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Before you create a data collector, you need to understand the kind of data that you want to collect. Depending on the kind of data that you want to collect and whether you want to perform a local or remote collection, you can create a data collector of the appropriate type.

The Administration > Data Collectors tab lists all the configured data collectors. To create a data collector, click Add Data Collector , and from the Type list, select a data collector based on the kind of data you want to collect.

The following table lists the supported data collector types categorized on the basis of the data sources and whether you want to perform local or remote collection:

Data sourcesDescriptionData collectorsLocal / remote?
Files and directories

Collect data that comes from various files and directories.

Note: The Upload File data collector can be used to upload a file for one-time collection of data.

Monitor file on Collection Agent

Monitor file over SSHRemote
Monitor file over Windows shareRemote
Upload fileRemote
Script outputsCollect data that is generated as a result of running a script.

Monitor script output on Collection Agent

Monitor script output over SSHRemote
Windows eventsCollect and index Windows events remotely.Monitor remote Windows eventsRemote
Collect and index Windows events locally.Monitor local Windows eventsLocal
Events from external systems

Collect events directly from supported external systems such as BMC ProactiveNet, or BMC TrueSight Infrastructure Management.

Monitor using external configuration

Syslog eventsCollect Syslog events over a TCP or UDP connection.

Receive over TCP/UDP
