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The following table describes the options that you can use when you launch the installation utility from a command line. 

Command line options for Windows 



-h, -?, -help

Displays the list of command line options.


Lets you create a control file instead of performing a product installation. The control file that you create shows the list of products that would be installed, and the product configuration values that would be used. Use this option to debug a failed installation, look for potential issues with the installation before actually installing products, vary product configuration values to see the impact on the installation, or change the product configuration values associated with an installable image by creating a new control file to use with the image. Also, you can use this option to create a control file that you can use to perform a silent uninstallation.

-host_override hostname

Lets you override the default host name that the installation utility uses to connect to the Perl HTTP server. You can enter either a host name or an IP address. This option can be used standalone or with the -serveronly option.

-locale locale

Installs language-specific resource files for the language that you specify


Lets you install products on a computer running Windows 2000 Terminal Services, Windows NT Terminal Server Edition, or Windows Server 2003 Terminal Services if the change.exe file does not exist on the computer. The installation utility uses the change.exe file to change the installation mode of a computer running these services. If the file is not found, the installation will fail. To use this option, you must launch the installation utility from the Add/Remove Programs utility.

-override_file location

Lets you install previously released BMC products onto new versions of compatible platforms. With this option, you specify the location of a file that contains new platform definitions, and it overrides the platform information stored in a product's installation files. The installation files are used to communicate installation information to the installation utility when the product is installed. You can also use the override file to update the platforms that you select when you create an installable image.

-port portnum

Lets you specify a port number to connect to the Perl HTTP server used by the installation utility to perform product installations.

-releaseversion version

Use this option to install a new KM into a previous release of PATROL.

-repository_designator role

Lets you select a system role from the command line so that only those products designated for that system role are displayed in the Select Products and Components to Install page.


Use this option if you do not have a browser on the computer on which you want to install products; lets you start the Perl HTTP server on computer, then connect to that server using a browser on another computer.

-shutdownservice minutes

Lets you increase the number of minutes that the installation utility will wait for a service to shutdown before proceeding with an installation.


Tells the installation utility to not assign user rights to a default installation account during a product installation or to not unassign user rights from a default installation account during a product uninstallation. If you use this option, you must set the user rights manually.

-timeout seconds

Lets you specify the number of seconds that the installation utility will wait to connect to the Perl HTTP server before timing out.


Records detailed information about activities in the installation utility interface during installation.


Displays the version number for the installation utility.

-no_backupwhile upgrading the PATROL Agent, by default the common installer creates a backup. If this option is enabled, then it does not creates backup.
-list_installed_imagesDisplays a list of installed Knowledge Modules.
-silent {images}

Lets you perform a silent uninstallation of the previously installed BMC images.

-bmcinstalldir {dir}Sets the location of the BMC root directory where the BMC products are installed
-log_path {dir}Sets the location of the log files directory
Does not stops the PATROL Agent while uninstalling.

-h, -?, -help

This option displays the list of command line options.

Command format

setup.exe -h

setup.exe -?

setup.exe -help




This option lets you create a control file instead of performing a product installation. You navigate through the installation utility as you would if you were performing a product installation; however, at the end of the process, no products are actually installed. Instead, a control file is created, and the installation utility displays a link to the control file so that you can view it. The installation utility uses control files to perform product installations. 

The control file that you create shows a list of the products that will be installed and the product configuration values that the installation utility will use to install the products. Use this option to help you debug a failed installation, look for potential issues with an installation before actually installing products, vary the product configuration values to see the impact on the installation, or change the product configuration values associated with an installable image by creating a new control file to use with the image. The control file is located in the following directory depending on your operating system: 

For Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 and later:

drive:\Documents and Settings* username\Application Data\BMCinstall* 

For Windows NT: 

drive:\winnt\Profiles* username\Application Data\BMCinstall*

You can use this option to create a control file to perform a product uninstallation. For more details, see Uninstalling products on Windows silently. 

Command format

setup.exe -createcontrolfile



-host_override hostname

This option lets you override the default host name that the installation utility uses to connect to the Perl HTTP server. By default, the installation utility connects to localhost for a local product installation. If you launch the installation utility by using the -serveronly command line option, it uses the primary IP address of the computer where the Perl HTTP server is launched as the default host. This option lets you override the default, and allows you to specify the host name or IP address that you want the installation utility to use on computers with multiple IP addresses. This option can be used standalone or with the -serveronly option.

Command format

setup.exe -host_override hostname

setup.exe -serveronly -host_override IPaddress



 -locale locale

This option lets you select and install only those products that are compatible with the locale (language) that you specify. You can specify only one locale. The installation utility will filter the list of products that will be displayed in the Select Products and Components to Install page to display only those products that are either specific to the locale that you specify or that do not have a locale designation. 
If you do not specify an option, then the locale from the system on which you are running the installation utility is used. If the system locale is not supported by the utility, then the English locale, en_US, is used. This option does not change the language of the text displayed in the utility. The utility will run in English regardless of the system locale or the -locale option that you enter except as noted. In addition, you will be able to input only English characters.

If you set the -locale option to be the same as the system locale, you will install the appropriate products and language resource files, but the installation utility will run in either English or the system locale language and will accept input in either English or the system locale language.

Command format

setup.exe -locale en_US






Traditional Chinese


Simplified Chinese







This option lets you install products on a computer running Windows 2000 Terminal Services, Windows NT Terminal Server Edition, or Windows Server 2003 Terminal Services if the change.exe file does not exist on the computer. The installation utility uses the change.exe file to change a computer running one of these services to install mode if it is not already in install mode. If the file does not exist, the installation fails with an error message that the installation terminated abnormally. To bypass the change.exe requirement, launch the installation utility from the Add/Remove Programs utility to put the computer in install mode, and specify this option so that the installation utility will not look for the change.exe file.

Command format

setup.exe -no_change_exe 

Enter this command in the Add/Remove Programs utility as follows depending on your operating system: 

For Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 and later:

  1. Click Start > Settings > Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs.
  2. In the Add/Remove Programs dialog box, click Add New Programs.
  3. Click the CD or Floppy button.
  4. In the Install Program From Floppy Disk or CD-ROM dialog box, click Next.
  5. In the Run Installation Program dialog box, browse to the location of the product image and select setup.exe, or if you are installing products from an installable image, select install.exe.
  6. In the Open text box, enter -no_change_exe after setup.exe or install.exe, and click Finish.

For Windows NT:

  1. Click Start > Settings > Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs.
  2. In the Add/Remove Programs Properties dialog box, click Install.
  3. In the Install Program From Floppy Disk or CD-ROM dialog box, click Next.
  4. In the Run Installation Program dialog box, browse to the location of the product image and select setup.exe, or if you are installing products from an installable image, select install.exe.
  5. In the Command line for installation program text box, enter -no_change_exe after setup.exe or install.exe, and click Finish.



-override_file location

This option lets you specify a file (override.dat) that will override platform definitions in product installation files so that you can perform following actions:

  • Install previously released products onto new versions of compatible platforms.
  • Update the platforms that you can select when you create an installable image of products.

The product installation files contain product-specific installation instructions, such as supported platforms, that communicate to the installation utility how to install the product. 

When BMC authorizes support for new platforms, Customer Support will provide a valid override.dat file with new platform definitions that you will be able to download from an ftp site located at the following URL:* 

After you have downloaded an updated override.dat file, when you install products, launch the installation utility from a command line and use this option to specify the location where you downloaded the file.

Do not edit the contents of the override.dat file. The installation utility may be unable to read the edited file.

Command format

setup.exe -override_file c:\temp\override.dat



Although this functionality is being provided in this version of the installation utility, it cannot be used at this time, because a valid override.dat file does not currently exist on the ftp site.

-port portnum

This option lets you specify a port number to use to connect to the Perl HTTP server. Use this option if the default port number to the server is locked and you want to specify another open port, or if you are using the -serveronly command line option and you need to open a port through a firewall. If not specified, the installation utility uses a default of 50001. If the default port number is in use, the installation utility increases the number by one and tries again to connect to the server.

Command format

setup.exe -port 3184

setup.exe -serveronly -port 3184


Any number from 1025 to 65534.

-releaseversion version

In a PATROL environment, this option lets you install a new KM into an existing PATROL environment.

Command format

setup.exe -releaseversion 3.4





For 3.2.x platforms and components


For 3.3.x platforms and components


For 3.4.x platforms and components

3.5, 7.1

For 3.5.x and 7.1.x platforms and components. These options should always be specified together.


For 7.2 platforms and components


For 7.4 platforms and components. This is the default for this version of the installation utility.

-repository_designator role

This option lets you select a system role from a command line so that only those products specified for a particular system role will be displayed in the Select Products and Components to Install page. Each role has a specific code associated with it. The roles (codes) that you can enter vary from product to product. Valid options can be found in the sysrole.xml file in the directory of the product image that you are installing from. If you specify this option, the Select System Roles page will not be displayed in the installation utility.

Command format

setup.exe -repository_designator PAT/PAA


Depends on the products that you are installing. See the sysrole.xml file for valid options.


This option lets you start the Perl HTTP server on one computer, then connect to that server using a browser on another computer. Use this option if you do not have a browser on the computer where you want to install products. When you launch the installation utility with this command line option, the Perl HTTP server is started, and a message box displays. Leave this message box open. On the computer with the browser, start the browser and enter the URL displayed in the message box to connect to the Perl HTTP server. 

By default, this option uses port number 50001 to connect to the Perl HTTP server. If that port is busy, the installation utility automatically increases the number by one and tries again to connect. You can specify the port that you want to use by using the -port command line option with this option.

The -serveronly command line option is not secure over a network and using it in an unsecured network environment could result in security violations. If this is an issue for your environment, you may want to consider either performing only local installations or creating an installable product image that can be sent to a remote computer and installed on it locally, rather than installing over an unsecured network. For details on creating an installable image, see Creating and deploying an installable image for Windows computers.

Command format

setup.exe -serveronly

setup.exe -serveronly -port 3184



-shutdownservice minutes

This option lets you increase the number of minutes that the installation utility waits for a service to shutdown before proceeding with an installation. The installation utility typically waits two minutes for a service to shut down. This option lets you increase that number up to five minutes.

Command format

setup.exe -shutdownservice 3


Any number from 2 to 5.


This option keeps the installation utility from assigning user rights to a default installation account, if one is required, during a product installation. If you use this option, you must set the user rights for the installation account manually. Use this option if the computer on which you are running the installation utility is not connected to a network or if you are getting error messages when the installation utility attempts to assign the user rights.

Command format

setup.exe -skipuserright

You can also use this option to keep the installation utility from unassigning user rights from the installation account during a product uninstallation. Change to the BMC product installation directory\Uninstall directory and enter: uninstall.exe -skipuserright



-timeout seconds

This option lets you specify the number of seconds that the installation utility will wait to connect to the Perl HTTP server before timing out.

Command format

setup.exe -timeout 120


Any number from 120 to 500.


This option lets you record detailed information about what is happening in the installation utility interface during a product installation. The installation utility adds this information to the beginning of the standard log file. You can view the standard log file from the installation utility when the installation is complete.

Normally, the installation utility deletes the control file after the installation is complete. You can save the control file by using this option. You can use the saved control file and the information generated by this option for debugging.
For more information about the installation log files created and where to find the log files, see Locating log files.

Command format

setup.exe -trace



Using this option causes the installation utility to record passwords unencrypted in the installation log files.


This option displays a dialog box that shows the version number of the installation utility.

Command format

setup.exe -v




While upgrading the PATROL Agent, by default the common installer creates a backup. If this option is enabled, then it does not creates backup.

Command format

setup.exe -no_backup




This option displays a list of installed Knowledge Modules.

Command format

uninstall.exe -list_installed_images



-silent {images}

This option lets you perform a silent uninstallation of the previously installed BMC images. 

Command format

uninstall.exe -silent {images}


  • uninstall.exe -silent {images}  - a comma separated list of image names
  • uninstall.exe -silent {all_kms} - to remove all the KMs that are installed
  • uninstall.exe -silent {all} - to remove all BMC PATROL products installed 

uninstall.exe -silent command option does not remove all the files from your computer. Some log files are retained for future references.

-bmcinstalldir {dir}

This option sets the location of the BMC root directory where the BMC products are installed. 

Command format

uninstall.exe -bmsinstalldir {dir}



-log_path {dir}

This option sets the location of the log files directory.

Command format

uninstall.exe -log_path {dir}




This option does not stops the PATROL Agent while uninstalling. You need to stop the PATROL Agent before uninstalling and restart it the PATROL Agent manually after the uninstallation.

Command format

uninstall.exe -no_restart

