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This section describes the management of secure socket layer (SSL) keys and the settings for traffic decryption of the BMC Real User Cloud Probe.

A web application uses encryption to protect sensitive data that travels between the client and the server. Without the proper deciphering mechanism, the system cannot decrypt the intercepted traffic. To process encrypted traffic, you must upload the appropriate cryptographic keys (so-called SSL keys) to the host with the Cloud Probe.

The Cloud Probe supports SSL keys with certificates that use the privacy-enhanced mail (PEM) format. Passphrase- and Password-protected private keys are not supported. For a list of supported cipher suites, see Key management views.

To configure SSL keys to decrypt Cloud Probe traffic

  1. Log in to the system where you installed the Cloud Probe with an Administrator account.
  2. Stop the Cloud Probe service.
  3. Navigate to the Cloud Probe configuration file.


    Operating SystemFile location
  4. Copy your private PEM key to the Cloud Probe host system.
  5. Create a private key with pem__PEM suffix:
    • On Linux, run the following command:
      mv /<keyLocation>/<keyName>.pem /<keyDestination>/<keyName>.pem__PEM
    • On Windows, rename the file by changing its suffix to <keyname>.pem__PEM.
  6. To verify an SSL key has been loaded properly by a Cloud Probe, the check for the following success message in the installationDirectory/cloudprobe\staging\var\log\epx\probe.log_ file.

    <date and time stamp> info  [CORE] INFO: SSL Keys and/or Hosts accept: GOOD

Example SSL keys

Example of binding multiple IP addresses to the same key

keymaterial /opt/bmc/CloudProbe/cloudproeb/conf/key.pem__PEM ON
keyfor 443-443 1 key.pem
keyfor 443-443 1 key.pem

Example of binding multiple keys to multiple ports of the same address

keymaterial C:/CP/cloudprobe/conf/09_pem_des_nopas.pem__PEM ON 
keymaterial C:/CP/cloudprobe/conf/12_pem_plain_nopas.pem__PEM ON
keyfor 0-65535 1 09_pem_des_nopas.pem,12_pem_plain_nopas.pem

Example of binding multiple keys to multiple IP addresses and multiple ports

keymaterial /opt/bmc/CloudProbe/cloudprobe/conf/key.pem__PEM ON
keymaterial /opt/bmc/CloudProbe/cloudprobe/conf/key1.pem__PEM ON
keymaterial /opt/bmc/CloudProbe/cloudprobe/conf/key2.pem__PEM ON
keymaterial /opt/bmc/CloudProbe/cloudprobe/conf/key3.pem__PEM ON
keyfor 1-65535 1 key.pem,key1.pem
keyfor 1-65535 2 key3.pem,key4.pem

Troubleshooting errors with Cloud Probe SSL keys

Issue: After the Cloud probe service starts, the SSL CFG ERROR error in the cloud-probe service log indicates a problem with epssl.cfg file.

Resolution: Check the definition of the key file in the epssl.cfg file for the following:

  • Check for the presence of illegal characters.
  • Make sure the SSL key path name contains forward slashes (/), even when the Cloud Probe is installed on a Windows system; otherwise, the Cloud Probe will not be loaded correctly by the system.
  • Make sure the key file is in PEM (PKCS#12) format. If a you use a key file in another format, first use an SSL tool to convert it to the PEM format.

Related topic

Installing the Real User Cloud Probe



  2. Please add a comment related to the Cipher Suite supported by the Cloub Probe as well. Oh - I see that here:
