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This command creates a time-series representation of data in the form of a table of statistics and a corresponding chart based on the field or fields specified.

You can run this command with:

  • Time span in days, minutes, or hours
  • Aggregate functions such as count, sum, or average

The starting and ending points to create the chart are defined by the time range used before you run the command. The time span defined as a part of the command acts as a bucketing option to specify the number of buckets into which you want to divide the data to plot a data point.

You can perform advanced analysis by running this command to group data by a field so that each distinct value of the field acts as an additional grouping. For example, you can plot the count of data occurring from a particular host depending on the data-collector names for the time span specified.

The values displayed in the table of statistics and the bars displayed in the chart are clickable. When you click a value in the table, the tabular view is toggled to the search results view, and events associated with those values are displayed.

This topic contains the following information:

For a list of all search commands, see Search commands.


timechart span=<duration><timescale> <aggregate-function>+

timechart span=<duration><timescale> <aggregate-function>+ [by <field>]

In the preceding syntax, the following definitions apply:

  • + indicates one or more similar expressions separated by a comma (,) or space.
  • [expression] indicatesit is optional.
  • <duration> refers to an integer value to indicate the time-span bucket.

  • <timescale> refers to a time scale such as days, hours, or minutes.

    The following table describes the time scale options that can be used in the command syntax:

    m | min | mins | minute | minutes
    h | hr | hrs | hour | hours
    d | day | days
  • <aggregate-function> refers to the aggregate function used for creating the chart; for example, count, sum, or average.

    The following table describes the aggregate functions that can be used in the command syntax:

    count (<field>)
    Uses a field name as an argument and returns the number of occurrences of that field in the search results.
    sum (<field>)
    Uses a field name as an argument and returns the sum of values of that field in the search results.
    avg (<field>)
    Uses a field name as an argument and returns the average of values of that field in the search results.
    where, <field> can be a field name or a tag name
  • by <field> refers to the group by parameter optionally used in conjunction with the aggregate functions to group the result set by the specified field.

Short examples

Example 1: Display a table of statistics (and a multiseries chart) displaying an aggregation of the distinct HOST field values against each day.

... | timechart span=1d count(HOST) by HOST

Example 2: Display a table of statistics (and a multiseries chart) displaying an aggregation of the RequestType field values that occurred in the span of 1 hour.

... | timechart span=1hr count(RequestType)

Example 3: Display a table of statistics (and a multiseries chart) displaying an aggregation of the RequestType field values that occurred in the span of 1 hour and grouped by the ClientIp field.

... | timechart span=1hr count(RequestType) by ClientIp

Example 4: Display a table of statistics (and a multiseries chart) displaying an aggregation of the RequestType field values that occurred in the span of 1 hour, plus a sum and average of the ResponseSize field values.

... | timechart span=1hr count(RequestType), sum(ResponseSize), avg(ResponseSize)

Example 5: Display a table of statistics (and a multiseries chart) displaying an aggregation of the RequestType field values that occurred in the span of 1 hour, plus the sum and average of the ResponseSize field values, grouped by the ClientIP field.

... | timechart span=1hr count(RequestType), sum(ResponseSize), avg(ResponseSize) by ClientIp

Long examples

The following sample data and sample indexed data (displayed on the Search tab) will help you understand the examples of using the timechart command.

Sample data - - [11/Jul/2013:15:01:52 -0700] "GET /themes/ComBeta/images/bullet.png 
HTTP/1.1" 404 100 - - [11/Jul/2013:15:02:52 -0700] "GET /themes/ComBeta/images/bullet.png 
HTTP/1.1" 201 150 - - [11/Jul/2013:15:03:52 -0700] "PUT /themes/ComBeta/images/bullet.png 
HTTP/1.1" 201 200 - - [11/Jul/2013:15:04:52 -0700] "POST /themes/ComBeta/images/bullet.png 
HTTP/1.1" 200 100

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Sample indexed data - - [11/Jul/2013:15:04:52 -0700] "POST /themes/ComBeta/images/bullet.png 
HTTP/1.1" 200 100 |ResponseSize=100|COLLECTOR_NAME=u4 |ClientIp= |ResponseCode=200 |RequestType=POST|RequestURL=/themes/ComBeta/images/bullet.png - - [11/Jul/2013:15:03:52 -0700] "PUT /themes/ComBeta/images/bullet.png 
HTTP/1.1" 201 200 |ResponseSize=200|COLLECTOR_NAME=u4 |ClientIp= |ResponseCode=201 |RequestType=PUT|RequestURL=/themes/ComBeta/images/bullet.png - - [11/Jul/2013:15:02:52 -0700] "GET /themes/ComBeta/images/bullet.png 
HTTP/1.1" 201 150 |ResponseSize=150|COLLECTOR_NAME=u4 |ClientIp= |ResponseCode=201 |RequestType=GET|RequestURL=/themes/ComBeta/images/bullet.png - - [11/Jul/2013:15:01:52 -0700] "GET /themes/ComBeta/images/bullet.png 
HTTP/1.1" 404 100 |ResponseSize=100|COLLECTOR_NAME=u4 |ClientIp= |ResponseCode=404 |RequestType=GET|RequestURL=/themes/ComBeta/images/bullet.png

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In this example, you use the command to see a table of statistics (and a multiseries chart) displaying an aggregation of the RequestType field values that occurred in the span of 1 hour.


... | timechart span=1hr count(RequestType)


Jul 11 2013 03:00 PM9

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count with by parameter

In this example, you use the command to see a table of statistics (and a multiseries chart) displaying an aggregation of the RequestType field values that occurred in the span of 1 hour and grouped by the ClientIp field.


... | timechart span=1hr count(RequestType) by ClientIp


Jul 11 2013 03:00 PM1111
Jul 11 2013 04:00 PM0000

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count, sum, and avg

In this example, you use the command to see a table of statistics (and a multiseries chart) displaying an aggregation of the RequestType field values that occurred in the span of 1 hour, plus a sum and average of the ResponseSize field values.


... | timechart span=1hr count(RequestType), sum(ResponseSize), avg(ResponseSize)


Jul 11 2013 03:00 PM000
Jul 11 2013 04:00 PM4550137.5

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count, sum, and avg with by parameter

In this example, you use the command to see a table of statistics (and a multiseries chart) displaying an aggregation of the RequestType field values that occurred in the span of 1 hour, plus the sum and average of the ResponseSize field values, grouped by the ClientIP field.


... | timechart span=1hr count(RequestType), sum(ResponseSize), avg(ResponseSize) 
by ClientIp


Jul 11 2013 12:00 AM23001502250125

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  • If the data contains an event with no time stamp, the product assigns a time stamp to that event at the time of indexing. The same time stamp is used for displaying the time bucket when you run this command.
  • You cannot run this command to display more than 100 buckets.
  • While using the sum and avgfunctions in your search syntax, the following conventions apply:
    • If the timechart command is the first command after the initial search query, the fields specified in the sum and avg functions must be of the field type INTEGER or LONG.
      The field type can be specified while creating a data pattern.
    • If the timechart command is preceded by another search command, the fields specified in the sum and avg functions must be numbers.

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