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A search string can contain words, phrases, name=value pairs, and search commands. Each search string expression can be enclosed in parentheses. In the absence of parentheses, the parentheses are assumed from right to left.

The search string syntax comprises two portions, initial keywords followed by search commands, as in the following example:

Search string = Keywords | Search command1 | Search command2

In this example, the following values apply:

  • The first portion (keywords) refers to particular words, phrases, and name=value pairs with which you start your search.
  • The second portion (search commands) can be run only on the output of the first portion. You can chain multiple search commands so that the output of one command is consumed as the input of the subsequent command.

This topic contains the following information:

Kinds of search string syntax

The following table describes the various kinds of syntax that you can use in your search string. For a list of examples with the appropriate search results that are expected to be highlighted, see Examples of search string results.


  • You can use the less than, less than or equal to, greater than, or greater than or equal to (<, <=, >, or >=) operators only on event data stored with the LONG field type (at the time of data-pattern creation). For more information about field types, see Managing data patterns.
  • While using operators in the search syntax, it is important that you specify the operator correctly. This is explained as follows:

    If you want to use...Then in the search syntax...
    = (equal)There is no need for a space ( ) before and after the operator.
    < (less than)
    <= (less than or equal)
    > (greater than)
    >= (greater than or equal)
    There must be a space ( ) before and after the operator.

Kinds of search syntax

Search syntaxDescriptionExample

You can perform a wildcard search by specifying the asterisk mark (*) in your search criteria (without changing the time range) to return data that was indexed in the last 60 minutes.

The asterisk can also be used to substitute for one or more unspecified characters in your search string.

Searching for the word error* returns data that starts with the word error.

Searching for the word *error returns data that ends with the word error.

Searching for the word *error* returns data that contains the word error.


You can search for a particular word to see data containing that word.

Enter the particular word in your search string.

Searching for the word error returns data containing the word error.

You can search for a specific phrase to see data containing the entire phrase (or the exact search string).

Enter the particular phrase in double quotes (") in your search string.

Searching for the phrase "error and exception" returns data containing the entire phrase error and exception.
word && word

You can search for multiple words to see data containing all of the words specified.

Enter the words in your search string by separating them with two ampersand characters (&&).

Searching for the words warning && exception returns data containing both the words warning and exception.

Searching for the string (stringliteral1) && (stringliteral2) returns data containing both the words stringliteral1 and stringliteral2.

word && 

You can search for a combination of the word or phrase along with the field name=value pairs to see data containing both the word (or phrase) and the name=value pair.

Enter the word (or phrase) and the name=value pair separated by two ampersand characters (&&).

Searching for warning && HOST=HOUCOMP returns data containing both the word warning and the HOST field with the HOUCOMP value.
word || word

You can search for multiple words to see data containing one of the words specified.

Enter the words in your search string by separating them with two pipe characters (||).

Searching for the words warning || error returns data containing either warning or error.
word ||

You can search for a combination of the word or phrase along with the field name=value pairs to see data containing either the word (or phrase) or the name=value pairs.

Enter the word (or phrase) along with the name=value pair separated by two pipe characters (||).

Searching for warning || HOST=HOUCOMP returns data containing either the word warning or the HOST field with the HOUCOMP value.

You can search for the field name=value pairs to see data containing that field and the value specified.

Enter the field name and its corresponding value that you want to search for, in the format fieldName=fieldValue.

Searching for HOST=HOUCOMP returns data containing the HOST field and the HOUCOMP value.

Searching for HOST=HOU* returns data containing the HOST field and the value starting with HOU.

Searching for HOST=*COMP returns data containing the HOST field and the value ending with COMP.


You can search for multiple field name=value pairs to see data containing all of the name=value pairs specified.

Enter the name=value pairs in your search string by separating them with two ampersand characters (&&).

Searching for the string key1=value1 && key2=value2 returns data containing both key1=value1 and key2=value2.
fieldName <> fieldValue

You can exclude fields from appearing in your search results.

Enter the field name and its corresponding value that you want to search for, in the format fieldName <> fieldValue.

Searching for HOST <> HOUCOMP returns search results by excluding the HOST field and its corresponding value, HOUCOMP.

fieldName < fieldValue

You can search for fields with values less than a specified number.

Enter the field name and a specified value (condition) that you want to search for, in the format fieldName < fieldValue.

Searching for error < 500 returns search results with the error field having values less than 500.
fieldName <= fieldValue

You can search for fields with values less than or equal to a specified number.

Enter the field name and a specified value (condition) that you want to search for, in the format fieldName <= fieldValue.
Searching for error <= 500 returns search results with the error field having values less than or equal to 500.
fieldName > fieldValue

You can search for fields with values greater than a specified number.

Enter the field name and a specified value (condition) that you want to search for, in the format fieldName > fieldValue.
Searching for error > 500 returns search results with the error field having values greater than 500.
fieldName >= fieldValue

You can search for fields with values greater than or equal to a specified number.

Enter the field name and a specified value (condition) that you want to search for, in the format fieldName >= fieldValue.
Searching for error >= 500 returns search results with the error field having values greater than or equal to 500.

About phrases

The term phrase refers to a combination of alphanumeric characters separated by space. When you search for a phrase, the product matches the exact sequence as it occurs in the search string excluding the delimiters (if any).

If you search for a phrase without enclosing it in double quotes ("), the product finds all data containing one or more of the words that constitute the phrase. Conversely, if you enclose the phrase in double quotes, the search mechanism looks for data containing the entire phrase as specified.


  • If you search for error and exception, you can find data containing the word error or and or exception.
  • If you search for "error and exception", you can find data containing the entire phrase error and exception.

Phrases can also be referred to as string literals.

You can also search for field values containing spaces or blank field values by treating them as a phrase.


  • To find COLLECTOR_NAME=Win DC1, search for COLLECTOR_NAME="Win DC1".
  • To find Name= , search for Name="".

Search command chaining

You can run search commands on the output of a particular search that you have already performed. For example, the search string, key1=value1 && stringliteral | tail 5 results in the following actions:

  1. Firstly, the product searches for data that contains both key1=value1 and stringliteral.
  2. Secondly, the tail search command is run on the output of the search performed in step 1.

In the course of your data investigation, you can chain a set of commands so that the output of one command is consumed as the input to the subsequent command. You can chain multiple commands by using the pipe (|) operator:

Syntax: searchString | Searchcommand1 | SearchCommand2

For detailed information about the syntax for each of the commands, see the individual search command command pages at  Search commands.

For a summary of the search syntax for each of the commands, see Search string syntax.

Search string syntax samples

The following table lists search string syntax samples and describes how they are interpreted by the product.

Search string syntax samples

Sample search stringWhat does it mean?
key1=value1 && key2=value2 && stringliteral1 && stringliteral2(key1=value1 && (key2=value2 && (stringliteral1 && stringliteral2)))
logged off(logged || off )
logged off && Event(logged || (off && Event))
logged off ldap pdap(logged || (off || (ldap || pdap)))
(ldap pdap cdap)(ldap || (cdap || cdap))
logged off && (EventCode="4624")(logged || (off  && (EventCode = "4624")))
logged off && Event "Logged "(logged || (off && (Event || "Logged")))
logged  off   logged  && Event =4624(logged   || ( off || (logged && (Event ="4624"))))
"logged off" event("logged off" || event)

Special characters and their effect on search

You cannot search for special characters literally. During search, special characters are automatically ignored and results are returned based on the remaining terms in your search string. Results are returned irrespective of where the special character occurs in the search string (in the beginning, middle, or end).

The following examples illustrate how search functions when your search string contains special characters:

Example 1

Sample data

Record 1


Record 2^OPR

Search Scenario 1

Search string^
Search resultsNo results found

Search Scenario 2

Search stringOP^Q
Search resultsReturns the sample data record 1

Example 2

Sample data

Record 3abc logged off

Search scenario 1

Search string@
Search resultsNo results found

Search scenario 2

Search stringabc@
Search resultsReturns the sample data records 1 and 3

Search scenario 3

Search string@gmail
Search resultsReturns the sample data record 1.

Some special characters carry a special meaning in IT Data Analytics.

The following table lists the special characters that carry a special meaning:

Special characterSymbolUsage
Pipe|Used while specifying search commands.
Asterisk*Used as a wildcard for searching.
Parenthesis( )Used to enclose expressions.
Equals sign=Used to separate a field-value pair.
Double quotes"Used to search for phrases.
If your search string contains one or more special characters included in the preceding table, then to be able to find results, you need to escape them. You can escape these special characters by enclosing the search string in double quotes (in other words, treating the search string as a phrase). However, if your search string contains double quotes, then you need to escape it by placing a backward slash (\) before the double quotes, in your search string.

The following examples illustrate how search functions when your search string contains special characters that carry a special meaning:

Example 1

Sample data

Record 1


Record 2clmHost bmc

Search scenario 1

Search stringclmHost*bmc
Search resultsNo results found

Search scenario 2

Search string"clmHost*bmc"
Search resultsReturns the sample data records 1 and 2
Example 2

Example 2

Record 1XY|Z
Record 2XY|A

Search scenario 1

Search stringXY|Z
Search resultsNo results found

Search scenario 2

Search string"XY|Z"
Search resultsReturns the sample data record 1.

Example 3

Sample data

Record 1"000
Record 2000

Search scenario 1

Search string"000
Search resultsNo results found

Search scenario 2

Search string\"000
Search resultsReturns the sample data records 1 and 2.

Delimiters and their effect on search

When you perform a search, all special characters in your data act as delimiters. Delimiters are characters that separate text strings (letters and numbers) and mark the beginning or the end of a particular text string. The common delimiters are period (.), space ( ), comma (,), semicolon (;), pipe (|), underscore (_), slashes (/ \), and so on.

Delimiters affect the way your search works and which part of the data is highlighted.

The following table provides a list of search strings and their effect on the search results that are displayed, with the text highlighted in blue:

Search stringResult highlightedDelimiters
error and exception


Period (.)

logger appender logged



Underscore (_)

Period (.)



Period (.)

WIFI* && ""

WIFIMacAddress, blocking
WIFIINetAddress blocking
wifi security policy applied on
routing policy applied on WIFIaddress

Period (.)

Comma (,)

""routing 192 policy applied on (.) 192 policy applied on (.)

Syntax for searching the product metrics file

If you want to perform a search on the log files generated by the product (for the Collection Station and Search components), your search string must be in the following format: 

_index=metrics searchCriteria


_index=metrics engine=COLLECTION_STATION

For more information, see Monitoring the product metric files.




