Exporting class definitions from BMC Atrium CMDB to cells

To synchronize classes from BMC Atrium CMDB to the cells, do the following on the system in which the publishing server is present:

  1. Open a command-line instance and run pclassinfo -x -o mc_sm_object.baroc.
  2. Replace the existing mc_sm_object.baroc file of the target cell in the installationDirectory/etc/cellName/kb/classes directory.
  3. Run the following command to compile the KB: 

    mccomp -n <cellname>
  4. Run the following command to reload the KB: 

    mcontrol -n <cellname> reload KB

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  1. Charles Kelley

    This documentation is incomplete. It does not indicate what to do with the file after it is created, restarting the cell, etc.

    Oct 23, 2018 10:35
  2. Stephanie Glick

    As we discussed in email, the instructions for mccomp and mcontrol have been updated in versions (10.7, 11.0, 11.3).

    May 27, 2020 04:36