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Agent configuration variables are the means by which the characteristics of a PATROL Agent are defined. To configure an Elasticsearch host for monitoring by using PATROL Configuration Manager, add the following set of agent configuration variables, and apply it on the PATROL Agent that runs PATROL for Elasticsearch.

The following table lists the rule set files, which are available at $PATROL_HOME\..\pconfmgr\rulesets\Shipped\esk.

Directory path and variableDescriptionDefault valueExample

Enter the path (along with the filename and .pfx extension) where the certificate file is located.


The client certificate file must reside on the host where the PATROL Agent is running. BMC PATROL default account must have read permission on the directory where the client certificate file is located.

The path should be an absolute path to the location where the certificate resides on the PATROL Agent. For example, /home/patrol/membernode.pfx

/ESK/CONT/<label>/connectionHostEnter the hostname of a node in Elasticsearch cluster to which KM will connect and get data.None

"/ESK/CONT/test_label/connectionHost" = ""

/ESK/CONT/<label>/esUserEnter the username of the Elasticsearch user if x-pack authentication is enabled.NoneNone

Stores the failover retry attempts.

This value indicates the number of retries after which collector will activate failover. If a connection node in Elasticsearch cluster is down (service is not running) the collector will try to select other nodes from cluster after these attempts are exhausted. Collector will prefer client nodes for connection when failover is initiated.


"/ESK/CONT/test_label/maxConnFailures" = "3"

/ESK/CONT/<label>/maxPoolSizeStores the maximum number of threads the performance collector can spawn for data collection. In case of a large number of indices (more than 1000), this value must be greater than 50.50 threads

"/ESK/CONT/test_label/maxPoolSize" = "50"

/ESK/CONT/<label>/portStores the configured port number. 9200"/ESK/HOST/test_label/port" = "9200"

Stores the protocol that is used for the connection. 

Valid values:

  • 0 - http
  • 1 - https

"/ESK/CONT/test_label/protocol" = "1"

/ESK/CONT/<label>/readTimeOutStores the timeout period of the HTTP connection. If no data is available at the end of this interval the collector will return an error and proceed with the next scheduled poll.50 seconds

"/ESK/CONT/test_label/readTimeOut" = "50"


Set this variable to one of the following values to enable the Java collector debug.

  • WARNING - Failures that can affect monitoring
  • INFO - Failures and exceptions in the collection
  • ALL - WARNING, INFO and JSON responses of all REST queries

The debug file is located at


"/ESK/CONT/test_label/javaDebugLevel" = "1"


Set this variable to enable the PSL debug.

The debug statements are printed to System Output Windows (SOW) or in the issow.log file.

The debug file is located at $PATROL_HOME/log/trace/<hostname>/<port>/issow.log


"/ESK/CONT/test_label/protocol" = "1"


Set this variable to enable device mapping. Enabling device mapping consolidates Elasticsearch monitoring at device level.

Valid values:

  • 1 - Enable
  • 0 - Disable
Enabled"/ESK/createDevice" = "1"


Set this variable to the directory path of the JRE.None

"/ESK/JAVA_HOME" = "/usr/lib/jvm/jre-1.8.0-openjdk.x86_64"


Enter the index name or a regular expression to filter indices that you want to include for monitoring.

By default, all the indices are included for monitoring.

None"/ESK/HOST/test_label/includeRegex" = “.*”


Enter the index name or a regular expression to filter indices that you want to exclude from monitoring.

If the include and exclude regular expressions are same then exclude takes precedence over include. 

None"/ESK/HOST/test_label/excludeRegex" = “<exclude Regex pattern>”


