Page tree

You create or edit a PATROL Agent Access Control List (ACL) by specifying conditions about the Agent that must be met. This topic provides the following information about creating and maintaining PATROL Agent ACLs:

PATROL Agent ACL editor

The PATROL Agent ACL editor provides menus, lists, and text boxes that you can use to construct the condition statements, as shown in the following image. When the ACL contains multiple conditions, you can indicate whether the statements are optional or required by choosing a logical operator.

ACLs in authorization profiles

When you specify a PATROL Agent ACL on the Objects tab of the Authorization Profile editor, you are restricting access to all PATROL Agents that do not meet the criteria of the ACL.

Condition properties

1Opening parentheses
3Comparison operator
5Closing parentheses 
6Add condition 
7Remove condition 
8Logical operator

Condition guidelines

You must specify every attribute in a condition statement. Use double and triple open and closing parentheses to nest properties. The following table lists the properties and comparison operators that you can use to construct condition statements.


To view the entire width of the table, press the f key to view this page in Full Screen mode.

Comparison operator next




does not

does not
greater than
or equal 
in the
less than
or equal 

Agent Host Name  +++   +  +
Agent Port  + +++  ++ 
Agent version  + +++  ++ 
Agent Operating System++          
Agent IP Address2  + +  +    
Agent Tag    +       
BMC TrueSight Infrastructure Management Integration Service  + +   +   
BMC TrueSight Infrastructure Management Server  +++   +   

1 – You can use Java regular expressions to specify patterns.

2 – For IPv6, you must specify patterns with Java regular expressions.


Because all new rows are added to the end of the list and you cannot move condition statements, carefully plan the PATROL Agent ACL and its conditions before creating it.


To create an ACL

  1. From the navigation pane, select Administration > PATROL Agent ACL
  2. On the PATROL Agent ACLs page, select the page action menu  to access the Create ACL page. 
  3. Enter a name and description for the ACL.
  4. Using the menus, text boxes, and lists, define the first condition statement.
  5. (Optional) Create a new condition:
    1. Select  to add a new row.
    2. Using the menus, text boxes, and lists, define the first condition statement.
  6. If necessary, select  to remove a row. 
  7. (Optional) Finish constructing the ACL by repeating steps 5 and 6 as necessary.
  8. Select Save.


To edit an ACL

When editing an ACL, you can add or remove rows or change any of the existing properties, including the name and description of the ACL.

  1. From the navigation pane, select Administration > PATROL Agent ACL
  2. From the action menu for the ACL to edit, select Edit.
  3. Follow the steps under To create an ACL.

To delete an ACL

  1. From the navigation pane, select Administration > PATROL Agent ACL
  2. From the action menu for the ACL to edit, select Delete, and then confirm the deletion.

To view an ACL

When you choose this option to view an ACL, you cannot make any changes. 

  1. From the navigation pane, select Administration > PATROL Agent ACL
  2. From the action menu for the ACL to edit, select View.