Limited support


This version of the product is in limited support. However, the documentation is available for your convenience. You will not be able to leave comments. Click here to view the documentation for the current version.

Sample connection properties file

BMC Digital Workplace  writes to properties files for connections. If you make changes to this file, you must restart the BMC Digital Workplace server.

The following text represents a sample file, which is located in the TomcatInstallFolder/external-conf folder.

# Set userSessionPersistenceEnabled to true in order for mobile clients to store SSO user session
# between application restarts.
# This is applicable to SSO only.
# If not configured then default is false.
# sessionCookiePersistenceEnabled=true

# Social connection settings
social.server.protocol = http = localhost
social.server.port = 9001
social.user.autocreate = false

# Cluster of servers
# Use this property in cluster configuration. Set to true to indicate this server is master, set to false otherwise.
# Only one (exactly one) server can be master in cluster, others have to be set to false.
# Master server would run all the backend background jobs.
# Note if this property is absent then server is considered master. This is for backward compatibility with non-cluster
# single server envs where the only server is a master one by definition.

# Change parameters to configure Service Subscription Poller.
# Please note there should be exactly one Poller thread per MyIT cluster
# So make sure to check other nodes while changing this settings.
serviceSubscriptionsPollEnabled = true
serviceSubscriptionsPollStartDelaySeconds = false
serviceSubscriptionsPollStartDelaySeconds = 0
serviceSubscriptionsPollIntervalSeconds = 30

########### MyIT backend jobs ############

# Global Search incremental indexing, period and delay in ms
# 2 mins 
com.bmc.bsm.myit.service.globalsearch.index.IndexWriterService.updateAll.PERIOD = 120000
com.bmc.bsm.myit.service.globalsearch.index.IndexWriterService.updateAll.DELAY = 120000

# Global Search full indexing, period and delay in ms
#8 hours 22 mins 
#Note : Do not set IndexWriterService.indexAll.DELAY bigger than "IndexWriterService.updateAll.DELAY"
com.bmc.bsm.myit.service.globalsearch.index.IndexWriterService.indexAll.PERIOD = 29120000
com.bmc.bsm.myit.service.globalsearch.index.IndexWriterService.indexAll.DELAY = 0

# Update QuickPick Popular SRDs, period in ms
# Every 1 hour updates srds by quick pick information. 
com.bmc.bsm.myit.service.assistance.QuickPickPreferencesService.updateQuickPickPopularSrds.PERIOD = 3600000

# Update status of external Services, period in ms
# every 60 seconds = 60000
# Update subscriptions, period in ms
# every 120 minutes with delay 60 mins in order for social sync tasks to complete 
# WARNING: This job is time and memory consuming, don't schedule it to execute too often = 7200000 = 3600000

# Approvals Notifier, period and delay in ms
com.bmc.bsm.myit.service.assistance.NotificationPoller.DELAY = 0
com.bmc.bsm.myit.service.assistance.NotificationPoller.PERIOD = 300000 

# SAAS mode on/off
# If on then MyIT providers configuration not available on Admin Console
saas = false

# Following settings are configured at installation time by MyIT Installer
#MyIT API key authentication, this is required for Event Manager Plugin.
admin.console.url = http://localhost:9000/admin/
api.token.<tokenString> = <value>

Related topic

Sample broadcasts properties file

This version of the documentation is no longer supported. However, the documentation is available for your convenience. You will not be able to leave comments.
