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To modify the statbld.conf file to generate an export file, set Export=Yes and remove the # sign that precedes it. If you retain the default value ExportDiscarded=No, events that were discarded in the first four rule phases-Refine, Filter, Regulate, and New/Update-are not included in the export file. Set ExportDiscarded=Yes to include these events in the export file.

Use the ExportConfigFileName parameter in the statbld.conf file to set the location of the export configuration file. By default, the location is the gateway.export file in the cell-specific subdirectory of installationDirectory\pw\server\etc.

When the data files are generated, the cell can trigger a program, which can be used to import the data automatically into another product, such as a database. This can be controlled using the ExportTriggerArguments and the ExportTriggerProgram parameters, which are set also in the statbld.conf file. The arguments specified in ExportTriggerArguments are passed as arguments to the program, if any. These are always followed by the paths to the new event and modification export files, in that order.

The export process produces two separate files that are located in the installationDirectory\pw\server\var \cellName directory.These two files are exp.time, which contains all new events since the previous export, and exp.time stamp.mod, which contains all modifications of events after they have first passed through all rule phases. The time stamp part of the file name corresponds to the time stamp part used in the mcdb and xact file names and enables archiving of multiple export files.

Because the primary goal of exporting events is to import the data into another format for other use, BMC recommends that you remove the export files as soon as their contents have been archived. The easiest way to do this is to have them removed by the program that is triggered at the end of the export.