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Client communication parameters





Interval, in seconds, between clean-ups of pending clients.
After each such period, clients that did not give the cell a notice of life are disconnected.



Maximum time, in milliseconds, the cell waits for a client request before it continues processing.



Time interval, in milliseconds, that the cell has to send a packet to a client on the lowest communication level.



Format used to display time stamps in the date slot.
A default value of CIM indicates use of the Common Information Model (CIM) format from the Desktop Management Force Group.
DateFormat parameters use the syntax of %[letter]. The following table lists the DateFormat parameters for Solaris; for other operating systems, see their documentation.



Maximum time, in milliseconds, the cell waits for synchronization before dropping a connection.


If the cell receives an event with an empty value for the date slot, it sets the date slot to the textually formatted value of the date_reception slot. That value is determined by the DateFormat parameter. This assignment is performed only once, when the event first enters the cell. If the cell is shut down and restarted, the value of date remains the same even if the DateFormat parameter has been modified in the interval.

The CIM format is yyyymmddhhmmss.mmmmmmsutc, where:

  • yyyy = year 
  • mm= month 
  • dd= day 
  • hh= hour, based on 24-hour clock 
  • mm= minutes 
  • ss= seconds 
  • mmmmmm= microseconds 
  • s= + or - 
  • utc= offset in minutes from UTC; UTC is the Universal Time Coordinate system

The following table lists the parameters from the Solaris platform. Other platforms, including UNIX and Microsoft Windows platforms, might have slight differences.

Date and time format parameters for Solaris




Same as %


Locale's abbreviated weekday name


Locale's full weekday name


Locale's abbreviated month name


Locale's full month name


Locale's appropriate date and time representation


Locale's date and time representation as produced by date (1)


Day of month [1,31]; single digits are preceded by zero (0)


Date as %m/%d/%y


Day of month [1,31]; single digits are preceded by a space


Locale's abbreviated month name


Hour (24-hour clock) [0,23]; single digits are preceded by zero (0)


Hour (12-hour clock) [1,12]; single digits are preceded by zero (0)


Day number of year [1,366]; single digits are preceded by zero (0)


Hour (24-hour clock) [0,23]; single digits are preceded by a blank


Hour (12-hour clock) [1,12]; single digits are preceded by a blank


Month number [1,12]; single digits are preceded by zero (0)


Minute [00,59]; initial 0 is permitted but not required


Insert a new line


Locale's equivalent of A.M. or P.M.


Appropriate time representation in 12-hour clock format with %p


Time as %H:%M


Seconds [ag020:00,61]


Insert a tab


Time as %H:%M:%S


Weekday as a decimal number [1,7], where 1 represents Sunday


Week number of year as a decimal number [00,53], where Sunday is the first day of week 1


Week number of the year as a decimal number [01,53], where Monday is the first day of the week
If the week containing January 1st has four or more days in the new year, then it is considered week 1. Otherwise, it is week 53 of the previous year, and the next week is considered week 1.


Weekday as a decimal number [0,6], where 0 represents Sunday


Week number of year as a decimal number [00,53], where Monday is the first day of week 1


Locale's appropriate date representation


Locale's appropriate time representation


Year within century [00,99]


Year, including the century. (for example, 2006)


Time zone name or abbreviation, or no bytes if no time zone information exists