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Consult the topics in this section to plan the physical environment for BMC TrueSight IT Data Analytics. These topics provide use cases and best practices related to sizing and scaling the product; this also includes an overview and architecture of how the various product components are connected and communicate with each other. For an introductory overview of the product, see Architecture.

Single-server deploymentProvides information about planning a single-server deployment of the product; includes the deployment architecture and best practices.
Multiple-server deploymentProvides information about planning a multiple-server (distributed) deployment of the product; includes the deployment architecture and best practices.
Adding redundancy for data availabilityProvides an overview, information about the need for redundancy, and the process involved in implementing redundancy.
Planning your backup strategyProvides guidelines and recommendations for planning your backup strategy.
You might also want to review the overall best practices related to data collection and search functions.

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