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Controlling the appliance

The Appliance Control page enables you to restart the tideway services (required for changing certain discovery settings), reboot or shutdown the appliance, and put the appliance into Using maintenance mode.

For all of these operations you must be logged in as a user who is a member of the system group.

Restarting the services

Restarting the services is required when changing certain settings on the appliance (for example, many discovery settings).
You must be logged in as a user who is a member of the system group to restart the services.

  1. From the Appliance section of the Administration tab, select Control.
  2. Click Restart Services.
  3. Confirm the restart services action.

Rebooting the appliance

You must be logged in as a user who is a member of the system group to reboot the appliance.

  1. From the Appliance section of the Administration tab, select Control.
  2. Click Reboot.
  3. Confirm the reboot action.
    If you choose to reboot the appliance, a reboot countdown page is displayed and after 600 seconds, you will be returned to the login page.

Shutting down the appliance

You must be logged in as a user who is a member of the system group to shut down the appliance.

  1. From the Appliance section of the Administration tab, select Information.
  2. Click Shutdown.
  3. Confirm the shutdown action.

If you choose to shut down the appliance, you will require full security access rights to restart the appliance.

Putting the appliance into maintenance mode

You must be logged in as a user who is a member of the system group to see the Set Maintenance Mode button.
To put the appliance into maintenance mode:

  1. From the Appliance section of the Administration tab, select Control.
  2. On the Appliance Control page, click Set Maintenance Mode.
    All users who are not members of this group are logged off. System group users' screens are refreshed and the Quit Maintenance Mode button is displayed.

    Maintenance mode is not a single-user mode. If you are performing any tasks that could affect other users (such as appliance backup) you should ensure that you are the only user logged in.
    Use the Administration => Security => Active Sessions window to verify this.

    In maintenance mode, a flashing banner is displayed at the top of all pages. The flashing banner is a link to the Appliance Control page.
  3. To leave maintenance mode, click Quit Maintenance Mode.

When non-system users are logged out, the login banner is displayed with an "under maintenance" message. When logging into an appliance that is in maintenance mode, you should ensure that your work does not interfere with that of other logged in users. For example, the appliance may be in maintenance mode so that an appliance backup can be taken.

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1 Comment

  1. Under the Shutting down the Appliance section, shouldn't it say   "From the Appliance section of the Administration tab, select Control"