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You can use Oracle client, Oracle JDBC driver, or a Microsoft SQL Server JDBC Driver to connect SAP BusinessObjects with Oracle or SQL Server database. After you configure Oracle client, Oracle JDBC driver, or a Microsoft SQL Server JDBC Driver, connect SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise to the Oracle or SQL Server database.

Configure the Oracle clientConfiguring Oracle client
Configure the Oracle JDBC driverConfiguring a JDBC driver
Configure the Microsoft SQL Server JDBC driverConfiguring a Microsoft SQL Server JDBC Driver

Configuring Oracle client

The Oracle client can be configured to establish connectivity between the Oracle database and SAP Business Intelligence 4.1 SP3 Patch 3 Server.

Before configuring the Oracle client, install the Oracle Database client (64 bit) on the computer on which you have installed SAP Business Intelligence 4.1 SP3 Patch 3 Server.

  • Business Intelligence 4.1 SP3 Server components are 64 bit, hence a 64 bit Oracle Database Client installation is required on the same server.
  • Business Intelligence 4.1 SP3 Client Tools components are 32 bit, hence a 32 bit Oracle Database Client installation is required on the same server.
  • If you have both Server component and Client tool components on the same computer, then you must install both 32 bit and 64 bit Oracle Database Clients on the same computer.


You can also establish the connectivity between the database and SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise using other methods as per your organization's specifications.

To configure the Oracle client perform the following steps:

  1. On the computer on which you have installed the Oracle client, open the tnsnames.ora file located in the ORACLE_HOME\Network\Admin folder.
  2. Add the following entry using the values that you populated in the Planning sheet for installation and configuration.


    If you have both 32 bit and 64 bit Oracle Database Clients on the same machine, you need to add entries in both the tnsnames.ora files.

    <addressName> =
        (ADDRESS_LIST =
          (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(Host = <hostName>)(Port = <port>))
        (CONNECT_DATA =
          (SERVICE_NAME = <sid>)
  3. Save the file, and close it.

Configuring Oracle JDBC driver

The Oracle JDBC driver can be configured to establish connectivity between the Oracle database and SAP Business Intelligence 4.1 SP3 Patch 3 Server. To configure the Oracle database using Oracle JDBC driver perform the following steps:

  1. Copy the ojdbc5.jar file from DVD location\Reports\Util\DatabaseDrivers\Oracle in either of the following ways:

    • To set up the Connection Server to allow access to other databases on Windows, copy the ojdbc5.jar file to installationDirectory\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\dataAccess\connectionServer\jdbc\drivers\oracle.
    • To set up the Connection Server to allow for other database access on Unix, copy the ojdbc5.jar file to installationDirectory\sap_bobj\enterprise_xi40\dataAccess\connectionServer\jdbc\drivers\oracle.


      You must create a directory named oracle in the directory hierarchy under drivers. If you have Server component and Client tools component on separate computers, you must copy the ojdbc5.jar file on both computers.

  2. Log on to SAP Business Objects Central Management Console.
  3. Click the Servers link to see available servers with details.
  4. Restart connection server: <hostname>.Connectionserver.

Configuring Microsoft SQL Server JDBC driver

The Microsoft SQL Server JDBC driver can be configured to establish connectivity between SQL Server and SAP Business Intelligence 4.1 SP3 Server. To configure the SQL Server using Microsoft SQL Server JDBC driver perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to DVD Location\Reports\Util\DatabaseDrivers\sqlserver folder and copy the sqljdbc4.jar file to the installationDirectory\SAP BusinessObjects\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\dataAccess\connectionServer\jdbc\drivers\sqlsrv directory.


    If the sqlsrv folder is not available, create the sqlsrv folder in installationDirectory\SAP BusinessObjects\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\dataAccess\connectionServer\jdbc\drivers\

  2. Add the following line to sqlsrv.sbo file located at installationDirectory\SAP BusinessObjects\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\dataAccess\connectionServer\jdbc\

    <Parameter Name="Transaction Isolation Level">READ UNCOMMITTED</Parameter>

    For more information, see the following examples:

    Before adding the Transaction Isolation Level

    DataBase Active="Yes" Name="MS SQL Server 2008">
                    <!--  Uncomment and edit the following lines
                         to define java classes required by JDBC driver
                        &lt;Path&gt;your jar or class files directory&lt;/Path&gt;
                    <!-- Configuration is done for SQL Server 2008 JDBC Driver (2.0)  -->
                    <Parameter Name="JDBC Class"></Parameter>
                    <Parameter Name="URL Format">jdbc:sqlserver://$DATASOURCE$;DatabaseName=$DATABASE$</Parameter>
                <Parameter Name="Extensions">sqlsrv2008,sqlsrv,jdbc</Parameter>
                <Parameter Name="Force Execute">Always</Parameter>

    After adding the Transaction Isolation Level

    DataBase Active="Yes" Name="MS SQL Server 2008">
                    <!--  Uncomment and edit the following lines
                         to define java classes required by JDBC driver
                        &lt;Path&gt;your jar or class files directory&lt;/Path&gt;
                    <!-- Configuration is done for SQL Server 2008 JDBC Driver (2.0)  -->
                    <Parameter Name="JDBC Class"></Parameter>
                    <Parameter Name="URL Format">jdbc:sqlserver://$DATASOURCE$;DatabaseName=$DATABASE$</Parameter>
                <Parameter Name="Extensions">sqlsrv2008,sqlsrv,jdbc</Parameter>
                <Parameter Name="Force Execute">Always</Parameter>
                <Parameter Name="Transaction Isolation Level">READ UNCOMMITTED</Parameter> 




    Add the Transaction Isolation Level for all the versions of SQL Server, in the sqlsrv.sbo file.

  3. Add the following line to jdbc.sbo file located at C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\dataAccess\connectionServer\jdbc\.

    <Parameter Name="Transaction Isolation Level">READ UNCOMMITTED</Parameter>


    For more information, see the following example:

    Before adding the Transaction Isolation Level

    <DataBase Active="Yes" Name="Generic JDBC datasource">
                    <!--  Uncomment and edit the following lines
                         to define java classes required by JDBC driver
                        &lt;Path&gt;your jar or class files directory&lt;/Path&gt;
                    <Parameter Name="JDBC Class">$JDBCCLASS$</Parameter>
                    <Parameter Name="URL Format">$DATASOURCE$</Parameter>
                <Parameter Name="Array Fetch Size">10</Parameter>

    After adding the Transaction Isolation Level

    <DataBase Active="Yes" Name="Generic JDBC datasource">
                    <!--  Uncomment and edit the following lines
                         to define java classes required by JDBC driver
                        &lt;Path&gt;your jar or class files directory&lt;/Path&gt;
                    <Parameter Name="JDBC Class">$JDBCCLASS$</Parameter>
                    <Parameter Name="URL Format">$DATASOURCE$</Parameter>
                <Parameter Name="Array Fetch Size">10</Parameter>
                <Parameter Name="Transaction Isolation Level">READ UNCOMMITTED</Parameter>
  4. Save the file.

  5. Perform either of the following steps depending on the authentication:

    1. For SQL Server authentication: Skip to Creating a new SQL Server database connection.
    2. For Windows authentication:

      • Copy the x86\sqljdbc_auth.dll file located at CD Location\Reports\Util\DatabaseDrivers\ to the following directory:
        SAP BusinessObjects\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\win32_x86\jre\bin

      • Copy the x64\sqljdbc_auth.dll file located at CD Location\Reports\Util\DatabaseDrivers\ to the following directories:

        •  SAP BusinessObjects\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\win64_x64\sapjvm\bin

        •  SAP BusinessObjects\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\win64_x64\sapjvm\jre\bin

      • Connect remotely to the BusinessObjects host by using Windows administrator credentials. For example domainNname/domainusername.

      • Navigate to Services > Server Intelligence Agent. In the Log On tab, modify the This account details, by using the read-only user (reuniv) or schema owner login created by create_sql_user.bat script.

      • Using the Windows Server Manager, add the user that you added in the Log On tab, to the Windows local Administrator user group.
      • Restart the Server Intelligence Agent (SIA) service.