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The User Settings page displays your account user name, role, authentication method, and email address. From this page, you can update your email address and, if your account is managed locally (versus LDAP), you can change your password. Depending on the logon policies configured for your organization, the system might prompt you to change your password the first time you log on, or you might need to change it on a regular basis.

The topic presents the following information about updating your email address and password on the Application Management Console (Console) and updating passwords on the Real User Analyzer and Real User Collector interfaces:

Valid passwords

By default, the system applies simple password validation rules to authenticate a password. The system checks passwords only for length (minimum 6 characters). All passwords are case sensitive.

If your organization requires stronger passwords, users with the Security role can enable the strict password rule. When the strict password rule is enabled, the system prompts users who log on with simple passwords to change their password the next time they log on.

A strict password must have:

  • Minimum of 10 characters
  • Two of the following nonalphabetic characters that are noncontiguous: 
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + - =

Examples of valid and invalid strict passwords

  • mypassword — Invalid; does not have nonalphabetic characters
  • pas$$w#rd — Invalid; has too few characters
  • mypa$$w#rd — Valid

Valid email addresses

The system accepts two-part (local and domain) email addresses in which the separator is the @ symbol.

The local part can contain any combination of alphabetic characters, digits, or any of the following special characters: 
! # $ % & ' * + - / = ? ^ _ ` . { | } ~

The local part cannot contain a period (.) as the first or last character, and it cannot contain two or more consecutive periods.

Examples of valid and invalid email addresses

  • — Valid
  • — Valid
  • — Valid
  • — Invalid; has dot at end of the local part
  • user@.examplate — Invalid; missing domain
  • [user] — Invalid; illegal characters
  • — Invalid; second-level domain name too long (maximum: 64-characters)

To change your password on the Console

  1. In the top-right corner of the Application Management Console interface, click your user name.
  2. In the My Account section of the User settings page, select Change Password from the option menu.
  3. Using the guidelines under Valid passwords, type your current and new passwords in the corresponding boxes, and click Save.

To change your email address on the Console

User email addresses appear with your account information on the System Access page.

  1. In the top-right corner of the Application Management Console interface, click your user name.
  2. In the Options section of the User settings page, select Edit Options from the option menu. 
  3. Using the guidelines under Valid email addresses, type an email address, and click Save.

To change your password on the Analyzer or Collector

  1. In the Real User Analyzer or Real User Collector interface, go to Administration > General settings, and click User settings.
  2. Click change for Password.

    Alternatively, you can select Change password from the Action menu.
  3. Enter your current and new passwords in the corresponding boxes, and click Save.

Related topics

User permissions

Configuring access policies for the Console

Configuring account access policies for an Analyzer

Configuring account access policies for a Collector

User accounts and roles