Moviri Integrator for TrueSight Capacity Optimization - Dynatrace

The integration supports the extraction of both performance and configuration."Moviri Integrator for TrueSight Capacity Optimization – Dynatrace" is an additional component of TrueSight Capacity Optimization product. It allows extracting data from Dynatrace.  Relevant capacity metrics are loaded intoTrueSight Capacity Optimization, which provides advanced analytics over the extracted data.

The documentation is targeted at BMC TrueSight Capacity Optimization administrators, in charge of configuring and monitoring the integration between BMC TrueSight Capacity Optimization and Dynatrace.

Importing tags to create service pools is supported only when you apply Service Pack 1 (11.5.01) of TrueSight Capacity Optimization 11.5. 

The latest version of the integrator Dynatrace is available on EPD. Click the Moviri Integrator for TrueSight TrueSight Capacity Optimization link. In the Patches tab, select the latest version of TrueSight Capacity Optimization. This version of the connector compatible with TrueSight Capacity Optimization 11.3 and onward.

If you used the Moviri Integrator for TrueSight Capacity Optimization – Dynatrace before, the hierarchy will be changed in this version 20.02.01, and some entities will be gone and left at "All systems and business drivers → Unassigned".

This version of the  Moviri Integrator for  – TrueSight Capacity Optimization Dynatrace uses Metrics v2 endpoint for data extraction, which is different than the previous version. Check the "Verify Dynatrace Data" section for detailed metrics.

Collecting data by using the Dynatrace

To collect data by using the Dynatrace ETL, do the following tasks:

I. Dynatrace Prerequisites.

II. Configure Dynatrace ETL.

Step I. Complete the preconfiguration tasks


Check that the Dynatrace version is supported

  1. Dynatrace SaaS/Managed
  2. API version V1, scope: Access problem and event feed, metrics, and topology 
    1. Smartscape API - 
  3. API version V2, scope: Read metrics, Read Entities(Optional)
    1. Metric API
    2. (Optional) Monitored Entities API 

Generate an authorization token to access Dynatrace API.

To generate the token follow these steps:

  1. Login to the Dynatrace environment

  2. From the left bar select “Manage”

  3. Expand the “Manage” menu

  4. Select “Access Tokens”

  5. Click "Generate access token" button
  6. Search the scopes and select the following:

    1. “Access problem and event feed, metrics, and topology” - API V1

    2. "Read metrics" - API V2
    3. (Optional) "Read entities" - API V2
  7. Give a name to the token and then click “Generate Token”

  8. Copy the generated token and use it in the ETL configuration.

Verify if the token is working

Execute the following command from a linux console:

  • curl -H "Authorization: Api-Token <token>" https://<dyantrace-fqdn>/api/v1/config/clusterversion

An output similar to the following should be obtained:

{"version": ""}

Step II. Configure the ETL

A. Configuring the basic properties

Some of the basic properties display default values. You can modify these values if required.

To configure the basic properties:

  1. In the console, navigate to Administration ETL & System Tasks, and select ETL tasks.
  2. On the ETL tasks page, click Add > Add ETL. The Add ETL page displays the configuration properties. You must configure properties in the following tabs: Run configuration, Entity catalog, and Amazon Web Services Connection

  3. On the Run Configuration tab, select Moviri - Dynatrace Extractor from the ETL Module list. The name of the ETL is displayed in the ETL task name field. You can edit this field to customize the name.

  4. Click the Entity catalog tab, and select one of the following options:
    • Shared Entity Catalog:

      • From the Sharing with Entity Catalog list, select the entity catalog name that is shared between ETLs.
    • Private Entity Catalog: Select if this is the only ETL that extracts data from the Dynatrace resources.
  5. Click the Dynatrace - Connection Parameters tab, and configure the following properties:

    API Version

    Choose between v1 (SmartScape) or v2 (Monitored Entities)

    Dynatrace URL prefix 

    Dynatrace URL.
    The URL must be in the form "https://{id}"

    Dynatrace API Token

    Dynatrace API Token (Generated in the Prerequisite)

    Semi-colon separated list of HTTP Headers (<header>:"<value>")Extra Http Header key-valye pair used for accessing Dynatrace API (semi-colon separate list for multiple HTTP Headers)
    Use HTTP Proxy to connect to Dynatrace

    Select yes if a HTTP proxy is required in order to connect to Dynatrace API

    Use HTTPSWhether or not use HTTPS to connect to the HTTP(S) proxy.
    HTTP Proxy AddressHTTP Proxy FQDN or IP Address
    HTTP Proxy PortHTTP(S) proxy server port
    HTTP Proxy UsernameHTTP(S) proxy server username
    HTTP Proxy PasswordHTTP(S) proxy server password

Click the Dynatrace - Extraction tab, and configure the following properties:

Default Lastcounter (YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS)

Initial timestamp from which extract data.

Max Extraction Period (hours)Specify the max extraction period in hours (default is 24 hours / 1 day).
Entities batch size

Specify how many entities is extracted at the same time from Dynatrace.

Timeout secondsSpecify timeout seconds for Dynatrace API connection
Waiting period in seconds when hit API limitsSpecify waiting period when hit Dynatrace API number of request per minute limit
Data Resolution

Select at which resolution data will be imported into TSCO.

Possible values are:

  • 5 Minutes
  • 15 Minutes
  • 30 Minutes
  • 1 Hour
Extraction time chunk size (hour), 0 for no limitationSpecify how many hours of data can be extracted once (default is 0, no limitation, extracting all data from last counter)
ETL waits when API calls reaches this numberSpecify the safeguard threshold for the 'X-RateLimit-Remaining'. The ETL will wait for the next time slot available (or up to the Timeout seconds) when the 'X-RateLimit-Remaining' header will reach this value. More information at (
Page SizeSpecify page size of each Dynatrace response, page size represents how many data entries returned from Dynatrace API
Lag hour to now as end timestampIf ending timestamp of extraction period is close to current timestamp, specify lag hours from the current timestamp for Dynatrace Metric API
Create 'Default Business Service' domain?Select if the Dynatrace ETL should be configured to support the Business Service View.
Tag Type for Service Pools?Specify which Tag Type should be used to import Service Pools, to be used in the Business Service View (default AppTier).
Alternative name for 'Default Business Service' domainAlternative name for default business service view
Extract Dynatrace Tags?Select if the Dynatrace ETL should import of Dynatrace Tag
Enable Default Tag for Dynatrace tags without a key/value pair?Select if the Dynatrace ETL is able to import Dynatrace Tag without a Key Value. Not all the Dynatrace Tag are available in the format of key:value (imported as TAGTYPE:TAG). This property enables the possibility to import Dynatrace Tag configured with just a value
Default tagtypeTAGTYPE to use for Dynatrace Tag without a key
Extract Application Tags?Select if the Dynatrace ETL should import Dynatrace Tag defined at the Application level
Allowlist Application Tags (Leave empty to extract ALL tags; semicolon separated)Allowlist of Dynatrace Tag to be imported at the Application Level (semi-colon separated)
Extract Service Tags?Select if the Dynatrace ETL should import Dynatrace Tag defined at the Service level
Allowlist Service Tags (Leave empty to extract ALL tags; semicolon separated)Allowlist of Dynatrace Tag to be imported at the Service Level (semi-colon separated)
Extract Host Tags?Select if the Dynatrace ETL should import Dynatrace Tag defined at the Host level
Allowlist Host Tags (Leave empty to extract ALL tags; semicolon separated)Allowlist of Dynatrace Tag to be imported at the Host Level (semi-colon separated)
Host Lookup Information
This property allow to define which value should be used as Strong Lookup Field
  • Dynatrace EntityId (DYNAUUID)
  • Hostname (HOSTNAME)
  • Dynatrace EntityId/Hostname (DYNAUUID##HOSTNAME)
Choose to import TOTAL_EVENTS data mapped to WEB_ACTIVE_SESSIONS metric or USERS_CURRENT metric.

  1. Click the Dynatrace - Filter tab, and configure the following properties:

    Collect infrastructure metrics

    If selected, the connector will collect metrics at host level (VM, Generic)

    Import indirect services for each applicationsIf selected, the indirect services will be imported
    Skip Process Group aggregationIf selected, the processes data won't be aggregated to Services
    Extract service key request metricsIf Selected, the key request metrics (BYSET_* Business Driver Metrics) will be imported
    Extract all hostsIf Selected, all the hosts (even the one not assigned to any application/service) will be imported. Host not assigned to any application will be available in the "Infrastructure" domain
    Extract all servicesIf Selected, all the services (even the one not assigned to any application) will be imported. Services are not assigned to any application will be available in the "Services" domain
    Extract BYFS_ metrics for hosts?

    If Selected, it will import byfs_metrics, which results in a very slow execution since it's not aggregated. Default is "No"

    If Selected, the Disk's UUID (format DISK-123456789) will be used as sub object names. If want to use disk name (path), manually add a property "" and set to "true". Extracting Disk names will require to use API V2 Read Entities scope. Please refer to "Generate the token" section above. Using disk name (path) will also results in a slow execution. 

    Extract network interface metrics for hosts?

    If Selected, it will extract network interfaces from the API and create a map

    Change entitytype based on Cloud type?Change entity type based on cloud type, limited to aws, gcp, azure, and oracle. Openstack or other vm platform type will be put as "generic".
    Custom metrics JSON file locationThe location of where the custom metrics configuration JSON file. If not want to use the custom metrics, leave this field empty.
    Application Allowlist  (; separated)

    Semicolon separated list of Java Regular Expression that will be used to identify the applications to be imported (multiple Regular Expressions will be considered in "OR" clause)

    Application Denylist (; separated)

    Semicolon separated list of Java Regular Expression that will be used to identify the applications not to be imported (multiple Regular Expressions will be considered in "OR" clause)

    Application Allowlist (; separated), support Application IDSemicolon separated list of Application ID that will be used to identify the applications to be imported (multiple Regular Expressions will be considered in "OR" clause). This property does not accept Regular Expression, an exact match of the Application ID will be performed.
    Application Denylist (; separated), support Application IDSemicolon separated list of Application ID that will be used to identify the applications to be imported (multiple Regular Expressions will be considered in "OR" clause). This property does not accept Regular Expression, an exact match of the Application ID will be performed.
    Application Injection Type Allowlist (; separated)

    Semicolon separated list of Injection Types to be imported. This property does not accept regular expressions, an exact match of Injection Types will be performed.

    Application Injection Type Denylist (; separated)

    Semicolon separated list of Injection Types to not be imported. This property does not accept regular expressions, an exact match of Injection Types will be performed.

    Host Allowlist (; separated)

    Semicolon separated list of Java Regular Expression that will be used to identify the hosts to be imported (multiple Regular Expressions will be considered in "OR" clause)

    Host Denylist (; separated)

    Semicolon separated list of Java Regular Expression that will be used to identify the hosts not to be imported (multiple Regular Expressions will be considered in "OR" clause)

    Host Allowlist (; separated), support Host IDSemicolon separated list of Host ID that will be used to identify the applications to be imported (the Regular Expressions will be considered in "OR" statements). This property does not accept Regular Expression, an exact match of the Host ID will be performed.
    Host Denylist (; separated), support Host IDSemicolon separated list of Host ID that will be used to identify the applications not to be imported (the Regular Expressions will be considered in "OR" statements). This property does not accept Regular Expression, an exact match of the Host ID will be performed.
    Host Monitoring Mode filter Allowlist (; separated)Semicolon separated list of Host Monitoring Modes to be imported. This property does not accept regular expressions, an exact match of the Host Monitoring Modes will be performed.
    Host Monitoring Mode filter Denylist (; separated)Semicolon separated list of Host Monitoring Modes to not be imported. This property does not accept regular expressions, an exact match of the Host Monitoring Modes will be performed.
    Host Network Zone filter Allowlist (; separated)Semicolon separated list of Host Network Zones to be imported. This property does not accept regular expressions, an exact match of the Host Network Zones will be performed.
    Host Network Zone filter Allowlist (; separated)Semicolon separated list of Host Network Zones to not be imported. This property does not accept regular expressions, an exact match of the Host Network Zones will be performed.
    Host Operating System Type filter Allowlist (; separated)Semicolon separated list of Host Operating System Types to be imported. This property does not accept regular expressions, an exact match of the Host Operating System Type will be performed.
    Host Operating System Type filter Denylist (; separated)Semicolon separated list of Host Operating System Types to not be imported. This property does not accept regular expressions, an exact match of the Host Operating System Type will be performed.
    Host State filter Allowlist (; separated)Semicolon separated list of Host States to be imported. This property does not accept regular expressions, an exact match of the Host States will be performed.
    Host State filter Denylist (; separated)Semicolon separated list of Host States to not be imported. This property does not accept regular expressions, an exact match of the Host States will be performed.
    Host Hypervisor Type filter Allowlist (; separated)Semicolon separated list of Host Hypervisor Types to be imported. This property does not accept regular expressions, an exact match of the Host Hypervisor Types will be performed.
    Host Hypervisor Type filter Denylist (; separated)Semicolon separated list of Host Hypervisor Types to not be imported. This property does not accept regular expressions, an exact match of the Host Hypervisor Types will be performed.
    Service Allowlist (; separated)Semicolon separated list of Java Regular Expression that will be used to identify the services to be imported (multiple Regular Expressions will be considered in "OR" clause).
    Service Denylist (; separated)Semicolon separated list of Java Regular Expression that will be used to identify the services not to be imported (multiple Regular Expressions will be considered in "OR" clause).
    Service Allowlist (; separated), support Service IDSemicolon separated list of Service ID that will be used to identify the applications to be imported (the Regular Expressions will be considered in "OR" statements). This property does not accept Regular Expression, an exact match of the Service ID will be performed.
    Service Denylist (; separated), support Service IDSemicolon separated list of Service ID that will be used to identify the applications not to be imported (the Regular Expressions will be considered in "OR" statements). This property does not accept Regular Expression, an exact match of the Service ID will be performed.
    Service Software Technology Allowlist (; separated)Semicolon separated list of Software Technologies to be imported. This property does not accept regular expression, an exact match of the Software Technologies will be performed.
    Service Software Technology Denylist (; separated)Semicolon separated list of Software Technologies to not be imported. This property does not accept regular expression, an exact match of the Software Technologies will be performed.
    Tags for filtering Apps (; separated)Semicolon separated list of tags to filter out the applications. Format can be [Context]tag:value or tag:value or tag. All the tags must apply to the in-scope Applications (multiple tags will be considered in "AND" clause)
    Tags for filtering Services (; separated)Semicolon separated list of tags to filter out the services. Format can be [Context]tag:value or tag:value or tag. All the tags must apply to the in-scope Service (multiple tags will be considered in "AND" clause)
    Tags for filtering Hosts(; separated)Semicolon separated list of tags to filter out the hosts. Format can be [Context]tag:value or tag:value or tag. All the tags must apply to the in-scope Applications (multiple tags will be considered in "AND" clause)

The following image shows sample configuration values for the basic properties.

  1. (Optional) Override the default values of properties in the following tabs:

    Module selection

    Select one of the following options:

    • Based on datasource: This is the default selection.
    • Based on Open ETL template: Select only if you want to collect data that is not supported by TrueSight Capacity Optimization.
    Module descriptionA short description of the ETL module.
    Execute in simulation modeBy default, the ETL execution in simulation mode is selected to validate connectivity with the data source, and to ensure that the ETL does not have any configuration issues. In the simulation mode, the ETL does not load data into the database. This option is useful when you want to test a new ETL task. To run the ETL in the production mode, select No.
    BMC recommends that you run the ETL in the simulation mode after ETL configuration and then run it in the production mode.
    Associate new entities to

    Specify the domain to which you want to add the entities created by the ETL.

    Select one of the following options:

    • Existing domain: This option is selected by default. Select an existing domain from the Domain list. If the selected domain is already used by other hierarchy rules, select one of the following Domain conflict options:
      • Enrich domain tree: Select to create a new independent hierarchy rule for adding a new set of entities, relations, or both that are not defined by other ETLs.
      • ETL Migration: Select if the new ETL uses the same set of entities, relations, or both that are already defined by other ETLs.
    • New domain: Select a parent domain, and specify a name for your new domain.

    By default, a new domain with the same ETL name is created for each ETL. When the ETL is created, a new hierarchy rule with the same name of the ETL task is automatically created in the active state. If you specify a different domain for the ETL, the hierarchy rule is updated automatically.

    Task groupSelect a task group to classify the ETL.
    Running on schedulerSelect one of the following schedulers for running the ETL:
    • Primary Scheduler: Runs on the Application Server.
    • Generic Scheduler: Runs on a separate computer.
    • Remote: Runs on remote computers.
    Maximum execution time before warningIndicates the number of hours, minutes, or days for which the ETL must run before generating warnings or alerts, if any.

    Select one of the following frequencies to run the ETL:

    • Predefined: This is the default selection. Select a daily, weekly, or monthly frequency, and then select a time to start the ETL run accordingly.
    • Custom: Specify a custom frequency, select an appropriate unit of time, and then specify a day and a time to start the ETL run.

  2. Click Save.
    The ETL tasks page shows the details of the newly configured Dynatrace ETL.

(Optional) B. Configuring the advanced properties

You can configure the advanced properties to change the way the ETL works or to collect additional metrics.

To configure the advanced properties:

  1. On the Add ETL page, click Advanced.
  2. Configure the following properties:

    Run configuration nameSpecify the name that you want to assign to this ETL task configuration. The default configuration name is displayed. You can use this name to differentiate between the run configuration settings of ETL tasks.
    Deploy statusSelect the deploy status for the ETL task. For example, you can initially select Test and change it to Production after verifying that the ETL run results are as expected.
    Log levelSpecify the level of details that you want to include in the ETL log file. Select one of the following options:
    • 1 - Light: Select to add the bare minimum activity logs to the log file.
    • 5 - Medium: Select to add the medium-detailed activity logs to the log file.
    • 10 - Verbose: Select to add detailed activity logs to the log file.

    Use log level 5 as a general practice. You can select log level 10 for debugging and troubleshooting purposes.


    Specify the datasets that you want to add to the ETL run configuration. The ETL collects data of metrics that are associated with these datasets.

    1. Click Edit.
    2. Select one (click) or more (shift+click) datasets from the Available datasets list and click >> to move them to the Selected datasets list.
    3. Click Apply.

    The ETL collects data of metrics associated with the datasets that are available in the Selected datasets list.

    Metric profile selection

    Select the metric profile that the ETL must use. The ETL collects data for the group of metrics that is defined by the selected metric profile.

    • Use Global metric profile: This is selected by default. All the out-of-the-box ETLs use this profile.
    • Select a custom metric profile: Select the custom profile that you want to use from the Custom metric profile list. This list displays all the custom profiles that you have created.

    For more information about metric profiles, see Adding and managing metric profiles.
    Levels up to

    Specify the metric level that defines the number of metrics that can be imported into the database. The load on the database increases or decreases depending on the selected metric level.

    To learn more about metric levels, see Aging Class mapping.

    To learn more about metric levels, see Aging class mapping Open link .

    Empty dataset behaviorSpecify the action for the loader if it encounters an empty dataset:
    • Warn: Generate a warning about loading an empty dataset.
    • Ignore: Ignore the empty dataset and continue parsing.
    ETL log file nameThe name of the file that contains the ETL run log. The default value is: %BASE/log/%AYEAR%AMONTH%ADAY%AHOUR%MINUTE%TASKID
    Maximum number of rows for CSV outputA numeric value to limit the size of the output files.
    CSV loader output file nameThe name of the file that is generated by the CSV loader. The default value is: %BASE/output/%DSNAME%AYEAR%AMONTH%ADAY%AHOUR%ZPROG%DSID%TASKID
    Capacity Optimization loader output file name

    The name of the file that is generated by the TrueSight Capacity Optimization Capacity Optimization loader. The default value is: %BASE/output/%DSNAME%AYEAR%AMONTH%ADAY%AHOUR%ZPROG%DSID%TASKID

    Detail mode
    Specify whether you want to collect raw data in addition to the standard data. Select one of the following options:
    • Standard: Data will be stored in the database in different tables at the following time granularities: Detail (configurable, by default: 5 minutes), Hourly, Daily, and Monthly.
    • Raw also: Data will be stored in the database in different tables at the following time granularities: Raw (as available from the original data source), Detail (configurable, by default: 5 minutes), Hourly, Daily, and Monthly.
    • Raw only: Data will be stored in the database in a table only at Raw granularity (as available from the original data source).
    For more information, see Accessing data using public views and Sizing and scalability considerations.

    For more information, see Accessing data using public views Open link and Sizing and scalability considerations. Open link

    Remove domain suffix from datasource name (Only for systems) Select True to remove the domain from the data source name. For example, will be saved as server. The default selection is False.
    Leave domain suffix to system name (Only for systems)Select True to keep the domain in the system name. For example: will be saved as is. The default selection is False.
    Update grouping object definition (Only for systems)Select True if you want the ETL to update the grouping object definition for a metric that is loaded by the ETL. The default selection is False.
    Skip entity creation (Only for ETL tasks sharing lookup with other tasks)Select True if you do not want this ETL to create an entity and discard data from its data source for entities not found in Capacity Optimization. It uses one of the other ETLs that share a lookup to create a new entity. The default selection is False.
    Hour maskSpecify a value to run the task only during particular hours within a day. For example, 0 – 23 or 1, 3, 5 – 12.
    Day of week maskSelect the days so that the task can be run only on the selected days of the week. To avoid setting this filter, do not select any option for this field.
    Day of month maskSpecify a value to run the task only on the selected days of a month. For example, 5, 9, 18, 27 – 31.
    Apply mask validationSelect False to temporarily turn off the mask validation without removing any values. The default selection is True.
    Execute after timeSpecify a value in the hours:minutes format (for example, 05:00 or 16:00) to wait before the task is run. The task run begins only after the specified time is elapsed.
    EnqueueableSpecify whether you want to ignore the next run command or run it after the current task. Select one of the following options:
    • False: Ignores the next run command when a particular task is already running. This is the default selection.
    • True: Starts the next run command immediately after the current running task is completed.

  3. Click Save.
    The ETL tasks page shows the details of the newly configured Dynatrace ETL.

Step III. Run the ETL

After you configure the ETL, you can run it to collect data. You can run the ETL in the following modes:

A. Simulation mode: Only validates connection to the data source, does not collect data. Use this mode when you want to run the ETL for the first time or after you make any changes to the ETL configuration.

B. Production mode: Collects data from the data source.

A. Running the ETL in the simulation mode

To run the ETL in the simulation mode:

  1. In the console, navigate to Administration ETL & System Tasks, and select ETL tasks.
  2. On the ETL tasks page, click the ETL.

  3. In the Run configurations table, click Edit  to modify the ETL configuration settings.
  4. On the Run configuration tab, ensure that the Execute in simulation mode option is set to Yes, and click Save.
  5. Click Run active configuration. A confirmation message about the ETL run job submission is displayed.
  6. On the ETL tasks page, check the ETL run status in the Last exit column.
    OK Indicates that the ETL ran without any error. You are ready to run the ETL in the production mode.
  7.  If the ETL run status is Warning, Error, or Failed:
    1. On the ETL tasks page, click  in the last column of the ETL name row.
    2. Check the log and reconfigure the ETL if required.
    3. Run the ETL again.
    4. Repeat these steps until the ETL run status changes to OK.

B. Running the ETL in the production mode

You can run the ETL manually when required or schedule it to run at a specified time.

Running the ETL manually

  1. On the ETL tasks page, click the ETL. The ETL details are displayed.
  2. In the Run configurations table, click Edit  to modify the ETL configuration settings. The Edit run configuration page is displayed.
  3. On the Run configuration tab, select No for the Execute in simulation mode option, and click Save.
  4. To run the ETL immediately, click Run active configuration. A confirmation message about the ETL run job submission is displayed.
    When the ETL is run, it collects data from the source and transfers it to the database.

Scheduling the ETL run

By default, the ETL is scheduled to run daily. You can customize this schedule by changing the frequency and period of running the ETL.

To configure the ETL run schedule:

  1. On the ETL tasks page, click the ETL, and click Edit.

  2. On the Edit task page, do the following, and click Save:

    • Specify a unique name and description for the ETL task.
    • In the Maximum execution time before warning field, specify the duration for which the ETL must run before generating warnings or alerts, if any.
    • Select a predefined or custom frequency for starting the ETL run. The default selection is Predefined.
    • Select the task group and the scheduler to which you want to assign the ETL task.
  3. Click Schedule. A message confirming the scheduling job submission is displayed.
    When the ETL runs as scheduled, it collects data from the source and transfers it to the database.

Step IV. Verify data collection

Verify that the ETL ran successfully and check whether the Dynatrace data is refreshed in the Workspace.

To verify whether the ETL ran successfully:

  1. In the console, click Administration > ETL and System Tasks > ETL tasks.
  2. In the Last exec time column corresponding to the ETL name, verify that the current date and time are displayed.
To verify that the Dynatrace data is refreshed:

  1. In the console, click Workspace.
  2. Expand (Domain name) > Systems > Dynatrace > Instances.
  3. In the left pane, verify that the hierarchy displays the new and updated Dynatrace instances.
  4. Click a Dynatrace entity, and click the Metrics tab in the right pane.
  5. Check if the Last Activity column in the Configuration metrics and Performance metrics tables displays the current date.

Dynatrace Workspace EntityDetails


TSCO EntitiesDynatrace Entity
Virtual Machine (VMware, Hyper-V) / GenericHosts
Application Server InstanceServices of JBoss, Tomcat and JVM
Web Server InstanceServices of Apache HTTPD and Nginx and ASP.NET
Database Server InstanceServices of MySQL, MSSQL, MongoDB and Postgres Databases
Virtual ApplicationOther Services
ApplicationDynatrace Applications
Business DriverApplications and Serivces


Verify that the ETL ran successfully and check whether the Dynatrace data is refreshed in the Workspace.

To verify that the Dynatrace data is refreshed:
In the console, click Workspace.
Expand (Domain name) > Systems > Dynatrace> Instances.
In the left pane, verify that the hierarchy displays the new and updated Dynatrace instances.
Click an Dynatrace entity, and click the Metrics tab in the right pane.
Check if the Last Activity column in the Configuration metrics and Performance metrics tables displays the current date.

The detailed hierarchy presented as: Application will have direct children of Hosts(only the hosts that direct services are running on), Services (parent of all the direct services running on this applications), and this application's business driver. Under services, there are the services running directly under the application, as well as the business drivers of these services.

The Service domain (same hierarchical level as the applications ) contains all the services that are not in any applications. Each service has its hosts attached.

The Infrastructure domains contains all the hosts collected by the ETL that is not under any applications or any services.

The priority of the populated hierarchy is:

Application Domain: (Applications → Services and Indirect Services underneath the application → the hosts that the services are runs on) → Service Domain: (Other services that are not belong to any applications → Hosts that the services are runs on) → Infrastructure Domain: (Other hosts that are not belong to any applications or services).

If the Business Service view is used, there's another layer of hierarchy will be created, as the Business service view domain name defined in the ETL run configuration. Meanwhile, the tags presenting the service name will also be imported on each hosts.

Configuration and Performance metrics mapping

Dyantrace entity
TSCO entity
Dynatrace Metric
TSCO Metric
Conversion factor
Business Driver
KeyRequestService Business DriverPerfbuiltin:service.keyRequest.count.totalBYSET_EVENTS1
ServiceService Business DriverPerfbuiltin:service.keyRequest.response.timeBYSET_RESPONSE_TIME0.000001
ServiceService Business DriverPerfbuiltin:service.response.timeEVENT_RESPONSE_TIME0.000001
KeyRequestService Business DriverPerfSUM( / 60.0
ApplicationApplication Business DriverPerf
ApplicationApplication Business DriverPerfbuiltin:apps.web.activeSessionsWEB_ACTIVE_SESSIONS1
ApplicationApplication Business DriverPerfbuiltin:apps.web.convertedWEB_CONVERSIONS1
ApplicationApplication Business DriverPerfbuiltin:apps.web.countOfErrorsTOTAL_ERRORS1
ApplicationApplication Business DriverPerfbuiltin:apps.web.visuallyComplete.load.browserEVENT_RESPONSE_TIME
dotnetService Business DriverPerf
JVMService Business DriverPerf
WebSphereService Business DriverPerfSUM(builtin:tech.websphere.threadPoolModule.ActiveCount)THREAD_COUNT1
ServiceService Business DriverPerfSUM(
Hosts (Generic, VMware Virtual Machine, Hyper-v Virtual Machine)
Host AxisGeneric/VMConflocalCpusLCPU_NUM
Management Zone
GenericApplication Server Instance, Web Server Instance, Database Server Instance, Virtual ApplicationPerfAVG(SUM(builtin:tech.generic.cpu.usage) by HOST)CPU_UTIL.01
GenericApplication Server Instance, Web Server Instance, Database Server Instance, Virtual ApplicationPerfSUM(builtin:tech.generic.mem.pageFaults)MEM_PAGE_FAULT_RATE1
GenericApplication Server Instance, Web Server Instance, Database Server Instance, Virtual ApplicationPerfSUM(builtin:tech.generic.mem.workingSetSize)MEM_USED1
GenericApplication Server Instance, Web Server Instance, Database Server Instance, Virtual ApplicationPerfSUM(
GenericApplication Server Instance, Web Server Instance, Database Server Instance, Virtual ApplicationPerfSUM(
GenericApplication Server Instance, Web Server Instance, Database Server Instance, Virtual ApplicationPerfSUM(
GenericApplication Server Instance, Web Server Instance, Database Server Instance, Virtual ApplicationPerfSUM(builtin:tech.generic.processCount)PROCESS_NUM1
GenericApplication Server Instance, Web Server Instance, Database Server Instance, Virtual ApplicationConfHow many hosts this service runs onSYS_MULTIPLICITY1
GenericApplication Server Instance, Web Server Instance, Database Server Instance, Virtual ApplicationPerfbuiltin:tech.webserver.threads.activeBYWS_BUSY_WORKERS1
GenericApplication Server Instance, Web Server Instance, Database Server Instance, Virtual ApplicationPerfbuiltin:tech.webserver.threads.idleBYWS_IDLE_WORKERS1
GenericApplication Server Instance, Web Server Instance, Database Server Instance, Virtual ApplicationPerfbuiltin:tech.webserver.threads.maxBYWS_MAX_WORKERS1
GenericApplication Server Instance, Web Server Instance, Database Server Instance, Virtual ApplicationConf
Management Zone
JVMApplication Server InstancePerfSUM(builtin:tech.jvm.memory.pool.committed)NONHEAPMEM_COMMITTED1
JVMApplication Server InstancePerfSUM(builtin:tech.jvm.memory.pool.used)NONHEAPMEM_USED1
JVMApplication Server InstancePerfSUM(builtin:tech.jvm.memory.gc.activationCount)GC_EVENTS1
JVMApplication Server InstancePerfAVG(SUM(builtin:tech.jvm.memory.gc.suspensionTime) by Host)GC_SUSPENSION_TIME1
JVMApplication Server InstancePerfSUM(builtin:tech.jvm.memory.gc.collectionTime)GC_TIME1
JVMApplication Server InstancePerfSUM(
JVMApplication Server InstancePerfSUM(builtin:tech.jvm.memory.runtime.max)HEAPMEM_MAX1
WebSphereWeb Server InstancePerfSUM(builtin:tech.websphere.connectionPool.connectionPoolModule.FreePoolSize)CONNECTION_POOL_FREE1
WebSphereWeb Server InstanceConfSUM(builtin:tech.websphere.connectionPool.connectionPoolModule.PoolSize)CONNECTION_POOL_TOTAL1
GoVirtual ApplicationPerfSUM(builtin:tech.go.memory.gcCount)GC_TIME1
GoVirtual ApplicationPerfSUM(builtin:tech.go.memory.heap.idle)HEAPMEM_FREE1
GoVirtual ApplicationPerfSUM(
GoVirtual ApplicationPerfSUM(builtin:tech.go.memory.pool.used)NONHEAPMEM_USED1
GoVirtual ApplicationPerfSUM(builtin:tech.go.memory.pool.committed)NONHEAPMEM_COMMITTED1
GoVirtual ApplicationPerfSUM(
GoVirtual ApplicationPerfSUM(
MySQLDatabase Server InstancePerfbuiltin:tech.mysql.innodb_buffer_pool_sizeDB_BUFFER_POOL_SIZE1
MySQLDatabase Server InstancePerfbuiltin:tech.mysql.innodb_data_readsDB_PHYSICAL_READS1
MySQLDatabase Server InstancePerfbuiltin:tech.mysql.innodb_data_writesDB_PHYSICAL_WRITES1
MySQLDatabase Server InstancePerfbuiltin:tech.mysql.queriesDB_QUERY_RATE1/60
MySQLDatabase Server InstancePerfbuiltin:tech.mysql.com_deleteDB_ROWS_DELETED_RATE1
MySQLDatabase Server InstancePerfbuiltin:tech.mysql.com_insertDB_ROWS_INSERTED_RATE1
MySQLDatabase Server InstancePerfbuiltin:tech.mysql.com_updateDB_ROWS_UPDATED_RATE1
MySQLDatabase Server InstancePerfbuiltin:tech.mysql.com_selectDB_SELECTE_RATE1
MySQLDatabase Server InstancePerfbuiltin:tech.mysql.slow_queries_rateDB_SLOW_QUERY_PCT1
MySQLDatabase Server InstancePerfbuiltin:tech.mysql.threads_connectedDB_SESSIONS1
MySQLDatabase Server InstancePerfruxit.python.mysql:threads_runningDB_ACTIVE_SESSIONS1
MySQLDatabase Server InstancePerfbuiltin:tech.mysql.qcache_hitsDB_BUFFER_CACHE_HIT_RATIO1
PostgresDatabase Server InstancePerfbuiltin:tech.postgresql.tup_updatedDB_ROWS_UPDATED_RATE1
PostgresDatabase Server InstancePerfbuiltin:tech.postgresql.tup_insertedDB_ROWS_INSERTED_RATE1
PostgresDatabase Server InstancePerfbuiltin:tech.postgresql.tup_deletedDB_ROWS_DELETED_RATE1
PostgresDatabase Server InstancePerfbuiltin:tech.postgresql.xact_commitDB_COMMIT_RATE1
MSSQLDatabase Server InstancePerf


MSSQLDatabase Server InstancePerfbuiltin:tech.mssql.buffer_cache_hit_ratio
MSSQLDatabase Server InstancePerfbuiltin:tech.mssql.transactionsDB_TRANSACTIONS1
MSSQLDatabase Server InstancePerfbuiltin:tech.mssql.lock_waits_secDB_LOCK_WAIT_RATE1
MSSQLDatabase Server InstancePerfbuiltin:tech.mssql.connection_memoryDB_MEM_CONNECTION1
GenericDatabase Server InstanceConf
MongoDBDatabase Server InstancePerfbuiltin:tech.mongodb.active_clientsCLIENT_CONN_CURRENT1
MongoDBDatabase Server InstancePerfbuiltin:tech.mongodb.available_connectionsCONNECTION_POOL_FREE1
MongoDBDatabase Server InstancePerfbuiltin:tech.mongodb.command_operations2DB_TRAN_RATE1
MongoDBDatabase Server InstancePerfbuiltin:tech.mongodb.current_connectionsCONNECTION_POOL_USED1
MongoDBDatabase Server InstancePerfbuiltin:tech.mongodb.current_queueREQ_QUEUED1
MongoDBDatabase Server InstancePerfbuiltin:tech.mongodb.db_data_sizeDB_DATA_USED_SIZE1
MongoDBDatabase Server InstancePerfbuiltin:tech.mongodb.db_storage_sizeDB_DATA_ALLOCATED_SIZE1
MongoDBDatabase Server InstancePerfbuiltin:tech.mongodb.delete_operations2DB_ROWS_DELETED_RATE1
MongoDBDatabase Server InstancePerfbuiltin:tech.mongodb.indexesDB_INDEX_SEARCHES1
MongoDBDatabase Server InstancePerfbuiltin:tech.mongodb.insert_operations2DB_ROWS_INSERTED_RATE1
MongoDBDatabase Server InstancePerfbuiltin:tech.mongodb.virtual_memoryDB_MEM_VIRTUAL1
MongoDBDatabase Server InstancePerfbuiltin:tech.mongodb.update_operations2DB_ROWS_UPDATED_RATE1
MongoDBDatabase Server InstancePerfbuiltin:tech.mongodb.query_operations2DB_QUERY_RATE1
Tag Mapping (Optional)

Tags are totally optional. If use Business Service View, machine will have a tag using tag type configured in the ETL. Tag value will be the direct parent tier name.

TSCO EntitiesTagTypeTag
HostDynatrace App TierService name the hosts contains
ServiceServiceTypeType of the Dynatrace Service

 Custom Metrics

The Dynatrace extractor now is supporting custom metrics on Applications, Services and Hosts. By configuring the JSON file   

The following table shows the JSON object and the property mapping. One JSON Object is configured for one metrics for one type of entity. The JSON configuration file contains a list of JSON objects. covering multiple metrics.

JSON EntityRequiredDescription

The TrueSight Capacity Optimization entity type. Currently only applications, services and hosts are supported. Required values ["APPLICATION", "SERVICE", "HOST"]. You can find the tsco entity type by checking out the hierarchy and entity types above.

dynatraceEntityTypeYesThe dynatrace entities. Currently only applications (including applications, custom applications and mobile applications), services and hosts. Required values ["APPLICATION", "SERVICE", "HOST"]. You can find the Dynatrace entity type by looking at the UUID of the targeted entity. For example, if an entity has id APPLICATION-588BA26653BA3FA8, use "Application" as the value of this field. If it's CUSTOM_APPLICATION-299F4619269E4F32 or MOBILE_APPLICATION-752C288D59734C79, you can put in "Application" in this field as well. Make sure this field matches the "tscoEntityType". If not, the entity type in "tscoEntityType" will be used for this field.
YesThe custom Dynatrace metric. This must not be a metric already imported by the ETL, which are listed in the Metrics Mapping section.
dynatraceAggregationNoThe Dynatrace aggregation types for the metrics. Currently the extractor will only process auto, min, max, average and count as multiple statistics. Make sure to separate each of them with comma ",". If no value is imported, auto will be used.
YesThe TrueSight Capacity Optimization metric that the custom Dynatrace metric is mapping to. You can find the list of all available metrics at TrueSight Capacity Optimization console "Administration" → "Data Warehouse" → "Datasets & metrics"
YesThe dataset of the TrueSight Capacity Optimization metric. Currently supports "SYS" for sysdat (system metrics), WKLD for wkldat (workload metrics).
metricTypeYesThe type of the rueSight Capacity Optimization metric, either "Perf" for performance metris, or "Conf" for configuration metrics
entityIndexNoThe index of the entity dimension maps from Dynatrace API. If this metrics only have 1 dimension (in other word, this metric will be a global metric, rather than a submetric, the index is always should be 0). If leave empty, 0 will be used. For example, a service has a metric, and the service will be imported as entity. Now looking at the metric description from Dynatrace API, the dimension object looks like "dimensions":["SERVICE-299F4619269E4F32"], the we use 0 for entityIndex to import this service,
subMetricIndexNoThe field should be filled up if the values are for entities and its child entities and the submetrics is used. For example, a host's each CPU has its own temperature, and you want to import the temperature for each CPU on the host as BYCPU_TEMPERATURE. HOST will be the entity and CPU name is the sub entity. Now looking at the metric description from Dynatrace API, the dimensions object looks like this "dimensions":["HOST-299F4619269E4F32", "CPU-752C288D59734C79"] then we put entityIndex as 0 for host, and subMetricIndex for 1 for CPU. Then the host HOST-299F4619269E4F32 will be imported as entity, with subresource CPU-752C288D59734C79. Defualt is to leave this field empty if the metric is a global metric.
scaleFactorNoThe scale factor applied to the value as multiplication. If leave empty, there won't be changes for the value. For example, the value is 500, and the scaleFactor is 0.01, the value imported in TSCO will be 5 as 500*0.01=5.

Here is an example:

Let's say there is a custom metric called and it's defined on some services, with the values in gauge format with the multiple statistic summaries (auto, avg, min, max and count).

And this metric will be mapped to TrueSight Capacity Optimization global metric "WEB_TOTAL_USER_EXITS", which is a performance metric in workload dataset.

First, let's check if this custom metrics are created correctly by calling Dynatrace API, by using the following format:

https://<FQDN>/api/v2/metrics/query?metricSelector=<custom metric id>:(<aggregation types>)&entitySelector=type(<entity type>)&api-token=<token>&from=<starting timestamp>&to=<ending timestamp>&resolution=<resolution>

In this case, it will be:,avg,min,max,count)&entitySelector=type(SERVICE)&api-token=token1234567&from=1620931200000&to=1620936300000&resolution=15m

Then I got a results like this:

By verifying the custom metrics from Dynatrace API, now it's time to create the JSON Object for this metric



"tscoEntityType": "SERVICE",
"dynatraceMetric": "",
"dynatraceAggregation": "auto,min",
"submetricIndex": "",
"dataset": "WKLD",
"metricType": "Perf",
"tscoMetric": "WEB_TOTAL_USER_EXITS",
"dynatraceEntityType": "SERVICE",
"scaleFactor": "1",
"entityIndex": "0"

"tscoEntityType": the entity that has this metric is a service
"dynatraceMetric": dynatrace metric id
"dynatraceAggregation": aggregation type
"submetricIndex": leave this field empty because this is a global metrics
"dataset": workload dataset
"metricType": performance metric
"tscoMetric": TSCO metric name
"dynatraceEntityType": TSCO entity type that will have this metrics
"scaleFactor": leave it as 1 since there's no transformation on how
"entityIndex": set to 0 or leave it to empty because of there's only one kind of entity in dimension map



 "tscoEntityType": "SERVICE",
"dynatraceMetric": "",
"dynatraceAggregation": "auto,min",
"submetricIndex": "",
"dataset": "WKLD",
"metricType": "Perf",
"tscoMetric": "WEB_TOTAL_USER_EXITS",
"dynatraceEntityType": "SERVICE",
"scaleFactor": "1",
"entityIndex": "0"


.................... other metrics



After the extraction, the metrics on service SERVICE-9C13B59F60731573 appears on workspace as

This is a link to the sample JSON file here.

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  1. Osama Nagieb

    in Configuring the basic properties, point#5 Http Header key-valye pair used for accessing ServiceNow API seems like wrong parameter added here.

    Sep 14, 2022 08:10
    1. Bipin Inamdar

      Hi Osama,

      Thanks for the feedback. The parameter name has been corrected.

      Sep 15, 2022 08:50