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To uninstall PATROL for Exchange Servers you must use the same version of the installation utility that you used to install the product. Run the installation utility in uninstall mode to uninstall PATROL for Exchange Servers from your system.


If you use a different version of the installation program to uninstall, you might remove files needed to perform uninstallation of other BMC products.

If you used the Distribution Server to install PATROL for Exchange Servers, refer to the Distribution Server Getting Started Guide for detailed instructions about uninstalling.

To determine the installer version

  1. Access a command prompt and navigate to the appropriate location:
    (Windows): BMC_ROOT\Uninstall

    (UNIX): BMC_ROOT/Uninstall
  2. Type the following command and press ENTER.

    (Windows): uninstall.exe -v

    (UNIX): ./ -v


If you have configured an instance, you must remove the instance before uninstalling PATROL for Exchange Servers. Use the Remove menu command to remove the instance from within PATROL.


Before you can uninstall PATROL products, you might need to stop any PATROL processes that are running on the computers where you want to uninstall PATROL. For information about stopping PATROL processes, see the following guides in the Support site :

Uninstalling PATROL for Exchange Servers on UNIX

The following procedure describes how to uninstall PATROL for Exchange Servers from a UNIX environment with or without a browser installed.

To uninstall individual products using the installation utility

  1. Change to the Uninstall directory in your BMC product installation directory and enter the following command to launch the installation utility in uninstall mode:
  2. The Welcome page is displayed. Click Next.
  3. Select the installation directory from which you want to remove a product, and click Next.
  4. Select the product or products that you want to uninstall, and click Next.
  5. Review your selections and click Uninstall.
    After the uninstallation is complete, a page is displayed that tells you whether the uninstallation was successful.

To uninstall individual products in a UNIX environment without a browser

  1. Perform the following steps to launch the installation utility:
    1. From a command line, change to the Uninstall directory and enter the following command to start the installation Web server:

      ./ -serveronly
    2. A message box is displayed that shows the URL to use to connect to the installation Web server.
    3. On another machine with a browser, start the browser.
    4. Connect to the installation Web server from the browser to start the installation utility by using the URL that is displayed in the message box.
  2. The Welcome page is displayed. Click Next.
  3. Select the installation directory from which you want to remove a product, and click Next.
  4. Select the product or products that you want to uninstall, and click Next.
  5. Review your selections and click Uninstall.
    After the uninstallation is complete, a page is displayed that tells you whether the uninstallation was successful.

Uninstalling PATROL for Exchange Servers on Windows

You can use the option that is appropriate for what you want to uninstall to uninstall PATROL for Exchange Servers. The following procedures describe how to uninstall products from a Windows environment and all related log files.

Before you begin

If you want to retain log and configuration files, record the installation directory where the products that you want to remove reside.

To uninstall individual products

  1. From the Start Menu, select the Start > Settings > Control Panel menu command.
  2. Open the Add/Remove Programs application.
  3. On the Add/Remove Programs window, select the BMC Software Tools entry.
  4. Click Change/Remove to launch the installation utility in uninstall mode.


    As an option, you can launch the installation utility in uninstall mode by changing to the Uninstall directory in your BMC product installation directory. Double-click uninstall.exe to launch the installation utility in uninstall mode.

    The Welcome page is displayed. Click Next.

  5. Select the installation directory from which you want to remove a product, and click Next.
  6. Select the product or products that you want to uninstall, and click Next.
  7. Review your selections and click Uninstall.
    After the uninstallation is complete, a page is displayed that tells you whether the uninstallation was successful.
  8. If you are uninstalling PATROL for Exchange Servers from a managed system, restart the IIS service to complete the uninstallation.
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