Examples of using the REST API to manage events

You can use the REST API to manage events for the following integrations with TrueSight Infrastructure Management:

  • Remedy Change Management
  • TrueSight Capacity Optimization

Integration of Remedy Change Management with TrueSight Infrastructure Management

Remedy Change Management communicates change requests (both change and task requests) to TrueSight Infrastructure Management through the REST API. Using the REST API, you can create or modify events. TrueSight Infrastructure Management receives these events as notification of change requests.

Example URL to create an event for Remedy Change Management integration

An example URL to create an event for Remedy Change Management integration is as follows:


Example input parameters in the JSON format to create an event for Remedy Change Management integration

Input parameters in the JSON format to create an event lists the input parameters that you can provide to create an event. The list of attributes varies as per the application type you select. The following table lists the attributes that are specific to integration of Remedy Change Management with TrueSight Infrastructure Management.

List of attributes for the REST API to create an event for Remedy Change Management integration with TrueSight Infrastructure Management

Change event

Type of change request. The supported categories are as follows:

  • Emergency
  • Expedited
  • Latent
  • Normal
  • No Impact
CIAssociationDateEpochDate and time at which the CI is associated with the change request. The value must be in the epoch format.
changeIDUnique identifier for the change request
changeLocationServerLocation of the server on which Remedy Change Management application is installed
changeModifiedDateEpochDate and time at which the change request was last modified. The value must be in the epoch format.
changeOwnerOwner of the change request
changeCoordinatorCoordinator of the change request
changeCustomerNameName of the customer for the change request
changeSummaryA brief summary about the change request
scheduledStartDateEpochDate and time for the scheduled change request to start. The value must be in the epoch format.
scheduledEndDateEpochDate and time for the scheduled change request to end. The value must be in the epoch format.
actualStartDateEpochActual date and time at which the change request started. The value must be in the epoch format.
actualEndDateEpochActual date and time at which the change request ended. The value must be in the epoch format.
completionDateEpochDate and time at which the change request is completed. The value must be in the epoch format.
changeNotesNotes added to the change request
changeReasonReasons for the change request

Status of the change request. The supported statuses are as follows:

  • Scheduled
  • Implementation In Progress
  • Pending
  • Cancelled
  • Completed
  • Closed
CIReconcilationIDUnique identifier for CI reconciliation
CINameAlias name of the CI
CIClassClass to which the CI belongs
changeStatusReasonReason for the change request's status
CIDataSetIDUnique identifier for the CI data set
CIAssociationTypeAssociation type to which the CI belongs

Impact of the change request. The supported impact types are as follows:

  • 1 — Extensive/Widespread
  • 2 — Significant/Large
  • 3 — Moderate/Limited
  • 4 — Minor/Localized

Urgency of the change request. The supported urgency types are as follows:

  • 1 — Critical
  • 2 — High
  • 3 — Medium
  • 4 — Low

Priority of the change request. The supported priorities are as follows:

  • Critical
  • High
  • Medium
  • Low

Risk level of the change request. The supported risk levels are as follows:

  • Risk Level 1
  • Risk Level 2
  • Risk Level 3
  • Risk Level 4
  • Risk Level 5
Task event
parentChangeIDUnique identifier of the change request to which the task is associated
taskNameName of the task
taskSummaryA brief summary of the task
taskNotesNotes associated with the task

Priority of the task. The supported priorities are as follows:

  • Critical
  • High
  • Medium
  • Low
taskIDUnique identifier for the task

Type of task. The supported types are as follows:

  • Manual
  • Automatic

Status of the task. The supported statuses are as follows:

  • Staged
  • Assigned
  • Pending
  • Work In Progress
taskStatusReasonReason for the status of the task
taskAssigneeCompanyCompany to which the task is assigned
taskAssigneeGroupGroup to which the task is assigned
taskAssigneeIndividual to which the task is assigned
actualStartDateEpochActual date and time when the task started. The value must be in the epoch format.
actualEndDateEpochActual date and time when the task ended. The value must be in the epoch format.
taskModifiedDateEpochDate and time when the task was last modified. The value must be in the epoch format.
CIAssociationDateEpochDate and time when the task was associated with CI. The value must be in the epoch format.
CIReconcilationIDUnique identifier for the CI reconciliation
CINameName of the CI
CIClassClass to which the CI belongs
CIDataSetIDUnique identifier for the CI data set
CIAssociationTypeAssociation type to which the CI belongs

Sample input parameters in the JSON format to create a change event for integration of Remedy Change Management with TrueSight Infrastructure Management

    "applicationType": "CHANGE_MANAGEMENT",
    "eventSourceHostName": "itsmServer.calbro.com",
    "eventSourceIPAddress": "123.456.78.999",
    "eventId": "testevent.unique.id",
    "transactionId": "sample.trasantion.id",
    "correlationId": "",
    "routingInfo": "",
    "eventType": "CM_CHANGE_EVENT",
    "eventDate": 1314276082,
    "attributes": {
        "changeImpact": "4-Minor/Localized",
        "changeModifiedDateEpoch": "1314276082",
        "changePriority": "Low",
        "actualStartDateEpoch": "",
        "changeRiskLevel": "Risk Level 5",
        "actualEndDateEpoch": "",
        "changeStatus": "Scheduled",
        "CIDataSetID": "IMPACT.ASSET",
        "changeStatusReason": "Change Schedule",
        "scheduledEndDateEpoch": "1314283282",
        "changeLocationServer": "ITSMServer.calbro.com",
        "CIClass": "BMC_ComputerSystem",
        "changeCategory": "NORMAL",
        "changeUrgency": "4-Low",
        "CIAssociationType": "Impact",
        "changeNotes": "Sample Event Creation Note",
        "completionDateEpoch": "",
        "changeOwner": "ChangeUser",
        "changeID": "sample.change.unique.id",
        "changeCoordinator": "ChangeCo-Ordinator",
        "CIReconcilationID": "SAMPLE.RECON.ID",
        "changeReason": "Maintenance",
        "changeCompany": "MyCompany",
        "scheduledStartDateEpoch": "1314279682",
        "CIName": "sampleCI-name",
        "CIAssociationDateEpoch": "1314279682",
        "changeCustomerName": "Sample App Team",
        "CICellName": "pncell_cellName",
        "changeSummary": "Sample Change Event Creation"

Response for creating an event for Remedy Change Management integration

A change event is created for Remedy Change Management integration with TrueSight Infrastructure Management.

Integration of TrueSight Capacity Optimization with TrueSight Infrastructure Management

TrueSight Capacity Optimization communicates events to TrueSight Infrastructure Management through the REST API. Using the REST API, you can create or modify events.

For more information about the integration of TrueSight Capacity Optimization with TrueSight Infrastructure Management, see Integrating events from TrueSight Capacity Optimization Open link

Example URL to create an event for TrueSight Capacity Optimization integration

An example URL to create an event for TrueSight Capacity Optimization integration is as follows:


Example input parameters in the JSON format to create an event for TrueSight Capacity Optimization integration

Input parameters in the JSON format to create an event lists the input parameters that you can provide to create an event. The list of attributes varies depending on the application type you select. The following table lists the attributes that are specific to integration of TrueSight Capacity Optimization with TrueSight Infrastructure Management.

List of attributes for the REST API to create an event for TrueSight Capacity Optimization integration with TrueSight Infrastructure Management

CLASSClass of the event. The supported class is BCO_EV.
utilization_measurment_unitUnit to measure the utilization
mc_object_uriAddress used to cross-launch
is_predictiveIndicates whether the event has a predictive severity
entityType of BCO monitored object for which TrueSight Infrastructure Management receives an event
event_typeType of the event
severitySeverity of the event
host_nameFully qualified name of the host on which the event is created
msgTextual description of the event
days_to_reach_thresholdNumber of days required to reach the threshold
cluster_nameName of the cluster
metric_utilizationUtilization of the metric such as CPU, FILESYSTEM, and so on
file_system_nameName of the file system entity type
threshold_measurment_unitUnit to measure the threshold value
metricName of the metric. For example, FILESYSTEM
mc_smc_aliasAlias of the event description
threshold_valueValue of the threshold
partition_nameName of the file system partition
unique_identifierUniversal event identifier

Sample input parameters in the JSON format to create an event for integration of TrueSight Capacity Optimization with TrueSight Infrastructure Management

    "applicationType": "CAPACITY_MANAGEMENT",
    "eventSourceHostName": "source.server.com",
    "eventSourceIPAddress": "",
    "attributes": {
        "CLASS": "BCO_EV",
        "utilization_measurment_unit": "PCT",
        "mc_object_uri": "http://sample.server.com",
        "is_predictive": "true",
        "entity": "LPAR",
        "event_type": "LPAR_FS_EXCEEDS_THRESHOLD",
        "severity": "WARNING",
        "host_name": "",
        "msg": "Sample BMC Capacity Event",
        "days_to_reach_threshold": "10",
        "cluster_name": "",
        "metric_utilization": "50",
        "file_system_name": "/TMP",
        "datastore_name": "",
        "threshold_measurment_unit": "PCT",
        "metric": "FILESYSTEM",
        "mc_smc_alias": "relatedDeviceAlias",
        "VM_name": "",
        "threshold_value": "100",
        "partition_name": "pbpa9lp3",
        "unique_identifier": "bco_unique_identifier"

Response for creating an event for TrueSight Capacity Optimization integration

An event is created for TrueSight Capacity Optimization integration with TrueSight Infrastructure Management.

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  1. Kevin Simpson

    What happened to the event API docs we had in previous versions e.g., https://docs.bmc.com/docs/display/tsim107/Managing+events+with+web+services

    They were much clearer, there's a lot missing in this section now.

    Jan 26, 2021 08:53
    1. Kevin Simpson

      Any updates?

      Nov 08, 2021 05:16