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This section contains information about BMC Real End User Experience Monitoring product fixes that are part of the BMC TrueSight App Visibility Manager Feature Pack 2 (version 2.7.02) release.


For information about issues corrected in this feature pack, see Known and corrected issues .

Click here to create a PDF version of the Feature Pack 2 release notes.

The fixes described in this page include:

Withdrawn feature


BMC Synthetic End User Experience Monitoring Plug-in
(part of the BMC Application Management Console)

The Synthetic End User Experience Monitoring plug-in is permanently removed from TrueSight App Visibility Manager v2.7.02.

Removing this feature means that you can no longer display or use synthetic transaction results for end-to-end availability errors, execution errors, latency issues, and accuracy errors.


If you are using Synthetic End User Experience Monitoring plug-in v2.x and want to continue using Synthetic transaction monitoring, do NOT upgrade and contact BMC Customer Support immediately.

Changes to known and corrected issues

 The following changes issue was added to the Known and Corrected issues:



For CVE-2014-0050 and CVE-2013-2186, there is a security vulnerability on third-party software. The vulnerability allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service, an infinite loop, and CPU consumption via a crafted Content-Type header that bypasses a loop's intended exit conditions.

Fixed customer defects

For this Feature Pack, the following customer reported defects were corrected.

Defect IDDescription
EUEM-26Confidentiality policy erases malformed URL that are encoded from data.
EUEM-50Trace custom field (object-level) does not have an extraction rule in 2.7 SP1, see Added requirement for a Trace object extraction rule
EUEM-51Fixed End User Experience Monitoring not recognizing HTTP traffic over GRE tunnel.
EUEM-56Corrected excessive CPU usage that occurred with Cloud Probe installations on a Windows platform.

X-Forwarded-For HTTP header value "<IPv4>:port" is no longer rejected.

EUEM-88Corrected cloud Probe ceased functioning issue
EUEM-90No longer an error occurs when using the system suggest values feature during service-level thresholds (page SLTs) page name configuration.
EUEM-91Objects are now displayed even when the Performance Analytics Engine (PAE) is unavailable.
EUEM-92Repeated EPX Crash no longer occur.
EUEM-93The geolocation feature now includes the selection of metropolitan areas.
EUEM-98The Collector feed names are now streamed to the Performance Analytics Engine (PAE).
EUEM-99The tsedge_instr-min.js correctly handles non-standard ports, see Revised the JavaScript for deploying Web beacons.
EUEM-100The TS-4200 appliance no longer takes excessive time reading the ipmi file. Reading this file had caused a delay in alarm processing and false alarms.
EUEM-101The DB_STOP_END phase of platform is not called during system shutdown.
EUEM-102There is no longer an unnecessary queue timeout of the RCSP publisher.
EUEM-107The EPX ring buffer size auto-adjustment must check for ring buffer customizations before carrying out the extension.
EUEM-115The Cloud probe stopped sending data to collector but the Cloud Probe process continued running.
EUEM-123The Cloud Probe service no longer experiences restarts every few hours.
EUEM-194A watchdog error caused an unnecessary restart for the Cloud Probe.
 EUEM-261The Get snapshot button now works correctly after running a custom query.

A GeoLocation update is available that includes the Download feature, as described in Updating the geolocation database.

To update the GeoLocation, complete the steps in Installing system updates in the Analyzer and Collector components.

Contact Customer Support for additional release information.

Corrected security vulnerabilities

The following platform security vulnerabilities are corrected in this Feature Pack.

Apache ShiroCVE-2014-0074
Apache XalanCVE-2014-0107







Apache Tomcat








Support for on-screen reports

On-screen reports are now implemented using HTML5. This means the reports are available on all browser versions.

Previously, viewing on-screen reports required support for the NPAPI plugin, which some browsers no longer support.

On-screen reports enable you to visualize performance statistics in the Real User Analyzer by using pre-configured and custom reports.

Report changes

As part of this change to HTML based on-screen reports, there are some changes in the reports capabilities.

Some reports types included two Y axes. For example, the Report for Latency has two Y axes, "Latency (ms)" on the left side and for "Requests" on the right side.

In releases v2.7.01 and earlier, the user can zoom and scroll both axes independently and each zoom/scroll only changes the parts of the graph that correspond to the zoom/scroll action.

After installing the feature pack v2.7.02, the user can zoom and scroll only using the axis on the right side of the report, and each zoom/scroll changes all the parts of the graph, not just the graph elements that correspond to the axis that the user performed the zoom/scroll action.

Revised the JavaScript for deploying Web beacons

The Web beacon JavaScript library code was revised to better handle non-standard ports.

The JavaScript is also in the that can be downloaded from the Toolkits table in the PDFs topic.

Changes to supported operating systems versions for Cloud Probe

Newer operating system versions were added, and earlier operating system versions were removed, for the Cloud Probe system requirements.

Added Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS version
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.x
Added CentOS OS version
CentOS 7.x
Added Ubuntu OS versionRemoved Ubuntu OS versions*

Ubuntu 14.04.xx LTS

Ubuntu 15.10

Ubuntu 16.04.xx LTS

Ubuntu 12-04

Ubuntu 12-10

Ubuntu 13-04

Ubuntu 13-10

*These Ubuntu OS versions are no longer supported by the vendor.

Removed Windows OS versions

Windows Win 7

Updated required Linux libraries

Added the Network Security Services (NSS) libraries to the System requirements for the Cloud Probe software list.

Added information to the date command

For the date command, added information that the command is only available when the component is using a rescue image.

Added requirement for a Trace object extraction rule

For adding a new extraction rule to a Trace object custom field, you must only use the following Data Source field options after selecting the rule format type:

Online help for the BMC Application Management Console 

There was a problem accessing the online help through the BMC Application Management console that has been fixed with this upgrade.

Downloading the TrueSight App Visibility Manager with Feature Pack 2

For download instructions, see Downloading the installation files for Real End User Experience Monitoring.

Installing the feature pack

For a new system, you can directly install version 2.7.02 of Real End User Experience Monitoring by following the instruction in Performing the BMC Real End User Monitoring and Console installation.

Upgrading to the feature pack

You can upgrade to the feature Pack 2 (version 2.7.02) from version 2.7.x.

For upgrade instructions, see Updating BMC Real End User components from the Console.
























