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Uninstalling BMC Digital Workplace and Smart IT

The following procedure describes how to uninstall the file system for Remedy with Smart IT (Smart IT) and BMC Digital Workplace .


The uninstaller does not uninstall the Smart IT- BMC Digital Workplace database; it removes only the system files. BMC Digital Workplace  and Smart IT data (including BMC Remedy Action Request System integration) and structures remain intact.

To uninstall Smart IT and BMC Digital Workplace

  1. Uninstall the application: 
    • (Windows) Go to the UninstallBMCSmartIT folder (such as C:\Program Files\BMC Software\Smart_IT_MyIT\UninstallBMCSmartIT), and run the uninstall file.
      Alternatively, From the Windows Control Panel, select Add or Remove Programs > BMC Remedy with Smart IT <version> & BMC MyIT <version> Install and click Remove.
    • (Linux) Perform the following steps:
      1. Go to the UninstallBMCSmartIT folder (such as /data1/bmc/Smart_IT_MyIT/UninstallBMCMyIT), and run the uninstall file. 
      2. If you are running MongoDB on a separate server or have several servers for a replica set, stop the MongoDB service if it is running because uninstalling Smart IT and BMC Digital Workplace  in a Linux environment does not stop services related to BMC Digital Workplace  and Smart IT.
  2. On the BMC Remedy ITSM server, log on to BMC Remedy Developer Studio, and delete the following:
      • MyIT and MyIT Administration forms (all forms prefixed with MyIT)
      • CAI:Events2, if any
      • MyIT workflows containing the word "social"
        You might have to switch to Base Development mode to delete the files. For more information, see new  Deleting forms Open link  and  Changing the development mode Open link  in the BMC Remedy AR System documentation

    Deleting BMC Digital Workplace  forms from Developer Studio

  3. Go to each AR Server and remove references to the MyIT plugin from the ar.cfg and the pluginsvr_conf.xml file.
  4. Delete the SocialEventManager from the pluginsvr/fnd directory on each AR Server.
  5. Delete SmartIT and UX patch entries from the SHARE:Application_Properties. 
  6. As an administrator, log in to the BMC Remedy Mid-Tier for the BMC Remedy ITSM server and delete the following:
    1. Open the Roles form; in the Application Name field, search with %MyIT%, and delete the following roles:
      • MyIT Administrator
      • MyIT
      • Unrestricted Access
    2. Open the Group form; in the Group Name field, search with %MyIT%, and delete the following groups:
      • MyIT Admin
      • MyIT Super Admin
    3. Open the Report form; in the Report Name field, search for the new_field_z1d_action_wo1 report and delete the record.
  7. From Oracle or Microsoft SQL, drop the Smart IT database including Openfire chat if you are using it.

    Deleting the Smart IT database in SQL

  8. After deleting Smart IT database from the database server, you must also delete SmartIT_Business and SmartIT_System from the Logins folder.
  9. (If using only Smart IT, this step is not required) If you are using BMC Digital Workplace  and a stand-alone MongoDB (not the bundled one), drop the social database that BMC Digital Workplace  created from the MongoDB shell, run the dropdatabase command.
    For more information about the MongoDB shell and command, see the following MongoDB documentation:
  10. Verify that the following services have been stopped and removed:
      •  SmartIT/MyIT Application  
      • MongoDB
      • MyITSocialService
      • openfire(only if Smart IT chat feature is installed)
  11. Verify that the Smart_IT_MyIT directory has been removed. If not, delete it manually. 
  12. Restart the AR Server.

This version of the documentation is no longer supported. However, the documentation is available for your convenience. You will not be able to leave comments.


  1. Govind M

    need some clarificaitons on below points. after completing unistall step. 1. MyIT workflows containing the word "social" -- Does it mean all workflows

    1. CAI:Events2, if any -- i did not find any after uninstallation.

    2. Go to each AR Server and remove references to the MyIT plugin from the ar.cfg and the pluginsvr_conf.xml file.

    Please let us know what plugins as i see only BMC.REMEDY.ITSM.SOCIALEVENTMANAGER BMC.REMEDY.ITSM.SOCIALEVENTMANAGER as related to Socialevent Manager related to this process.

    Nov 01, 2019 08:52
  2. Govind M

    Also for "Delete SmartIT and UX patch entries from the SHARE:Application_Properties" what are all those entries.

    Nov 01, 2019 08:53
    1. Olga Kutetska

      Hello, Govind!

      Your questions are very specific, and only several subject matter experts can help. I readdressed your questions to them and now I am waiting for a reply. If your question is critical and cannot wait, could you, please, contact support?

      Nov 28, 2019 02:04