Limited support


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Virtual marketplaces

Virtual marketplaces are security rules that service catalog administrators, asset managers, and internal service suppliers create in BMC Digital Workplace Catalog to entitle end users to view and request published services and bundles, and view banners in BMC Digital Workplace. 

The following image shows the Entitlements page:

End users can view only those items from the enhanced catalog that are entitled to them.


BMC Digital Workplace enforces only the entitlement rules that you set up in virtual marketplaces and ignores any existing entitlement rules in external systems.

Virtual marketplace entitlement

You use virtual marketplaces to associate end users to services, bundles, and banners. The following diagram illustrates a virtual marketplace: 

Virtual marketplace concept

User AUser B, and User group are entitled to request Service AService B, and Service bundle, and view Banner A and Banner B in BMC Digital Workplace.

How services appear to entitled users

The entitlements that you assign through a virtual marketplace control the BMC Digital Workplace Catalog items that end users can view and request from the BMC Digital Workplace enhanced catalog. As a catalog administrator, you enable or disable the full catalog view to control whether end users can request services from the entire catalog.

The following table describes how service view depends on the virtual marketplace entitlement and the full catalog view setting:

Full catalog view setting

Service entitlement through virtual marketplaces

Service view in BMC Digital Workplace

Full catalog view disabledEntitled

When the full catalog view is disabled, end users can view and request only catalog items to which they are entitled.

Full catalog view enabled

Not entitledNot applicable

The service tiles for items that end users are entitled to request show a Company preferred badge.

Note: On the Catalog page, the company preferred services are displayed first, and then the rest of services are displayed in alphabetical order.

By selecting the Company preferred filter, end users can view only company preferred services in the catalog. 

This version of the documentation is no longer supported. However, the documentation is available for your convenience. You will not be able to leave comments.
