Implementing private certificates in the TrueSight Infrastructure Management

The following section guides you to create a signed certificate for the Infrastructure Management server and the cell component.

Before you begin

Before creating a private certificate for the Infrastructure Management server and securing the communication, ensure the following:

BMC Confidential. The following information is intended only for registered users of

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  1. Gregory Delapierre

    keytool -importkeystore -deststorepass get2net -destkeypass get2net -destkeystore pnserver.ks -srckeystore tsimserver.p12 -srcstoretype PKCS12 -srcstorepass bmcAdm1n returns an error 'keytool error: keystore password was incorrect'. tsimserver.p12 keystore's password does not seem to be bmcAdm1n as mentioned.

    Nov 11, 2017 06:41
    1. Gregory Delapierre

      Solved it adding the password when executing 20) openssl pkcs12 -export -out tsimserver.p12 -inkey tsimSrv.key -in tsim.cer -certfile ca.cer (export password). Could you please clarify ?

      Nov 12, 2017 01:48
      1. Rashmi Gokhale

        Thanks for the feedback.

        I will discuss with the team and update the documentation.

        Nov 12, 2017 06:57
        1. Rashmi Gokhale


          Thankyou for the inputs.

          I have updated the Note in step # 20 that informs the user to note the .p12 file password for later references.

          Nov 28, 2017 05:10
  2. Anthony Valuikas

    I can't get #19 to work. It just dumps the Usage for pkcs12

    openssl pkcs12 -export -out tsimserver.p12 -inkey tsimSrv.key -in tsim.cer -certfile ca.cer -certfile Usage: pkcs12 {options} where options are

    Oct 03, 2018 09:20
    1. Anthony Valuikas

      got it figured out. Had a coworker help me...

      openssl pkcs12 -inkey tsimSrv.key -in server.cer -certfile rootca.cer -export -out tsimserver.p12

      Oct 04, 2018 08:11
      1. Rashmi Gokhale

        Thankyou for this update.

        Oct 04, 2018 10:29