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During installation, you can choose to have no email notifications or use Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) notifications (as shown in the following figure) by selecting one of the following options at the time of installation:

  • No Email Notifications: Turns off email notifications
  • Use SMTP: Sends SMTP email to an SMTP account as specified

Email notification information

(Click the image to expand it)

You can also change the notification configuration later manually by using the following procedures, if necessary. 


The default smtp_settings.default.rb file is a template. It is only used when there is no smtp_settings.rb file. Both files are located at the following location: <InstallationPath>/releases/4.3.01/<BRPM_Pacth>/WEB-INF/config.
It is not recommended to make any changes to the default smtp_settings.default.rb file. If you want to make changes to the smtp_settings.default.rb file, make a copy of it with the name smtp_settings.default.rb, and make changes to that copy.

To change to no email notifications

  1. Navigate to <InstallationPath>/releases/4.3.01/<BRPM_Pacth>/WEB-INF/config, open the smtp_settings.rb file in a text editor, and delete the following line, if it exists:
    config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :smtp
  2. At the same file comment out the configure_mail_with_gmail(config)and configure_mail_without_gmail(config) lines by putting the # symbol at the beginning of the line, as in the following example:
  3. Save and close the file.
  4. Restart the server.

To change to SMTP email notifications

  1. Copy the smtp_settings.default.rb file to smtp_settings.rb in the <InstallationPath>/releases/4.3.01/<BRPM_Pacth>/WEB-INF/config folder.
  2. Navigate to <InstallationPath>/releases/4.3.01/<BRPM_Pacth>/WEB-INF/config, open the smtp_settings.rb file in a text editor, and add the following line under the line def configure_mail(config), if it does not already exist:
    config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :smtp
  3. Open the smtp_settings.rb file in a text editor and update the parameters in the configure_mail_without_gmail method:

    :address => <SMTP_SERVER>,
    :port => <SMTP_PORT>,
    :domain => <SMTP_DOMAIN>


    Based on your SMTP server configuration, you might need to append additional parameters for SMTP settings:


    :authentication => <SMTP_AUTH>,  #(Options are -  none, plain, login, cram_md5)
            :user_name => <SMTP_USER>,
            :password => <SMTP_PASSWORD>,
            :enable_starttls_auto => <SMTP_TLS> #(Options are -  true, false)


    Parameters and values are case-sensitive.

  4. Uncomment the following line (remove the # character before the code line):
  5. Save and close the file.
  6. Restart the server.