesNA
FTP/ActiveSpecifies whether the NT_FTP KM is activated.

Valid values are:

  • 0 = no
  • 1 = yes
ICMP/ActiveSpecifies whether the NT_ICMP KM is activated.

Valid values are:

  • 0 = no
  • 1 = yes
IP/ActiveSpecifies whether the NT_IP KM is activated.

Valid values are:

  • 0 = no
  • 1 = yes
IPX/ActiveSpecifies whether the NT_IPX KM is activated.

Valid values are:

  • 0 = no
  • 1 = yes
NETBEUI/ActiveSpecifies whether the NT_NETBEUI KM is activated.

Valid values are:

  • 0 = no
  • 1 = yes
NETBIOS/ActiveSpecifies whether the NT_NETBIOS KM is activated.

Valid values are:

  • 0 = no
  • 1 = yes
TCP/ActiveSpecifies whether the NT_TCP KM is activated.

Valid values are:

  • 0 = no
  • 1 = yes
UDP/ActiveSpecifies whether the NT_UDP KM is activated.

Valid values are:

  • 0 = no
  • 1 = yes
InclusionList/listThe logical disks that are monitored.List of logical disksNA
ExclusionList/listThe logical disks that are excluded from monitoring.List of logical disksNA
IncludeAllSpecifies whether all logical disks are discovered.

Valid values are:

  • 0 = no
  • 1 = yes
MaxReloadCountersSpecifies the maximum number of times that the KM can issue the %RELOAD_COUNTERS command.Integer > 0Empty (no limit)
DeletedLDListStores a list of the deleted logical disk instances.List of logical disk instances 
Non AggregateParamValue

Changes the values generated by the following parameters:

  • LDldFreeSpacePercent
  • LDldFreeMegabytes
  • LDldDiskSpaceUsed

Valid values are:

  • 1 = values shown for a particular drive instance do not consider the mount drives
  • 0 = value shown is an aggregate of a particular drive instance and all of its mount drives
InclusionList/listList of registry keys that are monitored.List of registry keysNA
AnnotateValueChangeSpecifies whether the RegValueChanged parameter is annotated.

Valid values are:

  • 0 = no
  • 1 = yes
DisableAnnotationSpecifies whether annotations are enabled (0 or blank) or disabled (1) for the NT_PRINTER application parameters.

Valid values are:

  • 0 or blank = enabled
  • 1 = disabled
InclusionList/listThe printers that are monitored.List of printersNA
ExclusionList/listThe printers that are excluded from monitoring.List of printersNA
IncludeAllSpecifies whether all printers are discovered.

Valid values are:

  • 0 = no
  • 1 = yes
TestConnectivitySpecifies whether the KM pings the printer to test connectivity.

Valid values are:

  • 0 = no
  • 1 = yes
ProcessorContentionThresholdThreshold for resource contention0 to 10030
MemoryContentionThresholdThreshold for memory contention0 to 10080
OverrideParameterAutoActivateSpecifies whether the WMIAvailability parameter is automatically activated or inactivated based on the current configuration on Windows NT 4.

Valid values are:

  • 0 = auto configure
  • 1 = do not auto configure
OverrideAutoConfigUpdateSpecifies whether the Win32_WMISetting.HighThresholdOnEvents property is auto-corrected using the HighThresholdOnEvents configuration variable.

Valid values are:

  • 0 = auto correct
  • 1 = do not auto correct
HighThresholdOnEventsMinimum required value for the WIN32_WMISettingGreater than 02000000

Allows you to configure the KM by using three options.

The KM looks for a crash dump file as well as the event (ID 6008).

Valid values are:

  • 1 = Event (ID 6008) - only monitors the event id, 6008.
  • 2 = Crash Dump - only monitors the crash, Dump.
  • 3 = Default - monitors crash dump or event as per registry configuration.

Allows you to provide a valid user name and password for the PATROL Agent default account.

The KM functions without specifying the PATROL Agent default account. Except for the Windows event log KM, the PATROL KM for Microsoft Windows works with a blank user name and password for the PATROL Agent default account. When you enter a blank user name and password for the PATROL Agent default account, XPC (psx_server.xpc ) runs under the local system account.

The Windows event log KM requires a valid user name and password to connect to the PATROL Agent using PEMAPI.

These changes are not required for Microsoft Windows OS KM 4.7.00 and later versions.

hostsSpecifies a comma separated list of the remote hosts that have been added for monitoring.  


Provides a way to configure the timeout that is used, when the following WinRM error is encountered:

The WS-Management service cannot complete the operation within the time specified

The timeout value must be specified in milliseconds.

For example: For 5 minutes set the value as 300000

Time out in milliseconds 
/REMOTE/HOSTS/Remote Host/
connectionProtocolSpecifies the protocol (HTTP or HTTPS) that is used for remote host connection.

Valid values are:

  • 1: HTTP
  • 2: HTTPS
userAccountSpecifies the user account which is used to connect to the remote host.  
accountProfileSpecifies the shared credential, if it has been used for remote host connection.  
profileListSpecifies a comma separated list of the profiles (shared credentials).  
hostListSpecifies a comma separated list of the monitored remote hosts with the respective profile.  
userAccountSpecifies the user name for each profile.  
  • No labels