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Adding custom panels or sections to the server details page and advanced configurations options page

NEW IN 4.6.06

How you configure options can determine how they are appear in the server details page or advanced configurations options page of the My Cloud Services console. The customized panel or section can contain custom fields or other content. For example, you might want a panel that focuses on a business justification. The panel might include fields like Proposed Use and Backup Plan.

This topic includes:

The overall process

The process for adding custom panels or sections is as follows:

Step 1: 

You define the use case to be implemented using the custom panel.

Step 2:

Design the custom panel. For example, what are the input fields on the custom panel.

Step 3:

Create appropriate data sources. For more information, refer to Adding dynamic lists to fields.

Step 4: 

Design the AO workflow those are executed as part of pre-call out or post-call out day 2 operation.

Step 5:

You can find the location of the custom folder in one of the following files:

  • config.properties (if the My Cloud Services console UI is installed as a standalone)
    • (Windows<CLMUIInstallDirectory>\tomcat\webapps\clmui\WEB-INF\classes\config.properties
    • (Linux<CLMUIInstallDirectory>/tomcat/webapps/clmui/WEB-INF/classes/config.properties

  • cloudservices.json (if the My Cloud Services console UI is installed as part of the Platform Manager)
    • (Windows)<PMInstallDirectory>\Platform_Manager\configuration\cloudservices.json
    • (Linux)  <PMInstallDirectory>/Platform_Manager/configuration/cloudservices.json

Step 6:

  • The cloud administrator creates a custom panel in HTML format.
  • The cloud administrator implements callback hooks in JavaScript for initializing, validating, and fetching the custom field values.  This includes updating the java script to use the data source configuration that you created step 3.
  • The cloud administrator updates the customPanelsConfig.json and customResourcesToInclude.txt files to indicate where the HTML panel should appear. For more information, see Using sample files.
  • The cloud administrator goes to the platform manager host and updates the <BMC_CLM_Install_folder>\Platform_Manager\configuration\customField\metadata.json file to indicate the custom field and its type. For an example of how fields are customized in that file, see Customizing the Cart Checkout page. In BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management 4.6.06, String data type is supported.

Step 7: 

Step 8:

  • Clear cache.
  • Log on to the My Cloud Services console (EUP). Ensure that you should see your custom panel and the appropriate data source is working.

    • (For server details page) My Cloud Console > My requests> Click on appropriate server name > Go to the server details page.

    • (For advanced configurations options)  My Cloud Console > advanced configuration > Click on the appropriate option.

Using sample files

You can find sample panels in the  CLMInstallationFolder\Cloud_UI\custom_sample folder. The custom panels are included in the customPanelsConfig_SAMPLE.json file. The path of the JavaScript files are included in the customResourcesToInclude.txt  file. The html files and JavaScript files used in the samples are under the CLMInstallationFolder\Cloud_UI\custom_sample\samples folder.

The sample files show how to add the callback methods in JavaScript for initializing and handling events. For more information, see Using JavaScript to customize the My Cloud Services console.

To use the samples:

  1. Copy the required files from the custom_sample folder to your CLMInstallationFolder\Cloud_UI\custom folder.


    Do not confuse the custom directory here with the custom directory in installationDirectory\tomcat\webapps\clmui.
  2. Rename the customPanelsConfig_SAMPLE.json file to customPanelsConfig.json, or copy the contents to the existing customPanelsConfig.json file.
  3. Rename the customResourcesToInclude_SAMPLE.txt file to customResourcesToInclude.txt, or copy the contents to the existing customResourcesToInclude.txt file.
  4. Add the appropriate metadata to the CLMInstallationFolder\Platform_Manager\configuration\customField\metadata.json file.
    For an example of this procedure, see Customizing the Cart Checkout page.

To add a custom panel or section

  1. Create a customPanelsConfig.json file in the custom folder. (Use the example in step 2 to create the file.)
    You can find the location of the custom folder in one of the following files:
    • config.properties (if the My Cloud Services console UI is installed as a standalone)
    • cloudservices.json (if the My Cloud Services console UI is installed as part of the Platform Manager)

  2. Use the following example customResourcesToInclude.txt file, and edit your file to create the custom panel or section:

    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="custom/samples/reportsmenu/styles/css/reports.css">
    <script type="text/javascript" src="custom/samples/reportsmenu/scripts/soi_report.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="custom/samples/reportsmenu/scripts/server_report.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="custom/samples/offeringpanels/projectInfoPanel.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="custom/samples/checkoutpanel/checkoutInfoPanel.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="custom/samples/offeringpanels/userInfoPanel.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="custom/samples/serverconfigpanels/InfoDay2Panel.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="custom/samples/serverconfigtropanels/InfoDay2TROPanel.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="custom/samples/serveroperatoractionpanels/InfoDay2OpActionPanel.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="custom/samples/serverlistoperatoractionpanels/InfoDay2ServerListOpActionPanel.js"></script>

  3. Use the following example customPanelsConfig.json file, and edit your file to create the custom panel or section:

        "panel_name": "checkoutInfoPanel",
        "title": "",
        "url": "custom/samples/checkoutpanel/checkoutInfoPanel.html",
        "location": "cart.checkout",
        "entry_point_function": "mycompany.clmui.cart.checkoutInfoEntryPointFn"
        "panel_name": "projectInfoPanel",   
        "title": "Project Information",
        "title_i18nkey": "cust_panel_project_info",  
        "header_i18nkey": "cust_panel_project_info", 
        "url": "custom/samples/offeringpanels/projectInfoPanel.html", 
        "location": "catalog.offering",
        "entry_point_function": "mycompany.clmui.request.projectInfoEntryPointFn",
        "panel_icon":"__icon-list panelIcon"
        "panel_name": "userInfoPanel",
        "title": "User Infomation",
        "title_i18nkey": "cust_panel_user_info",
        "header_i18nkey": "cust_panel_user_info",
        "url": "custom/samples/offeringpanels/userInfoPanel.html",
        "location": "catalog.offering",
        "entry_point_function": "mycompany.clmui.request.userInfoEntryPointFn",
        "panel_icon":"__icon-list panelIcon"
        "panel_name": "amazonInfoPanel",
        "title": "Amazon Information",
        "title_i18nkey": "cust_panel_project_info",
        "header_i18nkey": "cust_panel_project_info",
        "url": "custom/samples/serverconfigpanels/amazonDay2Panel.html",
        "entry_point_function": "mycompany.clmui.request.amazonInfoEntryPointFn",
        "location": "server.config",
        "panel_icon":"__icon-list panelIcon"
        "panel_name": "amazonInfoTROPanel",
        "title": "Amazon Information",
        "title_i18nkey": "cust_panel_project_info",
        "header_i18nkey": "cust_panel_project_info",
        "url": "custom/samples/serverconfigtropanels/amazonDay2TROPanel.html",
        "entry_point_function": "mycompany.clmui.request.amazonInfoTROEntryPointFn",
        "location": "server.config.tro",
        "panel_icon":"__icon-list panelIcon"
        "panel_name": "testAO:Get Supported Types",
        "title": "Amazon Information",
        "title_i18nkey": "cust_panel_project_info",
        "header_i18nkey": "cust_panel_project_info",        
        "entry_point_function": "mycompany.clmui.request.amazonInfoOperatorActionEntryPointFn",
        "location": "server.config.actions",
        "panel_icon":"__icon-list panelIcon"
        "panel_name": "testAOCallout:Test Process",
        "title": "Amazon Information",
        "title_i18nkey": "cust_panel_project_info",
        "header_i18nkey": "cust_panel_project_info",
        "entry_point_function": "mycompany.clmui.request.amazonInfoServerListOperatorActionEntryPointFn",
        "location": "server.list.actions",
        "panel_icon":"__icon-list panelIcon"

Ensure that the value of the location property is "location": "server.config.actions" for server details page and "location": "server.config.tro" for advanced configurations page.

        "panel_name": "myCartCheckoutPanel",
        "title": "",
        "title_i18nkey": "",
        "url": "custom/cartcheckout.html",
        "location": "cart.checkout"
        "panel_name": "myAdditionalDisksPanel",         // REQUIRED. A unique name for this panel. In case of custom operator action, this should match with workflow name.
        "title": "Additional Disks",                    // OPTIONAL. If given, then it will be displayed as the title for the panel.
        "title_i18nkey": "cust_panel_addtldisks",       // OPTIONAL. This is the i18nkey for the title. If given, then the localized string will be looked up.
        "header": "Disk1, Disk2",                       // OPTIONAL. This is the string displayed as the header of the panel.
        "header_i18nkey": "addtldisk_header",           // OPTIONAL. This is the i18nkey for the header string.
        "panel_icon": "panelIcon",                      // OPTIONAL. If given, then this will add a new custom class to panel icon. Default icon is __icon-list
        "url": "custom/additionaldisks.html",           // REQUIRED. The html file to display in the custom panel embedded. This is not required for custom operator actions.
        "location": "catalog.offering.servergroup",     // REQUIRED. Where to embed this panel. See also location_data below.
        "location_data": {                                // OPTIONAL. Additional data that is needed to place the panel correctly. Content varies based on the location property
            "offerings": ["offering1", "offering2"],  // OPTIONAL. List of offerings (comma-separated offering names) for which to add the panel.
            "servergroup_tags": "<tags>",             // OPTIONAL. Server group tags that identifies which server groups to include.
            "panel_index": 1,                         // OPTIONAL. 0-based index of where to place.
            "servergroup_names" : ["servergroup1", "servergroup2"],  // OPTIONAL. List of server group names to include.
            "transaction_requestable_offerings" : [tro1, tro2]       // OPTIONAL. Required for advanced configuration options. Should match with option name. If you want to apply the custom panel for all advanced configuration options, leave this field blank. This is the default behaviour.
        "entry_point_function": "mycompany.clmui.request.addtlDisksPanelEntryPointFn",  // REQUIRED unless the panel is just read-only information. Console will call this method and pass the API context.
        "roles": ["CLOUD ADMIN", "CLOUD ORGANIZATION ADMIN", "CLOUD END USER"], // OPTIONAL. Roles for which the panel should appear.
        "tenants": ["calbro", "widgetsinc"]                                      // OPTIONAL. List of tenants for which this panel should appear. If left out, then all tenants will see.

Following are more details about each key in the file:



(Required) Name for the panel. (The name should be unique among the default and custom panels.)


(Optional) Title for the panel.

In the following example, "ADDITIONAL DISKS" is the title.


(Optional) Localization key for the title. If this key is specified, the localized string is looked up in the CLMInstallationFolder\Cloud_UI\custom\i18n\resources-locale_*.jsfile. (* represents the browser locale.)

If the title_i18nkey key is not specified, then the title is displayed as it is specified in the configuration file.


(Optional) Header string displayed in the header of the panel.

In the example above, "Disk 1, Disk 2" is the header.

header_i18nkey(Optional) Localization key for the header string. If this key is included, the localized string is looked up in the CLMInstallationFolder\Cloud_UI\custom\i18n\resources-locale_*.js file. (* represents the browser locale.) If the header_i18nkey is not specified, the header is displayed as it is specified in the configuration file.
panel_icon(Optional) Custom class for the panel icon. The default icon is __icon-listIf you want to use a different icon, add the new class to the CLMInstallationFolder\Cloud_UI\custom\skinning\css\styles.css file, and add the same class name to the configuration file.


(Required) HTML file to display in the custom panel.


(Required) Specifies where to place the panel. If it is inside a server group’s panel, and if you want to put it only for certain server groups, that server group will be identified by tag or name. Valid values:

  • catalog.offering– For the Catalog service details page (top-level)
  • catalog.offering.servergroup– For the Catalog service details page; applies to all server groups, or specific ones as defined by additional information in location_data
  • server.config.actions  For the server details page (Day 2 operations)
  • server.config.tro– For the advanced configurations page; applies to all options, or specific ones as defined by additional information in location_data
  • server.list.actions– For the Custom Server Operator Actions


(Optional) Additional information needed to place the panel.

You can specify additional location data in these properties:

  • offerings – Identifies the offerings for which the panel will be added. Offerings are identified by their names, and you can specify 0 or more names. If the list is empty, or if the offerings property is not present, the panel is added to all the offerings.
  • servergroup_tags – Identifies which server groups the panel applies to. The identifier is tag, which is configured in blueprints in the Service Designer of BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management. If the servergroup_tags key is not specified, the panel applies to all the server groups.
    • If the panel applies to all server groups, or if the tag matches more than one server group, the panel is placed above all the server groups (like generic options panels).
    • If a panel applies to multiple server groups, it is also placed above all server groups, and the panel title lists the server group names that the panel applies to.
    • If the tag matches only one server group, the panel is placed inside the server group.
  • (Applicable only to panels placed inside a server group) panel_index– A 0-based index that instructs where to place the panel inside a server group panel in relation to other subpanels such as Hardware and Software. If the index is 0, the panel will be the first one inside the server group and so on. If the panel_index property is not specified, the custom panel will be placed as the last panel inside the server group. 
  • (Applicable only to advanced configuration options) transaction_requestable_offerings - A flag that instructs where to place the panel in the advanced configuration options. If the flag is blank, the custom panel will be placed for all the advanced configuration options. Else, you can specify the name of the options as comma separated values in the flag. For example,
    "transaction_requestable_offerings" : [ “AdvanceTRO1”],
    "transaction_requestable_offerings" : [ “AdvanceTRO1”,”AdvanceTRO2”]


(Required)Method that the My Cloud Services console will call and then pass the API context.


(Optional)Roles who will see the panel. It is a comma-separated list of 0 or more roles.

Valid roles:


For example, if CLOUD ORGANIZATION ADMIN is specified, only tenant admins will see it. If roles is not specified, all users (end users, tenant administrators, and administrators) will see the panel.


(Optional)Tenants who will see the panel. It is a comma-separated list of tenant IDs. (The tenants are defined in the Tenants workspace.)

If tenants is not specified, the panel will appear for all users (after accounting for the roles specified). For example, if roles is defined as CLOUD END USER and tenants is defined as calbro_id, all end users of Calbro will see the panel.

To pass data back to BMC Atrium Orchestrator or the HTTP server

Complete the following step to ensure that data from fields on a custom panels is passed to BMC Atrium Orchestrator or the HTTP server. The data is passed in the form of CustomField objects that are embedded within the CSM request.

  1. On the provider operation, set the pre-callout or post-callout to indicate which details must be passed to BMC Atrium Orchestrator workflow or a HTTP server call.

 Use the following syntax for embedded CustomField objects in CSM requests. See also a complete CSM request (CSMRequest.txt) and a SampleAOCallout.roar file (attached to this topic).

<CloudObject class="CustomField" name="CustomField">
<date>2015-09-22 01:33:30.0 CDT</date>
<CloudObject class="CustomField" name="CustomField">
<date>2015-09-22 01:33:30.0 CDT</date>

This version of the documentation is no longer supported. However, the documentation is available for your convenience. You will not be able to leave comments.
