Page tree

In large setups with large volumes of indexed data and numerous concurrent users searching on the data, the Search component might need to be deployed and scaled on separate servers. In these setups, the Search components can reside on separate servers that handle only the search function of the product. For more information about when to scale, see Indicators for scaling.

In a multiple-server deployment, the Search component sends search requests to the Indexer. The Indexer performs actual searches on the indexes, which are then rolled back in the form of search results. Scaling the Search component helps you distribute the searching load across multiple instances, which in turn helps you search large quantities of data.


While deploying multiple Search components in your environment, ensure that all the Search components are operating in the same time zone. Doing this is important for scheduling notifications correctly.

This topic contains the following information:

Deployment diagram

The following diagram illustrates the scale-out architecture for Search components. This diagram only shows the Search component scaled. In a real environment, when you scale up the Search component, you might have Collection Stations and Indexers scaled up.


The following table lists definitions of abbreviations and terminology used in the preceding diagram:


Additional information

ITDA Server

TrueSight IT Data Analytics server, a combination of the following components:

  • Console Server
  • Search

Viewing component status and associated properties

Atrium Single Sign-OnUser-authentication mechanism necessary for integrating with TrueSight Presentation ServerDeploying IT Data Analytics with Atrium Single Sign-On
Configuration DBConfiguration Database component

Viewing component status and associated properties


ProactiveNet or TrueSight Infrastructure Management

Integrating with Infrastructure Management and ProactiveNet

PNet/TSIM CellProactiveNet or TrueSight Infrastructure Management cells

Integrating with Infrastructure Management and ProactiveNet cells

TSPSTrueSight Presentation ServerIntegrating with TrueSight Presentation Server

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

Setting up emails

Collection Data Sources

Data sources (such as log files and Windows events) for monitoring using Collection Station or Collection Agents

Agent types

PortsPort numbers used for communicating between components and external systemsCommunication ports and protocols
TLS 1.2TLS 1.2 is supported on all the communication channels marked in green. In some cases, TLS needs to be manually configured.TLS considerations for IT Data Analytics

Where to go from here

To deploy multiple Search components, you need to first install them. For more information, see Installing in a multiple-server environment.

If you initially installed the product by performing a typical installation and want to scale the product on additional servers, then you need to make certain configuration changes. For more information, see Configurations required before scaling up.


