Limited support


This version of the product is in limited support. However, the documentation is available for your convenience. You will not be able to leave comments. Click here to view the documentation for the current version.

Sample broadcasts properties file

BMC Digital Workplace  writes to properties files for broadcasts. If you make changes to this file, you must restart the  BMC Digital Workplace  server.

The following text represents a sample file, which is located in the TomcatInstallFolder/external-conf folder:


# This optional property determines the default time to live for a
# broadcast.  All provided values are normalized to seconds.  If not
# provided, the default value is 24 hours (or 86,400,000 milliseconds).
# Example (using the default value):
### broadcast.ttl.default=86400000

# This optional property determines the minimum time to live for a
# broadcast.  All provided values are normalized to seconds.  If not
# provided, the default value is five minutes (or 300,000 milliseconds).
# Example (using the default value):
### broadcast.ttl.minimum=300000

# This optional property determines the maximum time to live for a
# broadcast.  All provided values are normalized to seconds.  If not
# provided, the default value is 365 days (or 31,536,000,000 milliseconds).
# Example (using the default value):
### broadcast.ttl.maximum=31536000000

# This optional property determines whether LDAP Distribution Groups are
# available as a selection option for broadcasts.  If set to "true", then
# a call to the appropriate REST API will instruct the admin UI to include
# LDAP Distribution Groups as a selectable target for broadcasts.  If set to
# "false", the REST API will instruct the admin UI not to include LDAP
# Distribution Groups as a selectable target for broadcasts.  If not
# provided, the default value is "false".
# Example (of setting to "true", thus allowing LDAP):
### broadcast.avail.ldap=true 


# URL must be in the form of "ldap://host:port" or "ldaps://host:port".
# Default port for ldap and ldaps are 389 and 686, respectively.
# Example:
### ldap.url=ldap://

# The two schemes are "none" and "simple", with "simple requiring credentials.
# Example:
### ldap.auth.type=simple

# Put the principal ldap user here, which must be the full distinguished name.
# Example:
### ldap.auth.user=CN\=<Your Username Here>,OU\=Domain Users,OU\=Security,DC\=ldap,DC\=acme,DC\=com

# For now password is plain text, but that will change.

# These timeouts and size limitations are for each partial query making up
# each functional call, and so do not represent the operation as a whole
# Maximum time is in milliseconds and Maximum size's units are per return record.
# The LDAP server also has preset limits configured, which normally cannot be
# overridden.
# Example of five minute maximum time and 10000 maximum retrievals:
### ldap.time.maximum=300000
### ldap.size.maximum=10000

# This specifies the DN search base for groups.
# Example:

# This specifies filter for querying groups by a conditional search substitution
# string which will be inserted by the process. # %s should be provided at the point
# in which the conditional search will be inserted.
# Example:

# This specifies filter for querying subgroups contained within other groups
# by name using a search string. %s should be provided at the point in which
# the search string is substituted.  If this filter query is empty or not
# provided, then it is assumed there are no subgroups and the recursive subgroup
# search is not performed.
# Example:
### ldap.subgroup.filter=(&(objectclass\=group)(memberOf\=%s))

# This specifies group attributes to retrieve: for the unique ID and
# distinguished name.
# Example:

# This specifies the DN search base for users.
# Example:
### ldap.user.base=DC\=ldap,DC\=acme,DC\=com

# This specifies filter for querying users by the groups to which they belong
# using the distinguished name of the group in question.  %s should be
# provided at the point in which the search string is substituted.
# Example:
### ldap.user.filter=(&(objectClass\=user)(memberOf\=%s))

# This specifies user attributes to retrieve: for the unique ID and
# distinguished name.
# Example:
### ldap.user.attr.dn=distinguishedName

This version of the documentation is no longer supported. However, the documentation is available for your convenience. You will not be able to leave comments.
