Control-M for Azure Resource Manager

The Azure Resource Manager service enables you to create, update, and delete resources in your Azure account and to secure and organize your resources after deployment.

Control-M for Azure Resource Manager enables you to do the following:

  • Manage Azure Resource Manager credentials in a secure connection profile.
  • Connect to any Azure Resource Manager endpoint.
  • Integrate Azure Resource Manager jobs with other Control-M jobs into a single scheduling environment.
  • Monitor the status, results, and output of Azure Resource Manager jobs in the Monitoring domain.
  • Attach an SLA job to your Azure Resource Manager jobs.
  • Introduce all Control-M capabilities to Control-M for Azure Resource Manager including advanced scheduling criteria, complex dependencies, Resource Pools, Lock Resources, and variables.

Control-M for Azure Resource Manager Compatibility

The following table lists the prerequisites that are required to use the Azure Resource Manager plug-in, each with its minimum required version.

Control-M Application Integrator9.0.21.100
Control-M Web9.0.21.100
Control-M Automation API9.0.21.125

Control-M for Azure Resource Manager is supported on Control-M Web and Control-M Automation API, but not on Control-M client.

To download the required installation files for each prerequisite, see Obtaining Control-M Installation Files.

Setting up Control-M for Azure Resource Manager

This procedure describes how to deploy the Azure Resource Manager plug-in, create a connection profile, and define an Azure Resource Manager job in Control-M Web and Automation API.


Integration plug-ins released by BMC require an Application Integrator installation at your site. However, these plug-ins are not editable and you cannot import them into Application Integrator. To deploy these integrations to your Control-M environment, you import them directly into Control-M using Control-M Automation API.

Before You Begin

Verify that Automation API is installed, as described in Automation API Installation.


  1. Create a temporary directory to save the downloaded files.

  2. Download the Azure Resource Manager plug-in from the Control-M for Azure Resource Manager download page in the EPD site.
  3. Install the Azure Resource Manager plug-in via one of the following methods:
    • (9.0.21 or higher) Use the Automation API Provision service:
      1. Log in to the Control-M/EM Server machine as an Administrator and store the downloaded zip file in the one of the following locations (within several minutes, the job type appears in Control-M Web):
        • Linux: $HOME/ctm_em/AUTO_DEPLOY
        • Windows: <EM_HOME>\AUTO_DEPLOY
      2. Log in to the Control-M/Agent machine and run the provision image command, as follows:
        • Linux: ctm provision image Azure_Resource_Manager_plugin.Linux
        • Windows: ctm provision image Azure_Resource_Manager_plugin.Windows
    • ( or lower) Use the Automation API Deploy service, as described in deploy jobtype.
  4. Create an Azure Resource Manager connection profile in Control-M Web or Automation API, as follows:
  5. Define an Azure Resource Manager job in Control-M Web or Automation API, as follows:


To remove this plug-in from an Agent, follow the instructions in Removing a Plug-in. The plug-in ID is ZRM082023.

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