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Using the staging policies, administrators can set the final phone home for the BMC PATROL Agents. The staging policy is useful in the large environments where BMC PATROL Agents are needed to be distributed among multiple Integration Services to avoid overloading a single Integration Service. The administrators can also avoid managing multiple BMC PATROL Agent packages (each package can have only one phone home, so multiple packages must be created, each containing phone home for a different Integration Service). You can define a staging policy to redirect a range or a set of agents to a new Integration Service.


  • The interim Integration Service must be a staging Integration Service for the Central Monitoring Administration to process the request and assign a new phone home.
  • You cannot apply staging policies on Integration Services earlier than version 9.5.

To create a staging policy

  1. In the navigation pane of the Central Monitoring Administration console, click the Policies drawer.
  2. Expand Staging, and select one of the following policy views:
    • All
    • Global
    • Tenant
  3. Click Add, or select an existing policy and click Edit.
  4. Provide the following information:


    NameName for the policy. The policy names must be unique. In an environment with tenants, the policy names must be unique for a single tenant. It is a mandatory field.
    Description(Optional) A brief description about the policy
    Enable policyIndicates whether the policy is enabled or disabled. By default, the policy is enabled. If you disable a policy when you create it, the policy configurations are not applied to the BMC PATROL Agents and the Infrastructure Management Servers. If you disable any existing policy, the policy configurations are removed from the BMC PATROL Agents and the Infrastructure Management Servers, where the policy was applied.
    Associated User GroupName of the user group that is associated with the BMC PATROL Agents as defined in the Authorization Profile or in the PATROL Agent ACLs. The policy is applicable to these PATROL Agents.
    Share Policy

    Specify whether this policy is to be shared with the users across the associated user group or not. The shared policy can be viewed in READ-ONLY mode by other users of the associated user group.

    PrecedencePriority of the policy. Based on the precedence number you configure, the configuration is applied on the BMC PATROL Agents and Infrastructure Management Servers.

    The precedence number ranges from 0 to 999. The configuration from a policy with a higher precedence overrides the configuration from a policy with a lower precedence.

    The default value is 999. A lower number indicates a higher precedence. It is a mandatory field.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Configure the condition to select the BMC PATROL Agents on which you want to apply the policy. For information about configuring the condition, see To select an agent or multiple agents.


    The staging policy is applicable only when the BMC PATROL Agent configuration request comes through a staging Integration Service.


  7. (Optional) On the Agent Configuration page, specify the tag that you want to assign to the BMC PATROL Agent. The format of each tag is tagName:tagDescription. If the tag description contains spaces, enclose the description within double quotes. You can also provide multiple tags, separated by commas.

    For example, tag1:"Brief Description",tag2:"Description"
  8. In the BMC ProactiveNet Integration Service list, specify an Integration Service or an Integration Service Cluster that you want to set as BMC PATROL Agent phone home. The supported values are as follows:
    • Single Integration Service
    • Integration Service Cluster

    If you have selected Integration Service Cluster, you have the option to create a new cluster. Click New to create a new cluster. For more information about creating a cluster, see Adding a cluster.

  9. Click Finish.

Related topic

Adding or editing a Integration Service