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While investigating your data, you can search in a variety of ways and narrow down your results or find the most relevant search results.

But to begin with, you can perform a simple search to understand how search works and gradually you can improve your search strategy and refine your search.

The following information helps you perform simple searches:

To perform a simple search

  1. Navigate to the Search tab.
  2. Specify your search term in the search bar.
    The search term can be a word or a phrase available in the data that you are examining.


    If the data that you are investigating contains the term transaction, then searching for this term will result in a series of records containing the term transaction.
  3. Click Search  (or alternatively press Enter) to run your search.
    The search results are displayed on the All Data page. For more information, see Viewing search results.
    If you do not specify the time range; by default, you will see search results for the last 60 minutes from your current time. For more information about searching with a time context, see Filtering your search results.

To search with a wildcard character

  1. Navigate to the Search tab.
  2. Specify the partial search string (that exists in the data) and substitute the unspecified characters in your search string with the wildcard – asterisk (*).


    To search for results containing, org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException, enter one of the following strings:
    • org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException

    • *BeanCreationException

    • org.springframework.beans.factory*

  3. Click Search  (or alternatively press Enter) to run your search.
    The search results are displayed on the All Data page. For more information, see Viewing search results.
    If you do not specify the time range; by default, you will see search results for the last 60 minutes from your current time. For more information about searching with a time context, see Filtering your search results.