Oracle Database

Related topics

Oracle RDBMS (a product of Oracle Corporation) is an enterprise-class relational database management system product. Oracle RDBMS is available on multiple platforms such as Unix (Solaris, HP-UX, AIX, Mac OS X Server, Tru64), Linux, Microsoft Windows, z/OS, OpenVMS.

Extended Discovery pattern, which allows a model of Database Detail Nodes to be managed by the Oracle Database Server, is available for this product.

Pattern summary

Pattern nameOperating systemVersioningPattern depth
DatabaseServerUnixSQL qClustered setups - detectiuery, Command (Active), PathInstance-based or Grouped by version (data dependent)
WindowsSQL query, Command (Active), Registry, Path
TNSListenerUnixCommand (Active), PathInstance-based or Grouped by version (data dependent)

Platforms supported by the pattern

The patterns have been created in a manner that allows them to support Windows, Linux, and Unix platforms from the same module.



Pattern nameTrigger nodeAttributeConditionArgument



Software Instance type attributes created

The patterns in this module will set the following value for the type attribute on a SI:

 Pattern nameSI type
DatabaseServerOracle Database Server
DatabaseServerOracle Database Worker
TNSListenerOracle Net Services (TNS) Listener

Simple identification mappings

The following components/processes are identified using the combination of pattern definitions and simple identity mappings:

  • Simple identifiers for DatabaseServer 

    Oracle Advanced Queuing


    Oracle Archiver


    Oracle Checkpoint


    Oracle Database Automatic Workload Repository Statistics Gatherer Process\bora_mmon_\w+$
    Oracle Database Diagnosability Process\bora_dia\d_\w+$
    Oracle Database Flashback Data Archive\bora_fbda_\w+$
    Oracle Database Lightweight Manageability Tasks Process\bora_mmnl_\w+$
    Oracle Database Job Queue Slave\bora_q\d{3}_\w+$
    Oracle Database Queue Monitor Process\bora_qmnc_\w+$
    Oracle Database PL/SQL Server Process\bora_psp\d_\w+$
    Oracle Database Space Manager\bora_smco_\w+$
    Oracle Database Space Manager Worker Process\bora_w\d{3}_\w+$
    Oracle Database Virtual Time Keeper Process\bora_vktm_\w+$
    Oracle Database Writer


    Oracle Resource Manager\bora_dbrm_\w+$
    Oracle External Job Scheduler

    \bora[Oracle Database^ ]*\bextjob$

    Oracle Job


    Oracle Job Queue Coordinator


    Oracle Log Writer


    Oracle MTS Dispatcher


    Oracle MTS Server


    Oracle Parallel Execution


    Oracle Process Monitor


    Oracle Recovery Process


    Oracle Intelligent Agent\bdbsnmp$
    Oracle Shadow Process


    Oracle System Monitor


    Oracle Net Services (TNS) Listener\btnslsnr$
    Oracle DataPump Export

    \bora[Oracle Database^ ]*\bbin/expdp$

    (?i)\bora[Oracle Database^ ]*\bexpdp\.exe$

    Oracle DataPump Import

    \bora[Oracle Database^ ]*\bimpdp$

    (?i)\bora[Oracle Database^ ]*\bimpdp\.exe$

    Oracle Database Export Utility

    (?i)\bora[Oracle Database^ ]*\bexp\.exe$

    \bora[Oracle Database^ ]*\bbin/exp$

    Oracle External Procedure Agent(?i)\bextproc\.exe$
    Oracle Database Import Utility

    (?i)\bora[Oracle Database^ ]*\bimp\.exe$

    \bora[Oracle Database^ ]*\bbin/imp$

    Oracle MTS Recovery Service(?i)\bomtsreco\.exe$
    Oracle Recovery Manager

    (?i)\bora[Oracle Database^ ]*\brman\.exe$

    Oracle Enterprise Manager Website Service(?i)\bnmentsrvc\.exe$
    Oracle Client Cache

    (?i)\bora[Oracle Database^ ]*\bonrsd\.exe$

    (?i)\bora[Oracle Database^ ]*\bonrsd\d\d\.exe$

    Oracle Connection Manager Administration Service

    (?i)\bora[Oracle Database^ ]*\bcmadmin\.exe$

    Oracle Connection Manager Gateway(?i)\bcmgw\.exe$
    Oracle DB Console(?i)\bnmesrvc\.exe$
    Oracle Database Server(?i)\boracle\d\d\.exe$
    Oracle External Job Scheduler

    (?i)\bora[Oracle Database^ ]*\bextjob\.exe$

    Oracle Net Services (TNS) Listener(?i)\btnslsnr\.exe$
    Oracle Web Publishing Assistant(?i)\bowastsvr\.exe$
    Interactive Database client - SQL shell\bsqlplus$
    Graphical Oracle Database client (Windows)(?i)\bsqlplusw\.exe$
  • Simple identifiers for DatabaseServer Express

    Oracle Database Express System Monitor
    Oracle Database Express Process Monitor
    Oracle Database Express Process-spawner
    Oracle Database Express Memory-manager Process
    Oracle Database Express Database Writer
    Oracle Database Express Log Writer
    Oracle Database Express Checkpoint
    Oracle Database Express Recovery Process
    Oracle Database Express Job Queue Coordinator
    Oracle Database Express Memory-monitor Process
    Oracle Database Express Memory-monitor Light Process
    Oracle Database Express Queue-monitor Processes
    Oracle Database Express MTS Server
    Oracle Database Express MTS Dispatcher
    Oracle Database Express MTS Process


Oracle Database Server and Oracle Database Server Express (UNIX)

In the case of Oracle Database Server, version information is currently collected using one of four possible methods (SQL query, active, registry, path). In contrast, in the case of Oracle Database Server Express (UNIX), version information is collected using one of 2 possible methods (dynamic, package).

The methods are tried in order of precedence based on the likely success and/or accuracy of the information that can be gathered. Once a result is obtained, the method lower in precedence is not attempted. In order of precedence, the methods are:

SQL query versioning

The pattern obtains version information from the SQL query (performed by the core pattern to determine Determining optimal port and listening address to query) using a regex:

  • (?i)Release\s+(\d+(?:\.\d+)*)

Active Versioning

For versions Oracle 18+, the following command is used to determine the version:

  • Unix: %ora_home%/bin/oraversion -compositeVersion

  • Windows: %ora_home%\bin\oraversion -compositeVersion

If the above fails, the method attempts to run the SQLPlus command only if the installation path (ora_home) has been determined:

  • Unix: "echo exit | ORACLE_HOME=%ora_home% %ora_home%/bin/sqlplus /NOLOG"

  • Windows: 'set "ORACLE_HOME=%ora_home%" && echo exit | "%ora_home%\\bin\\sqlplus" /NOLOG'

The output from this command is then parsed via the regex to extract the version string. Release\s+(\d+(?:\.\d+)*) If a version before Oracle 8 is detected, code mapping is used to attempt to map the version obtained to the actual Oracle version because such versions are not directly linked to the version of the Oracle Database Server. If this does not succeed, this approach will not set a version for the product. 


The disadvantage of this method is that the user permissions for the account Discovery uses need to allow execution of the SQLPlus binary and the fact that an assumption is made that the 'oratab' file is being actively maintained with $ORACLE_HOME path being accurate. If the installation path is not obtained, versioning using this method will not be attempted.

Registry Versioning (Windows only)

The content of <install_path>/oracle.key file is extracted to give the Oracle Install Key: ( 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\'

+ oracle_keyfile.content +). '\\'

Once the Oracle Install Key is known, version_key is obtained from the Windows Registry by searching for "%oracle_install_key%\VERSION"


Package Versioning (Express Edition, Linux platform only)

Oracle Database Server Express Edition (available on Unix and Windows) can be installed from the .rpm package only. The host is being queried for the 'oracle-xe-univ' package, and its version parameter provides the full version of product.

Regular expression used to match the package name is:

  • oracle-xe-univ$

  • oracle-database-

Active Versioning 2

Path Versioning

The Path Regex functionality allows a regular expression to be applied against the process command line to derive a version number from the command path or arguments.

For Database Server (other than Express Edition) running on a UNIX host the regular expression used is as follows:

  • (?:(?:ora|orcl)[^/]*|(?:ora|orcl)[^ ]*product[^ /]*|/[Pp][Rr][Oo][Dd][Uu][Cc][Tt][s]?|/prod|/oracle)/(1?\d)\.?(\d?)\.?(\d?)\.?(\d?)

For Database Server Express Edition (UNIX) the regular expression used is as follows::

  • /oracle\S+/(\d+(?:\.\d+)*)

This path may come from a file or the results of an active command.

Windows Path Regular Expression:

  • (?i)(?:Oracle|ora|or|product)(?:\\|)(1?\d)\.?(\d?)\.?(\d?)\.?(\d?)

Versioning is achieved in this case up to the depth of x.x.x depending on the deployment pattern.

Examples of paths that would be matched and versions extracted are:

  • d:\ora81\bin\ORACLE.EXE - 8.1
  • d:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\bin\ORACLE.EXE - 10.2.0
  • d:\apps\oracle\7.3.3\bin\oracle73.exe - 7.3.3
  • d:\orant\bin\oracle80.exe - 8.0

For clustered environments version can also be obtained from the result of "crs_stat -v" command.

TNS Listener

Versioning is performed using the path versioning approach. The Path Regex functionality allows a regular expression to be applied against the process command line to derive a version number from the command path or arguments.

The regular expressions used are as follows:

Unix Path Regex: (?:(?:ora|orcl)[^/]*|(?:ora|orcl)[^ ]*product[^ /]*|/[Pp][Rr][Oo][Dd][Uu][Cc][Tt][s]?|/prod|/oracle|/app)/(1?\d)\.?(\d?)\.?(\d?)\.?(\d?)

Windows Path Regex: (?i)(?:Oracle|ora|or|product)(?:\\|)(1?\d)\.?(\d?)\.?(\d?)\.?(\d?)

When these Regular Expressions fail, another multi-platform Regular Expression is employed.

Multi-platform Regular Expression: (?i)[/\\](\d+(?:\.\d+)+)[/\\]bin[/\\]tnslsnr Versioning is achieved in this case to depth x.x , x.x.x or x.x.x.x - depending on the deployment pattern.

Examples of paths that would be matched and versions extracted are:

  • /dboracle/orabase/product/ -
  • /u01/app/oracle/product/10.1.0/db_1/bin/tnslsnr - 10.1.0
  • /dboracle/product/ -
  • /u01/app/oracle/product/9.2/bin/tnslsnr - 9.2


These files are viewed using an unprivileged account. It is possible to view them as a privileged user. To do this you must alter the PRIV_CAT variable is the platform scripts

Alternative Versioning Approach


Detailed analysis of methods to obtain Oracle RDBMS product version was then undertaken by Engineering and Oracle RDBMS SMEs (internal and customer) and it was concluded that due to the complexity of the product in terms of deployment and configuration, there is no single way to reliably obtain Oracle RDBMS version in all instances.

Application Model Produced by Software Pattern

Product Architecture

An Oracle database server instance comprises a set of operating system processes and memory structures that interact with the storage. Additional to this are client connectivity components which enable database clients to communicate with the database server.

  • Related Processes

Depending on how Oracle was installed (including licensing restrictions) the processes listed in the table of related processes above may not all be observed on a single host running Oracle RDBMS. Client processes in particular are likely to be running on multiple hosts.

Configuration Options

There are a few configuration options available for this product:

  • oratabs :=[ "/etc/oratab", "/etc/oracle/oratab","/etc/opt/oracle/oratab" "/var/opt/oracle/oratab", "/var/opt/unix/oratab", "/shared/opt/oracle/oratab" ]; - List of Oracle oratab locations

  • listener_ora_path := [](""); - List of custom locations to Oracle listener config file (ex: <CUSTOM_PATH>/listener.ora or <CUSTOM_PATH>/<ORA_SID>/listener.ora)

  • default_xe_port := "1521"; - Default listening port - Express edition
  • extended_sql_discovery := true; - Enables SQL queries for extended database discovery.
  • oraInst_loc_file_path := [](""); - List of custom locations to Oracle Installer location file  (ex: oraInst_loc_file_path=['/app/product/oracle'] from '/app/product/oracle/oraInst.loc' file location)

Software Pattern Model

By default each Oracle Instance has at least one "Oracle Net Services (TNS) Listener" which manages and distributes connections from Oracle client programs to specific "Oracle Database Server" Instance. But in advanced Oracle configurations (in clusters, HA systems etc) it is possible to have many-to-many relations between Oracle Database Servers and TNS Listeners:

  • one Listener could serve a lot of Oracle Instances
  • one Oracle Instance could be served by a lot of Listeners


The DatabaseServer pattern triggers on either the Oracle System Monitor (ora_smon_<SID> or xe_smon_<SID>) or Oracle Database Server (oracle.exe, oracle73.exe or oracle80.exe) processes to identify an instance of Oracle Database Server.


The TNSListener pattern triggers on the Oracle Net Services (TNS) Listener (tnslsnr or tnslsnr.exe) process to identify an instance of TNS Listener.

SI Depth

Oracle Database Server

On Unix the main process present for each instance of an Oracle database is Oracle System Monitor (SMON).

An instance is also denoted by a SID which is observed on a command-line as the ending of the process name. e.g. ora_smon_SXQ1

The DatabaseServer pattern definitions use the Oracle System Monitor process (ora_smon_<SID> or xe_smon_<SID>) as the trigger process.

The instance name is extracted from the command using the following regular expression '(?i)ora_smon_(\S+)'

(or 'xe_smon_(.+)' for the Express edition). This name is used to create a unique Software Instance (SI).

The prime process is then collected into a set of all other processes that also have the same SID in their command or command-line arguments (in case of Oracle Net Services (TNS) Listener process).

On Windows, one or more Oracle Database Server processes are observed on hosts running Oracle RDBMS. Oracle Database instances can in certain cases be inferred from the command-line arguments but this pattern is not always observed and may be linked to the number of database instances being managed. It seems that if only one database instance is being managed, an SID is not required. More research is however required to be certain that this behavior is correct.

If the pattern fails to obtain the SID from the command-line arguments, it will attempt to obtain the SID by searching for the Oracle Database Server service that corresponds to the trigger process pid and then extract the SID from the service name using the following regular expression: '(?i)OracleService(\S+)'

If a SID is not obtained by the pattern a grouped (on version) SI is created in case of Oracle Database Server, while in case of Oracle Database Server Express (UNIX) and SI with a key based on type and host key is created (since only one instance of Express Edition can run on a host).

TNS Listener

The TNS Listener pattern will attempt to extract the Oracle database SID from the command-line arguments of the trigger process and use that to create a unique Software Instance (SI).

If a SID is not obtained by the pattern a grouped (on oracle installation path extracted from the trigger process) SI is created.

Cluster Awareness in BMC Discovery 11.x series

For BMC Discovery 11.x, cluster awareness has been incorporated into the pattern module. This means that a clustered Oracle Database Server Software Instance will be linked to the Cluster node that is logically hosting the Software Instance rather than the host it is directly running on. In addition, the SI key will be altered to include global_db_name in place of ora_sid. Oracle Database Server Software Instance "instance" attribute may be updated. Starting from TKU May 2019 a new Oracle Database Worker SI node type will be created. Oracle Database Worker represents the SI running locally on the host and it will be linked to the clustered Oracle Database Server Software Instance.

Relationship Creation

A communication relationship is created between the Oracle Database Server and the Oracle Net Services (TNS) Listener (with exception of Oracle Database Express Edition on either Windows or Unix platform).

This relationship is modeled both from the DatabaseServer and the TNSListener patterns.

The DatabaseServer pattern then tries to associate all other related Oracle processes, running on the same host, to the SI.

NOTE: We cannot determine appropriate (TNS) Listener for the Express Edition of Oracle Database Server, as the command line doesn't contain any attributes.

Modelling Oracle distributed database system

In order to represent architecture of homogeneous distributed database system, which is a network of two or more Oracle Databases that reside on one or more machines, the pattern creates a client-server communication link between Oracle SIs which form such system.

The central concept in distributed database systems is a database link which is a connection between two physical database servers that allows a client to access them as one logical database. The pattern tries to obtain a list of defined database links to other Oracle databases by means of SQL query:

"SELECT host FROM dba_db_links ORDER BY host"

where "host" column could be:

  • jdbc-like connection string, example:, then connection information is extracted using regexes:
    • linked_ora_host: regex '^(\S+?)[:/]'

    • linked_ora_port: regex ':(\d+)'

    • linked_ora_sid: regex '/(\S+)$'

  • the "net service name" of remote database. Pattern searches related section for each "net service name" in <ORACLE_HOME>/network/admin/tnsnames.ora

    file and obtains the following information from each found section:

    • linked_oracle_host: regex '(?i)HOST\s*=\s*([^\s\)]+)'

    • linked_oracle_service: regex '(?i)SERVICE_NAME\s*=\s*([^\s\)]+)'

    • linked_oracle_sid: regex '(?i)SID\s*=\s*([^\s\)]+)'

    • linked_oracle_host: regex '(?i)HOST\s*=\s*([^\s\)]+)'

    • linked_oracle_service: regex '(?i)SERVICE_NAME\s*=\s*([^\s\)]+)'

    • linked_oracle_sid: regex '(?i)SID\s*=\s*([^\s\)]+)'

Then pattern creates a link to each Oracle SI with attribute service_name = <linked_si_service>

on host <linked_si_host> .

Oracle E-Business Suite

The Oracle Database Server pattern raises a flag when acting in an Oracle E-Business Suite environment. This flag is stored in the Oracle Database Server SI as the ebs_suite attribute.
The way the pattern determines whether it has discovered and instance of Oracle Database Server running as part of E-Business is to search for any TNS Listener process where its command-line args match a regular expression APPS_<ora SID> where <ora SID> is this Database Server SID.
The flag is then checked for later in the pattern in order to determine the correct path to listener.ora file, as this path is different for Database Servers running as a component of Oracle E-Business.

Discovery of important SI attributes

SID (Instance name)

The database SID (instance name) is initially extracted from the trigger process command line arguments by using a regular expression, which varies depending on Operating System:

  • Windows:
    • from process.args using regex '(\S+)'

    • from Windows Service Name which starts 'oracle.exe' process: regex '(?i)OracleService(\S+)'

  • Unix:
    • from process.cmd using regex '(?i)ora_smon_(\S+)'

NOTE: Oracle SID for Windows is always stored in upper case.

The pattern extracts service  name from the JDBC connection. The database name is used as service name, if the connection string matches the following regular expression:

  • regex·'jdbc:oracle:(?:thin|oci8?):(?:.*?)@/?/?[^/]*/'

Otherwise, the service name is extracted using the following regular expression:

  • regex "jdbc:oracle:thin:@\(DESCRIPTION\s*=.*SERVICE_NAME\s*([^\s\)]+)"

 ORACLE_HOME (installation path)

This method is employed for the DatabaseServer pattern and uses these possible approaches.

  • Windows:
    1. From process.cmd using regex "(?i)^(\w:.+)\\bin\\oracle"

    2. From command line of Windows Service which starts 'oracle.exe' process: regex "(?i)^(\w:.+)\\bin\\\w\.exe"
    3. From listener.ora file. This approach works only if related Oracle Net Services (TNS) Listener is found and has listener_ora_file_path and Oracle SID is known.

4. From the TNS Listener SI - This approach is used only in the Oracle Database Server pattern if the pattern has failed to obtain the Oracle DB Server installation path via the direct method described above. Pattern searches for SI of "Oracle Net Services (TNS) Listener" which serves its Oracle SID and obtains ORACLE_HOME only if one Listener SI is found.

  • Unix:
    1. from process.cmd using regex "(?i)^(/.+)/bin/ora_smon_"

    2. from oratab file: the pattern tries to open a file called 'oratab' by searching through a list of potential (user configurable) locations for it:

    • /etc/oratab
    • /var/opt/oracle/oratab
    • /var/opt/unix/oratab
    • etc/oracle/oratab
    • etc/opt/oracle/oratab
    • shared/opt/oracle/oratab


These files are typically viewed using an unprivileged account (Discovery login account). It is possible to view them as a privileged user. To do this you must alter the PRIV_CAT variable in the platform scripts

If the 'oratab' file is located, the file is parsed for the database with the SID in the process command-line via the following regular expression: "(?m)^\s*%norm_ora_sid%:([^:]+):(?:[YNW])?"


In Clustered setups db_unique_name is used instead of SID

3. Using pmap command (Solaris and Linux)
On certain Unix platforms (Solaris and Linux), the pmap command can be used against the process id (pid) of the 'oracle' process:

<path_to_pmap>/pmap | awk '{print $4}' | grep '/oracle$' | uniq

Oracle installation path is then extracted using one of the following regular expressions:

  • For Database Server: \W(/[^ ]*/)bin/oracle\W

  • For Database Express: \(/\S*)/bin/oracle\W


This approach works only in cases where the appliance has credentials that give the logged-in user elevated privileges via privilege escalation mechanism (e.g. 'sudo'). The approach is disabled by default due to the above requirement (majority of installations do not provide these level of privileges to the account used by the Discovery appliance).

To enable this approach:
1. Both the priv_execution and pmap_enabled options in the configuration section should be set to 'true'.
2. The PRIV_RUNCMD function should be defined in the appropriate platform scripts to invoke the privilege escalation (e.g. through the use of 'sudo' or 'suexec') on the hosts being scanned.
3. The pmap_path option in the configuration section may be modified to point to an alternative path (the default being /usr/bin/pmap) for an instance of 'pmap' on the hosts being scanned

4. From listener.ora file. This approach works only if related Oracle Net Services (TNS) Listener is found and has listener_ora_file_path attribute and Oracle SID is known.

5. From the TNS Listener SI - This approach is used only in the Oracle Database Server pattern if the pattern has failed to obtain the Oracle DB Server installation path via the direct method described above. Pattern searches for SI of "Oracle Net Services (TNS) Listener" which serves its Oracle SID and obtains ORACLE_HOME only if one Listener SI is found.

Determining the port and IP the database is listening on - listen_tcp_sockets

The patterns use the following approach to obtain the port and IP (if specifically set) the database server is listening on:

  • Listener SI obtains the list of all tcp sockets (attr:'listen_tcp_sockets') and the list of served Oracle Instances (attr:'served_oracle_instances'):
    • from: command "lsnrctl status <LISTENER_NAME>"


    • from: file 'listener.ora', which could be located in:

      • <ORACLE_HOME>/network/admin/listener.ora

        - default installation

      • <ORACLE_HOME>/network/admin/<ORA_SID>_<SHORT_HOSTNAME>/listener.ora

        - Oracle with E-Business Suite

      • <ORACLE_HOME>/network/admin/<ORA_SID>/listener.ora

        - Oracle with E-Business Suite

      • <ORACLE_BASE>/<ORA_SID>/listener.ora

        - Oracle with Oracle Active Data Guard

      • <LISTENER_DIR_PATH_CUSTOM>/listener.ora

      • <LISTENER_DIR_PATH_CUSTOM>/<ORA_SID>/listener.ora

        , where <LISTENER_DIR_PATH_CUSTOM> is configured in pattern configuration section

  • Oracle SI populates information from 'listen_tcp_sockets' attribute of all Listener SIs which serve it.
    Here is an example of the process of obtaining listening tcp sockets:


Updated OracleRDBMS pattern tries to resolve all named addresses to IP addresses, like for example 'host_alias' being resolved to '' in the example above

Obtaining the Global DB Name (global_db_name)

The pattern uses the following methods for obtaining Oracle 'service_names' and 'global_db_name':

  • In Clustered setups pattern obtains <db_unique_name> from from output of command '<crs_home>/bin/crs_stat -v'

    by means of regexes:

    • for Oracle RAC 11: '(?i)^ora\.([^\.]+)\.db'

      against the configuration section corresponding to current <ORA_SID>.

    • for Oracle RAC 10: '(?i)NAME=ora\.([^\.]+)\.<ora_sid_norm>\.inst'

      then pattern run the following command to receive full information about Oracle RAC:

    • ORACLE_HOME=<ora_home>; export ORACLE_HOME; ulimit -c 0 && <ora_home>/bin/srvctl config database -d <db_unique_name>

      and tries to obtain from output <db_domain> and <service_names>

  • From - Oracle Server Parameter File (SPFILE):
    • for Unix:

      1. PRIV_CAT <ORACLE_HOME>/dbs/spfile<ORACLE_SID>.ora | egrep '(db_name|db_unique_name|db_domain)'

      2. PRIV_CAT <ORACLE_HOME>/dbs/init<ORACLE_SID>.ora | egrep '(db_name|db_unique_name|db_domain)'

    • for Windows:

      1. cmd /C findstr "db_name db_unique_name db_domain" "<ORACLE_HOME>\\database\\spfile<ORACLE_SID>.ora"

      2. cmd /C findstr "db_name db_unique_name db_domain" "<ORACLE_HOME>\\database\\init<ORACLE_SID>.ora"

      3. cmd /C findstr "db_name db_unique_name db_domain" "<ORACLE_HOME>\\dbs\\spfile<ORACLE_SID>.ora"

Please note that it is used to uniquely identify the database, when discovering clustered environments (RAC), check that all related components have similar permissions for consistency.

Obtaining the Oracle Service Names (service_names) and service_name

Service_names attributes consists of the values in the following order:

  • 1. global_db_name (if its in the list of service_names obtained from Listeners)
  • 2. service_names obtained from related Listener 'sid_to_service_map' attribute (if 'lsnrctl status' command was used).
  • 3. global_db_name (if its not in the list of service_names obtained from Listeners)
  • 4. from spfilexxx.ora or initxxx.ora files (if related command was used)
  • 5. from output of ORACLE_HOME=<ora_home>; export ORACLE_HOME; ulimit -c 0 && <ora_home>/bin/srvctl config database -d <db_unique_name>

    command for clustered Instances


To run the SRVCTL command successfully, its version must be the same as the version of the Database. So it is recommended to run it from <ora_home>\bin. The user, which runs the command, should be in software owner's group.

Service_name is the first element in <service_names> list.

Global_db_name, service_names and service_name usage explanation

Each attribute has its own purpose despite it looks like attributes could duplicate each other,

  • global_db_name (<db_unique_name>.<db_domain>) - is used for unique Oracle RAC identification and for running commands for Oracle RAC. Please check that all related components have similar permissions for consistency
  • service_names (with <global_db_name> and all additional services) - is used for search queries in another patterns.
  • service_name (<service_names>) - is used for SQL queries, since this first element should be taken from Listeners and thus guarantee that Oracle Lisnteners is aware of such <service_name> to accept incoming SQL connection.

Obtaining Net Service Names (net_service_names)

The pattern obtains all 'net service names which are set up in local Oracle client ( <ORACLE_HOME>/network/admin/tnsnames.ora

), which are pointed to local Oracle SI (by SID or by service_name). Each net service name is obtained by regex:

  • (?is)\n\s*([^\s\(\)]+)\s*=\s*\(\s*DESCRIPTION

    from the section in 'tnsnames.ora' file which matches regexes:

  • for SID: (?is)SID\s*=\s*<ORACLE_SID>[\s|\)]

  • for Service_name: (?is)SERVICE_NAME\s*=\s*<Service_name>[\s|\)]

    • if Service_name is not known then "<ORACLE_SID>.world" is used instead.

Clustered setups - detection

The pattern uses the following methods for finding evidence that current oracle instance is configured in a clustered setup

  • Unix: pattern searches for the process: 'ora_lmon_<ora_sid>'
  • Windows: pattern tries to run the command ' <crs_home>/bin/crs_stat -v

    ' and looks for a string which matches regex: (?i)USR_ORA_INST_NAME@SERVERNAME\([^\)]+\)=%ora_sid_norm%\s , where <crs_home> is taken from Oracle Clusterware SI running on this host.

If a clustered setup is detected, the Oracle Database SI has the 'clustered' attribute set to 'true'.


Pattern tries to obtain the list of host nodes on which current Oracle RAC resides and for which current instance is part of using command <crs_home>/bin/crs_stat -v

where pattern obtains list of related host nodes names from section correspondent for current Oracle SID using regex:


In order to make this list equal on all hosts it is additional sorted.

Obtaining edition information

Edition information is obtained using the following methods:

  • Registry query (Windows):
    On Windows-based systems, a specific registry key is parsed within the main Oracle RDBMS pattern in order to obtain the edition. The key accessed is:


  • Active Command

Get edition information for Oracle 11.2 and above from "<ora_home>/inventory/response"


  • file name in "<ora_home>/inventory/response"


    • Windows: dir "<ora_home>\\inventory\\response"

    • Unix: "PRIV_LS <ora_home>/inventory/response"

      (where file names examples: oracle.server_EE.rsp or oracle.server_SE.rsp or oracle.server_PE.rsp or oracle.crs_Complete.rsp)
      output is then parsed by regex: (?i)oracle\.(?:server|crs)_(\S+)\.rsp

  • if no 'valid' edition was extracted, then its obtained from content of the file <ora_home>/inventory/response/oracle.crs_Complete.rsp

    (content examples oracle_install_db_InstallEdition="EE" or "STD"/"SE" or "PE"),

    • Windows: 'findstr oracle_install_db_InstallEdition "<ora_home>\\inventory\response
    • Unix: "PRIV_CAT <ora_home>/inventory/response/<rsp_file_name> | grep oracle_install_db_InstallEdition"
      by means of regex '(?i)oracle_install_db_InstallEdition="(\S+)"'

Get edition information for Oracle 11.1.X and below from '<ora_home>/inventory/Components21/oracle.rdbms/<version_subdir>/context.xml'


First we need to know exactly name of the directory where 'context.xml' resides

  • <version_subdir> is obtained from directory listing, if more than one directory is found, then the highest version is used:
    #1: PRIV_LS <ora_home>/inventory/Components21/oracle.rdbms

    #2: PRIV_LS <ora_home>/inventory/Components21/oracle.server

then pattern run the following commands, which extracts lines from context.xml file where edition information is stored:

  • 'PRIV_CAT <ora_home>/inventory/Components21/oracle.server/<version_subdir>/context.xml | grep -w s_serverInstallType'

if no or 'Custom' edition is extracted then:

  • 'PRIV_CAT <ora_home>/inventory/Components21/oracle.rdbms/<version_subdir>/context.xml | grep -w s_nameOfBundle'

then, Edition is extracted using regex: 'VAL="(\S+)"'

In all cases, edition information is only recorded if it can be fully determined. Quite often, the edition information is set to 'Custom' in the context.xml file and this is done by the Oracle installation script if the defaults of creating a database are not followed but a custom installation is performed. In those cases, edition information is not stored in the Software Instance.

The method detailed abovecannot howeverbe used to identify Oracle RDBMS Express Edition. A separate pattern has been created to identify this edition as the trigger process is different (and distinct) - it is xe_smon_<SID>

In addition to this, Express Edition has 'XE' as its SID, the only one available for the installation; therefore, 'Express' edition can always be positively determined and the 'edition' attribute set.

For silent installation on Unix based platforms patterns also checks the edition in globalvariables.xml file using active command: cat <ora_home>/inventory/globalvariables/oracle.server/globalvariables.xml | grep '<VAR NAME="oracle_install_db_InstallType"'

Extended Database Discovery

Determining optimal port and listening address to query

In order to perform extended database discovery the Oracle Database pattern has to collect 'listen_tcp_sockets' information from all TNS Listeners which serve current Oracle SID and obtain Oracle "service_name" information.

The pattern then tries to run the following SQL query on each combination of found listen tcp socket AND ( Oracle SERVICE or Oracle SID):

SELECT banner FROM v$version WHERE banner LIKE 'Oracle%'

Once the query successfully run, pattern stores information of successful query into attribute "success_login_credential", examples:

  • success_login_credential := [method, port, ip, service_name]

    where method = 'sid' or 'service'

This information is used by all associated patterns which run SQL queries against the Oracle Database Server allowing them not to run those queries against all possible pairs of listen tcp sockets AND ( Oracle SID or Oracle SERVICE ).


Running of this SQL query is enabled by default! Disabling this SQL query by setting 'false' value for 'extended_sql_discovery' variable in pattern configuration section disables this feature for all associated patterns which run SQL queries against the Oracle Database Server

The list of affected patterns:

Extended database discovery - Oracle Database schema and table information

A separate pattern has been created to query the Oracle Database in order to obtain schema and (optionally) database table details. For more information about this pattern, please refer to the relevant page

Discovering Oracle Database options / features

Listing Oracle Database Installed Options

A separate pattern is used to identify and model a selection of Installed Options in the Oracle Database. For more information on this approach, please refer to the relevant page.

Listing Oracle Management Packs

A separate pattern is used to identify and model a selection of Management Packs in the Oracle Database. For more information on this approach, please refer to the relevant page.

Identification of Oracle Pro*C installation

A pattern to identify and model Oracle Pro*C pre-compiler (installed as an optional component of Oracle Database) has also been developed. For more information about this pattern, please refer to the relevant page.

Subject Matter Expertise

The set of simple identifiers for Oracle RDBMS running on Unix/Linux hosts, including approaches used to version the product has been developed from local knowledge on Oracle RDBMS as well as with input from a customer SME.



Testing to ensure the processes related to Oracle RDBMS have been correctly identified has been performed using Discovery record data from hosts running Solaris,AIXand Linux operating systems.

Record data contained enough information to extract the version information using the Regex Path versioning approach.

In addition to this, an active version command approach was developed and initially evaluated both on in-house Oracle RDBMS installations and on customer sites. The approach taken was shown to work well, provided the environmental conditions that this approach requires were met.

Testing to ensure the processes related to Oracle RDBMS Express Edition have been correctly identified has been performed against in-house Oracle RDBMS Express installations running on Linux hosts.
Product version obtained using active command approach, package query, and path regex was proven to work.


Testing to ensure the processes related to Oracle RDBMS have been correctly identified has been performed using both Discovery Record data and in-house Oracle RDBMS installations.

Path Regex versioning approach was also tested against both in-house Oracle RDBMS installations and Discovery Record data and was deemed to work well unless constrained by the data returned from the hosts (e.g. Discovery typically cannot obtain process command-line on hosts running Windows NT or Windows 2000 Server. This limitation no longer exists on hosts running Windows XP or Windows 2003 server).

Testing to ensure the processes related to Oracle RDBMS Express Edition have been correctly identified has been performed against in-house Oracle RDBMS Express installations running on Windows hosts.
Product version obtained using active command approach, package query, and path regex was proven to work.

Information Sources

Oracle Version Numbering
Oracle Database distributed database architecture

Open Issues

On some specific Oracle Enterprise Linux hosts running the "patch inventory" command with insufficient privileges may cause the command hanging on the appliance.
You need to scan the host with the appropriate privileges in order to avoid this behavior.
srvctl command to get the database information may cause Java dumps on Oracle Database 12.2 running on AIX 7.1.

In TKU April 2022 ECA error may be encountered for some servers with simplified base paths. The error is addressed in TKU May 2022.

Created by: [Rebecca Shalfield|User Rebecca Shalfield] 30 Oct 2007
Updated by: [Dmytro Ostapchuk|User Dmytro Ostapchuk] 26 Nov 2015

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