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The MySQL database is created with the default root password admysql.


Before using BMC Application Diagnostics, you must change the MySQL root password to avoid security breaches and unauthorized access.

On each computer with a BMC Application Diagnostics Portal or Collector component, you can modify the MySQL root password. The password is required when you need to backup, restore, and perform other maintenance tasks on the database.

If the BMC Application Diagnostics Portal and the BMC Application Diagnostics Collector are installed on the same host, both the portal and collector databases are affected by changing the password, regardless of which script you use to change the password.

To change the MySQL root password

  1. At a command line, navigate to the following directory on the BMC Application Diagnostics Server:
    • Windows

      The default installationDirectory is C:\Program Files\BMC Software\BMC Application Diagnostics

    • Linux

      The default installationDirectory is /opt/bmc/BMC_Application_Diagnostics

  2. Enter the following command:
    • Windows
    • Linux
  3. At the Enter password prompt, enter the current password. The default password is admysql.
  4. At the New password prompt, enter a new password, using a strong password that comprises the following:
    • A minimum of 10 characters
    • Two of the following nonalphabetic characters that are noncontiguous:
      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + - =
  5. At the Confirm password prompt, enter the new password again.