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When the optional integration between the BMC Application Diagnostics product and the BMC Real End User Experience Monitoring solution is implemented, you can navigate between BMC Real Event User Experience Monitoring and BMC Application Diagnostics to view captured transactions.

This topic presents the procedures to perform in BMC Application Diagnostics to integrate BMC Application Diagnostics with BMC Real End User Experience Monitoring.

Setting the BMC Application Performance Management console URL

Integration of BMC Application Diagnostics with BMC Real Event User Experience Monitoring requires that the BMC Application Performance Management console URL is set correctly in the file. If it was not set during installation of the BMC Application Diagnostics server, you can configure it by editing the file.

  1. Navigate to the Portal installation folder and open in a text editor.
  2. Edit the apm.console.url parameter to change the host to your BMC Application Management Console’s host, as follows:


    • <console_host> — BMC Application Performance Management Console host
    • <console_port> — Port of the BMC Application Performance Management Console host, if the default port was changed during the Portal installation

  3. Save and close the file.

This change activates the Real User Analyzer address so that you can access BMC Real End User Experience Monitoring views from BMC Application Diagnostics.


  • Setting the console host and port:
  • Setting only the console host, because the default port (443) is being used:

Setting the Real User Analyzer address

Set the address to point to the the Real User Analyzer instance.

  1. In the BMC Application Performance Management console click Administration > System Configuration.
  2. In the Real User Analyzer Address box, from the menu arrow in the upper-right corner, select Edit.
  3. Edit the Host Name\IP Address field.
  4. Save your changes.

Adding a new application visibility server

  1. In the Real User Analyzer Console, select Administration > Integration > Application Visibility Servers and add a new application visibility server so that the system can connect to your portal.
  2. Set the URI of the application visibility server and click Save.
    For example: http://:/portal/rest/truesight
  3. Based on the visibility server's authentication, select the authentication method:
    • Basic
    • Form-based
    • None
  4. Provide access credentials (if you selected None in step 3, skip this step).