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Most of the reports have both a graphical format and a tabular format. You can generate reports interactively or schedule background report generation.

The predefined templates for event reports are categorized into the following folders:

Event Detail

The Event Detail folder contains the following Event report templates:


Event Detail Summary by Event Slot

This report displays details for events related to the specified event slot that were received during the specified time period, including actions performed on the events and its current status. The report organizes information by priority.

Event Detail Summary by Event Slot - Details

This report displays details for a selected event related to the specified event class that were received during the specified time period, including actions performed on the events and its current status.

Event Summary

The Event Summary folder contains the following Event report templates:


Event Details

This report displays details for events related to the specified priority, severity, event class, device, monitor type, monitor instance, extended slot value, or event status that were received during the specified time period, including its current status. The report organizes information by event date.

Event Summary by Device

This report displays the number of events by device that were received during the specified time period. The report organizes information by severity and priority.

Event Summary by Event Custom Slot

This report displays the number of events per the specified custom slot that were received during the specified time period. The report organizes information by priority.

Event Summary by Event Slot

This report displays the number of events per the specified event slot and the selected interval (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly) that were received during the specified time period. The report organizes information by selected event slot, priority and severity.

Event Summary by Priority

This report displays the details for each event received during the period that you specify, including actions performed on the events and the event's current status. These reports organize information by priority.

Event Summary by Severity

This report displays the details for each event received during the period that you specify, including actions performed on the events and the event's current status.

Event Trend

This report displays number of new events created over time. This data is shown as a trend over a given time period. The data is presented by severity, service, location, device and user.

Response Time

The Response Time folder contains the following Event report templates:

Event Mean Response Time

This report displays the mean time to respond to the events in the given time period. Response time is measured for each event, from generation to the first change in its status. The data is presented by service, location, device and user. This report can be used by IT Operations managers to manage the time it takes to initially respond to events. It does not include automatically closed events. Includes all events that are modified (for example, where the status was changed from open to a different status). Includes all events that are currently open (whose status was changed at least once).

Event Mean Response Time DetailThis report includes Mean Response Time by user as its sub-report. The sub-report shows the mean time to respond to the events in the given time period. Response time is measured for each event – from generation to the first change in its status.
Event Mean Time To RepairThis report displays the mean time to repair the events in the given time period. Time is measured for each event, from generation to closure. This report can be used by IT Operations managers to manage the time it takes to close events.This report does not include automatically closed events.
Event Mean Time To Repair DetailMean time to repair by device is a sub-report. The sub-report shows the mean time to repair the events in the given time period. Time is measured for each event – from generation to closure. 
Response Time by OperatorFor a time period and selected operators, this report displays the maximum, average, and minimum time for taking action on an alert. This report organizes its information by priority, and displays the number of events received for each priority level.
Response Time by Operator - Details for OperatorFor a selected operator, this report displays the alert response time for per each priority.
Response Time by Operator - Details for Operator by Priority/SeverityFor a period and an operator or operators that you select, this report displays the maximum, average, and minimum time for taking action on an alert. This report organizes its information by priority or severity, and displays the number of events received for each priority or severity level. This report also color-codes information by priority or severity level.

Top N

The Top N folder contains the following Event report templates:

Top N Event Details by DeviceThis report displays details for events related to the specified devices that were received during the specified time period. The report organizes information by event date.
Top N Event Details by Monitor Type and InstanceThis report displays details for events related to the specified Monitor Types or Instances that were received during the specified time period. The report organizes information by event date.
Top N Event Summary by Custom SlotFor a custom slot and time period, this report lists the event sources with the highest number of events. Results are ordered by rank and priority.
Top N Event Summary by Custom Slot - DetailsThis report displays the distribution of event priorities per the events with the specified custom slot that were received during the specified date.
Top N Event Summary by DeviceThis report displays the number of events by device that were received during the specified time period. The report organizes information by severity and priority.
Top N Event Summary by Event SlotFor any selected slot and time period, this report lists the event sources with the highest number of events. Results are ordered by rank and priority.
Top N Event Summary by Monitor InstanceFor any selected monitor instance and time period, this report lists the event sources with the highest number of events. Results are ordered by severity and priority.
Top N Event Summary by Monitor TypeFor any selected monitor type and time period, this report lists the event sources with the highest number of events. Results are ordered by severity and priority.


If you are importing very large data, you may get the following error:

An Error occurred during chart generation. The chart can not be generated.

To resolve this, filter the search in terms of data or time range provided for the report.

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