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This section contains information about the enhancements in Service Pack 1 (version 2.5.01) of the BMC Application Diagnostics product. For information about issues corrected in this service pack, see Known and corrected issues.

End-user metrics with the BMC Application Diagnostics Agent for Java

The BMC Application Diagnostics Agent for Java extends monitoring capabilities to end-user metrics in internet applications, such as rich internet applications (RIAs), for the BMC Real End User Experience Monitoring product. You can select the monitoring mode for the Agent for Java: diagnostic data, RIA-only data, or both. For details about configuring the system to collect end-user metrics, see Collecting end-user metrics.

Downloading the service pack

For download instructions, see Downloading the installation files.

Installing the service pack

For installation instructions, see Installing.

For upgrade instruction, see Upgrading.

Related topics

Known and corrected issues

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